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265 Cards in this Set

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_________________: birth control pills that contain a combination of estrogen and progesterone.
Combination birth control pills
______________: the pregnancy rate occurring using a particular contraceptive method; the percentage of women who will be pregnant after a year of use of the method.
Failure rate
________ ______: a birth control pill containing a steady level of estrogen and three phases of progesterone, intended to mimic more closely women's natural hormone cycles.
Triphasic Pill
________________: a plastic device sometimes containing metal or a hormone that is inserted into the uterus for contraceptive purposes.
Intauterine device (IUD):
___________: a cap-shaped rubber contraceptive device that fits inside a woman's vagina over the cervix.
_______ ______: a contraceptive sheath that is placed over the penis.
Male Condom
_____________: a substance that kills sperm
________: flushing out the inside of the vagina with a liquid.
___________: a method of birth control in which the man withdrawals his penis from his partner's vagina before he ejaculates.
___________________: a method of birth control that involves abstaining from intercourse around the time a women ovulates.
Rhythm (fertility awareness) method
__________ ______: a type of rhythm method of birth control in which the woman determines when she ovulates by keeping a calendar record of the length of her menstrual cycles.
Calendar Method
_______________: a type of rhythm method of birth control in which the woman determines when she ovulated by keeping track of her temperature.
Basal Body Temperature (BBT):
________________: a type of rhythm method of birth control in which to women determines when she ovulated by checking her cervical mucus.
Cervical mucus method
________: a surgical procedure by which an individual is made sterile, that is, incapable of reproducing.
______________: a type of rhythm method of birth control combining basal body temperature method and the cervical mucus method.
Sympto-thermal method
_________: a surgical procedure for male sterilization involving severing of the vas deferens.
___________: a method of female sterilization
__________: the termination of pregnancy.
______________: a method of abortion that is performed during the first trimester and involves suctioning out the contents of the uterus. Also called suction curettage.
Vacuum apiration
___________: the abortion pill
When are the healthiest pregnancies?
3-5 years apt.
How many adolescent pregnancies are in the US?
On seasonal, how many days are you off and on?
84 days on, 7 days off
On the pill/combination pill, how many days are you off and on?
21 days on, 7 days off
How does the pill work?
by preventing ovulation
What is the role of estrogen in birth control?
inhibits FH production, and the message to ovulate is never sent out.
What is the role of progesterone in birth control?
It keeps the cervical mucus very thick, making it difficult for sperm to get through and it changes the lining of the uterus in such a way that even if a fertilized egg were to arrive, implantation would be unlikely.
How effective are birth control pills?
100% if taken as directed.
You should not take the pill if...
you have blood clotting problems
How much does birth control cost?
50$ a month.
Name two types of pills other than the combination pill.
triphasis and progesterone only (mini pills)
What type of birth control pills contain a steady level of estrogen in three phases of progesterone, intended to mimic more closely women's natural hormone cycles?
What type of birth control pills contain only a low dose of progesterone and no estrogen, and were designed to avoid too much estrogen?
progesterone only pills (mini pills)
What method of birth control contains the same hormones as combination birth control pills but is administered through the skin (transdermally)?
The patch
What type of birth control is a flexible transparent ring made of plastic and filled with the same hormones as those in the combination pill, at slightly lower doses?
The vaginal Ring
What are 3 things to remember about emergency contraception?
-for instances such as rape or the condom breaking
-Most effective in the first 12-24 hours
-Between 75-89% effective
What is an example of emergency contraception?
Plan B
What is the goal of emergency contraception?
stop ovulation, inhibit the functioning of sperm, prevent fertilization, or inhibit the development of a nourishing endometrium.
What is progestin administered by injection?
How often is Depro-provera used?
every 3 months
What is a plastic device that sometimes contains metal or a hormone that is inserted into the uterus for contraceptive purposes?
What is known as a cap-shaped rubber contraceptive device that fits inside a woman's vagina over the cervix?
The diaphram
How does the diaphram work?
it is inserted into the vagina and, when properly placed, it fits snug over the cervix and blocks the entrance of the uterus so that sperm cannot swim into it.
The diaphram must...
be applied to the diaphram
What is vagina barrier device?
cervical cap
What is a contraceptive sheath that is placed over the penis?
Male Condom
What prevents the sperm from entering the vagina by blocking the entrance of the uterus?
