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14 Cards in this Set

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What is bacteremia?
What is Viremia?
Is the blood a sterile system?
How common are pathogens in the blood?
Normally the bood is a sterile system.

Bacteremia is a bacterial infection of the blood.

viremia is a viral infection in the bloodstream.

Sometimes few bacteria or viruses are in the blood and there are no symptoms.

If the pathogens spread throughout the body, a systemic infection occurs.
Is the blood system a comfortable place for microorganisms?
Blood would seem to be an ideal environment since thre is a high concentration of oxygen comfortable PH and temperature and yet blood is not a comfortable breeding ground for microorganisms for these reasons;
1. the constant stream
2 the ingredients of immunity
3 the blood is all filtrated in the spleen which arrests microorganisms.
and nevertheless, in some conditions bacteria develps in the blood and cause a systemic infection.
What is septicemia?
What are the risk factors for septicia?

1. Infected lungs, stomach, urinary system, skin.
2. deep wounds like abcesses or cellulitis
3. Sinusitis, meningitis.
4. Any penetrating treatment
5. Surgery of an infected area especially the stomach with lots of bacteria
6. open lines like catheter, dialysis, chemo
7. people with weak immune system
8. patients having long hospitalization who are always at risk for infection of the body and of the blood
What are the symptoms of septisemia?
What are the complications?
The symptoms of septicemia are;
1. very high fever
2 waves of chills with sweat which come and go
3 nausea, vomit, diahrrhea- these point to a suspicion of sepsis of the blood.
What are the complications?
1 meningitis
2 infection of the heart lining
3 infection of the heart
4 bone infection
5 septic shock which may lead to death.
what is the way to evaluate if there is sepsis?
1. differential blood count shows level of white blood cells.
2. cultures of the blood, phlegm, urine, bruises and CSF
what is the treatment for sepsis?
urgent antibiotic which is given immediately before specific evaluation as a broad spectrum. As soon as specific bacteria is identified, narrow spectrum antibiotic is given.
fluids via IV
what is the process leading to septic shock?
Septic shock may not be caused by a bacteria in the blood, bacteremia.
it can be caused by the release of LPS from the membrane of bacteria. It connects to bones and proteins.
The immune system gets ready to fight and starts the inflammation process; Tsitokenes, Interleukons, are activated. Macrophages cause inflammation, widening of blood vessels, lowering blood pressure, too much coagulation leaves no more coagulation materials to the blood and due to DIC, massive bleeding occurs. The complementary system and prostaglandins are activated. This casues too much damage to endothiel cellss of the blood vessels and the body systems fail. The respiratory system is affected-ARDS as capillaries are blocked. The degree of permeability of the capillaries is changed. Much loss of liquids from the blood vessels to the tissue, blood pressure decrease leads to heart failure and septic shock takes place.
Depending on when it is caught, it can be reversible.
Describe risk factors for septic shock among newborns.
What are the statistics of death for newborns?
what are the symptoms?
1. a severe infection in the first month of life.
2. low birth weight below 1.5kilo
3. boys are twice more at risk
4. problems at birth

25% of neonatal deaths

symptoms of septic shock;
1. apathy,confusion and fatigue due to less blood flow to the brain.
2. fast breathing due to less blood in the lungs.
3. chills, fever, decreased urination, unstable ulse and blood pressure.
4. drastic loss of body temperature.
5. kidney, heart, lung failure
6. blood clots which can block the heart and lungs.
What causes Anthrax?
Where in the world is Anthrax found?
Who developed the vaccine?
How does the bacteria escape the immune system?
What is the weapon of this bacteria?
Anthrax is caused by the bacteria Bqacillus anthracis.
It is found in Asia and Africa.
Pasteur made a vaccine from heat killed bacteria.
The bacteria is found mostly on animals but also on people and creates spores.
The bacteria has a capsule which helps it get away from the immune system.
the bacteria has two poisons; the first poison causes edema. the second poison causes cell death.
How is anthrax contracted?
1. mostly via the skin;
a. direct contact with an infected animal.
b. it needs a bruise or scratch on the skin to penetrate.
c. there is no evidence of it passing from person to person.
2. (rare) via the digestive system
a. eating contaminated meat
3.(rare)via the respiratory system
a. aspiration of bacterial spores
how is anthrax contracted via the skin?
What are the symptoms?
What are the complications?
What's the prognosis when left untreated?
The bacillus anthrasis penetrates the skin and the spore sprouts and secretes the anthrax toxin.
After 12 hours to 5 days a bruise develops surrounded by a blistery ring which secretes a light liquid which is from the inflammation pus.
The pus blackens and becomes necrotic, and is surrounded by swelling.
The bruise doesn't usually hurt.
The symptoms are; feeling sick, muscle and head ache, fever, nausea and vomitting.
The infection will spread among 10% of anthrax patients to the lymph nodes and the blood.
Without treatment, these patients will die.
How does the anthrax infect the digestive system?
What is the danger?
What are the symptoms?
What is the death rate if untreated?
Anthrax infects the digestive system via;
1. the intake of contaminated meat or water.
The danger is it can spread to the blood stream and cause death.
The anthrax spreads in the intestines and secretes its toxin.
The symptoms are;
bleeding in the intestines, destruction of tissues in the intestines.
The symptoms are; fever, nausea, vomitting, stomach ache, bloody diahrrhea.
Left untreated, half will die.