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42 Cards in this Set

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Areal RF equation


Saturation pressure

Pressure if water vapour in equilibrium with its liquid

Relative humidity

vapour pressure of air : saturation vapour pressure


Vapour pressure of air


Saturation vapour pressure

Equation for relative humidity

RH= ed/es * 100

What does saturated vapour pressure change with


Dew point temperature does cold or hot air hold less water vapour

When moist air below the saturation vapour content at one temperature is cooled until the saturation vapour content at a lower temp is reached

Does cool or hot air hold more water vapour


How do clouds form above land

Land is warm and hot air rises. Dry air expands as it rises and cools. Stops when is it the same temp as surrounding air

How do clouds form over water does cold or warm air have a higher dew point temp

Cooling of moist air can cause it to reach dew point temples condenses

Does cold or warm air have a higher saturation vapour pressure consensati



Cloud condensation nuclei. Water vapour condenses on aerosols to make cloud

How does rain form from Warm clouds

Collision and coalescence

Water droplets are large enough to overcome air currents

how does rain form in Cold clouds

Ice crystals attract water vapour

How does precipitation occur

Water vapour goes up and droplets form on aerosols. Get bigger with condensation, get heavy. Some get smaller via evaporation and repeat the process but others get bigger via aggregation and fall

Hygroscopic particle

Something that attracts water from surroundings

Non recording gauge

Uses a measuring cylinder

Tipping bucket rain gauge

Tips certain amounts out and use an electric signal for recording

Weighing rain gauge

Records a trace on the drum chart with weight of water collected. Has a pen inside

What are some problems when using a rain gauge





Methods for areal average rainfall estimates

Arithmetic average

Thiessen polygon method

Isohyetal method

Thiessen polygon method

Rain gauges are set up and separated. The rainfall for each polygon is

the rainfall in mm*area of the polygon

Isohyetal method

Lines of equal rainfall


Line of equal rainfall

How else can rainfall be measured



Return period equation

T= 1/exceedance probability

Convective precipitation which

Warm moist air rises, condensation and thunderstorms

Return period of 10 years






Depth duration frequency curve. Lines connect rain data in the same storm

What do each of the curves on a DDF curve represent what

Return period

What are PMPs used for

Probably maximum precipitation. Used an inputs for models used to estimate design storms ie dam spillways, drainage structures, land use for flooding management

Adiabatic lapse rate

Explains how cooling occurs as vapour rises up in atmosphere and temperature subsequently drops

Vapour pressure vs air temp graph

Back (Definition)

Which precipitation type is caused by earths hot surface


Orographic precipitation

Horizontal air currents are forced to rise over natural barriers.

Rainshadow effect

Moist rain does not make it over natural barriers

Cold front

advancing Cold front forces hot air to rise, causes rapid cooling and intense but short rainfall

Warm front

Advancing Warm air rises up over cold air, gradual cooling. Moderate but long rainfall

Frontal precipitation

Rain resulting from meeting or warm and cold air currents

What is air movement affected by

Coriolis affect and friction

Vapour pressure vs air temp graph

Back (Definition)