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66 Cards in this Set

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The solute concentration of a solution


Animals that maintain a constant internal solute concentration


Animals whose internal solute concentration conforms to the concentration of solutes in the environment

Afferent arteriole

Brings blood to the nephron to be filtered (Larger than Efferent!)

Efferent arteriole

Removes blood from the nephron (minus filtered components)


Capillary tuft where filtration occurs

Pressure is Particularly high

Bowman's Capsule

First part of nephron where filtrate is collected

Proximal Convoluted Tubule

Where selective reabsorption occurs, has many mitochondria and microvilli

Loop of Henle (descending and ascending limb)

Important for establishing a salt gradient in the medulla

descending- carries filtrate into the medulla

ascending- carries filtrate back to the cortex

Distal Convoluted Tubule

Final site of selective reabsorption (walls have low permeability to water)

Collecting Duct

Feeds into the ureter through the renal pelvis and is where osmoregulation occurs (walls have a low permeability to water)

Vasa Recta

Blood network that reabsorbs components from the filtrate


a form of homeostasis whereby the concentration of hemolymph or blood is kept within a certain range

(Holds true for water and solutes in the body)

in other cases just say

"Keeps solutes in balance at an appropriate level"

The nitrogenous waste product of digestion is...

Toxic and needs to be excreted

Fish excrete...


Mammals excrete...


Birds, insects and reptiles excrete...

Uric Acid

Kidney's Function

To filter and cleanse the bloodstream

Osmoregulation and excretion

Difference between the renal artery and the renal vein...

The renal artery puts blood into each of the kidneys while the renal vein drains blood away.

Artery- IN

Vein- OUT

All substances are filtered from blood plasma apart from...



Basic functional unit of the kidney

Sequence in which blood flows (8)

-Renal artery

-Afferent arteriole


-Efferent arteriole

-Peritubular capillaries

-Vasa Recta


-Renal Vein

Peritubular capillaries

a low pressure capillary that runs across the convoluted tubules and absorbs fluid

Vasa Recta

Descending limb carries blood into the medulla

Ascending limb brings it back to the cortex


Carry blood to the renal vein

What is the fluid excreted from the glomerulus called?

glomerular filtrate

Ultrafiltration in the Glomerulus

-separation of particles differing in size


gaps in the wall of the capillary which allows fluid to escape (allows transport of substances)

The "Basement membrane"

Covers ad supports the walls of the capillaries and prevents plasma proteins from being filtered out

(made of negatively charged glycoproteins)


Create the wall of the nephron lumen, forming the inner wall of the Bowman's Capsule

-Help prevent small molecules from being filtered

Difference between Glomerular filtrate and Urine...

Glomerular filtrate has 5.5 kg of glucose. Urine has no glucose

Reabsorption in the proximal convoluted tubule...

Reabsorbs all glucose and amino acids and 80% of water/minerals

Sodium ions in the Proximal Convoluted Tubule...

Move my active transport pump proteins in outer membrane of tubule cells

Chloride ions in the Proximal Convoluted Tubule...

Attracted because of charge gradient to space OUTSIDE of the tubule

Glucose in the Proximal Convoluted Tubule...

co-transported with sodium ions (Na+) into proximal tubule walls

Water in the Proximal Convoluted Tubule...

Transported by Osmosis solutes in filtrate create a solute concentration gradient

Ascending Limb in the Loop of Henle

-Creates a gradient of solute concentration in the medulla (hypertonic)

-Sodium ions are pumped into the interstitial fluid

-Wall is impermeable to water

Descending Limb in the Loop of Henle

Permeable to water and impermeable to sodium ions

-Water is drawn out of the filtrate until it reaches the same concentration as the interstitial fluid

Countercurrent multiplier system (Loop of Henle)

The flow of liquid in opposite directions a steeper solute concentration developed in the medulla

Countercurrent system in the vasa recta

Prevents blood from diluting the solute concentration of the medulla

-allows water removed from filtrate to be carried out

Loop of Henle Length

The longer the Loop of Henle the more water volume is reclaimed. Animals adapted to dry habitats have thicker medullas and longer loops of Henle

Filtrate in the distal convoluted tubule is...


When a large volume of urine is produced...

-Hypothalamus detects too high solute concentration

-Pituitary gland secretes a hormone

-ADH (Antidiuretic hormone) activates

-ADH causes walls to become MORE PERMEABLE TO WATER

-Osmosis occurs in the medulla

When ADH is present vs not present

Present- Urine volume relatively high (water stays in urine)

Not Present- Only small volume of water stays in urine (Much less urine produced)

Out of Proteins, Glucose and Urea which are NOT present in the glomerular filtrate?


Out of Proteins, Glucose and Urea which are NOT present in Urine

Proteins and Glucose


Blood sugar is not being regulated properly

Some of the abnormal amounts of glucose in a patient appears in the urine


The fluid produced by the kidneys which consists of water and dissolved waste products

The total volume of water eliminated in urine depends on...

-Volume of water ingested

-Perspiration rate

-Ventilation rate


When more water leaves the body than comes in

Consequences of Dehydration

-Disruption of metabolic processes

-Darkened urine


-Blood pressure fall

-Increased heart rate


An over-consumption of water

Over hydration results and symptoms

-Dilution of blood solutes

-Body fluids are hypotonic

-Swelling of cells

-Headache and nerve function disruption


A solution which has a greater solute concentration than the cytosol


A solution having less solute concentration than the cytosol

Kidney Failure Causes

Diabetes or chronic high blood pressure

Treatment Options for Kidney Failure

Renal Dialysis or kidney transplant

Renal Dialysis

Blood passes over an artificial semi-permeable membrane in the dialysis machine

-Purified blood is returned to the patient via a vein

Kidney Transplant (pros and cons)

Advantage- greater independence of movement

Disadvantage- Rejection of organ


Examination of urine for any deviation from normal composition

Test strip changes color to negative a positive or negative result

Urinalysis Tests Indicate...

pH, protein level, and glucose level

High levels of glucose and proteins in urine mean that...

The patient has diabetes

High protein levels mean that...

The patient has damaged kidneys

Panel Drug test

Based on monoclonal antibody technology look for presence of drugs in the urine

Presence of erythrocytes mean that...

The patient has a kidney stone or tumor in the urinary tract

Presence of white blood cells mean that...

The patient has a urinary tract infection