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10 Cards in this Set

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Introduction to HP

* Hydrological cycle gives rise to water energy(water head(potential), kinetic and pressure.

* Sun is the main source of energy in the Hydrological cycle.

Hydropower system

It converts water energy in flowing water into electrical energy

How a Hydroelectric Power System Works

* Flowing water is directed at a turbine(waterwheels).

* The flowing water causes the turbine to rotate, converting the water’s kinetic energy into mechanical energy.

* The turbine uses the water energy generated and not the actual flowing water.

* The water energy is transmitted to the generator by the shaft.

* This water energy is received by stator in the generator which is then collected by the magnetic coil to convert the mechanical energy to electrical energy.

Hydropower system unit

1. Generator- Rotor, stator

2. Turbine

Process of HP generation

Factors that influence HP generation

1. Water head- The height which the water falls.

2. Flow rate(Discharge)- The quantity of water flowing in a given time. It depends on the size of the river and the amount of water flowing in it.


The greater the water head and flow rate, the more electricity is produced.

Standard equation for calculating energy production:

Classification of hydroelectric

1. According to available water quantity

a. Run-off plant without pondage- No water storage

b. Run-off plant with pondage- Temporary water storage during off peak periods(night time) and use of this water during peak periods(Day time).

c. Reservoir plant- Large size for water storage from wet season to the next dry season.

2. According to availability of water head

a. Low head- H<30m

b. Medium head- 30<H<60m

c. High head- H>60

3. According to nature of load

a. Base load plant- Provides a steady flow of power regardless of total power demand by the grid.

b. Peak load plant

Advantage of HP

* Operation, running and maintenance costs are low.

* Much more reliable than wind, solar or wave power.

* Energy is virtually free once the dam is built.

* No waste or pollution produced.

* No fuel is burnt and the plant is quite neat & clean.


Disadvantage of HP

* Land-use oriented

* Dams are very expensive to build.

* Fish migration is restricted.

* May cause floods in large regions.

* Finding a suitable site can be difficult - the impact on residents and the environment may be unacceptable.

* Water quality and quantity downstream can be affected, which can have an impact on plant life.

* Capital cost of generators, civil engineering works and cost of transmission lines is very high.