Female Condoms
What is a substance that kills sperm?
What is the flushing out of the inside of the inside of the vagina with liquid?
What is a method of birth control in which the man withdrawals his penis from his partners vagina before he ejaculates?
What is a method of birth control that involves abstaining from intercourse around the time when a woman ovulates?
Fertility Awareness Methods
What birth control method is also called a rhythm method?
Fertility Awareness Methods
What is a type of rhythm method in which the woman determines when she ovulates by keeping a calendar record of the length of her cycles?
Calendar method
What is a variation on the calendar method, designed to make it simpler?
Standard days method
What is a type of rhythm method in which the woman determines when she is ovulating by keeping track of her temperature?
Basal Body Temperature
What is a type of rhythm method in which a woman determines when she ovulated by checking her cervical mucus?
Cervical Mucous Method
What is a type of rhythm method combining basal body temperature and the cervical mucus?
Sympto-Thermal Method
What is male sterilization?
What is the surgical procedure for male sterilization involving severing of the vas defrens?
How many abortions occur in the US in one year?
1.3 million
Name 6 ways to have an abortion
-Vacuum Aspiration
-Dialation and Evacuation
-Induced Labor
When is the vacuum aspiration of abortion used?
the first trimester (up to 14 weeks)
In what type of abortion uses and instrument that is inserted into the cervix and into the uterus, and the contents of the uterus are sucked out?
Vacuum Aspiration
In what type of abortion happens in a hospital, is used in 14-24 weeks of gestation, but it is more complicated because the fetus is larger?
Dialation and Evacuation
What type of abortion is the last trimester (20-24 weeks) the most common was is to inject a saline solution into the amniotic fluid and within hours that causes labor to begin and they only use if the pregnancy is far along?
Induced labor
What type of abortion is only used 1% of the time in the US?
Induced labor
What is a surgery performed in the 2nd trimester and is a c-section where the fetus is removed?
What is the most serious and most expensive type of abortion?
What is a drug that induces early abortion and causes the lining of the uterus to be expelled?
When must you use "Mifepristone?"
within 10 days of your missed period
Mifepristone is most effective when....
it is used by a woman who has been pregnant less than 49 days
What is a combination of drugs that are toxic to the embryo and causes uterine contractions?
What is used to treat ectopic pregnancies?
Name 3 new contraceptives for males
- a new condom
-male hormonal method
Name 4 new contraceptives for females
-fem cap and leas shield
-New IUD
-Nonsurgical sterilization
What do male hormonal methods do?
suppress sperm
What is a vaccine that interrupts the cycle that produces sperm?
What is a substance that kills sperm?
What are vaginal barriers that block sperm, put spermicide on the outside for more effectiveness?
Fem cap and Lea's shield
What happens when they inject a liquid silicone into the fallopian tubes which can be later removed?
Nonsurgical Sterilization
What are erotophobes?
People who don't like talking about sex. Their sex life is lots of guilt and fear. They have intercourse infrequently and few partners.
What are erotophiles?
People who talk about sex, they have sex frequently with multiple partners, and are aroused by sexually explicit films.
Who is better at using contraceptives?
__________________: the tendency to like a person more if we have been exposed to him or her repeatedly.
Mere-exposure effect
___________: the tendency to have contact with people who are equal in social status.
Antigay prejudice
negative attitudes towards gay and lesbians
Hate crimes reported
In adults: Males, Females
Males: 19%
Females: 28%
"Dont Ask, Don't Tell"
In 1993 Bill Clinton passed a law that made it possible for homosexuals people to join the military
Covert Homosexuals
Married to opposite gendered, respected in the community
Overt Homosexuals
Who is very open about their lifestyles, live entirely in the LGB community
________________: the tendency for men and women to choose as partners people who match them, that is, who are similar in attitudes, intelligence, and attractiveness.
Matching phenomenon
________: a quality of relationships characterized by commitment, feelings of closeness and trust, and self-disclosure.
______ ______: a story about what love should be like, including characters, a plot, and a theme.
Love Story:
_________________: telling personal things about yourself.
__________ ______: a state of intense longing for union with the other person and of intense physiological arousal.
Passionate Love
_________ ______: a feeling of deep attachment and commitment to a person with whom one has an intimate relationship.
Companionate love
_______ _______: defining some concept or term by how it is measured, for example, defining intelligence as those abilities that are measured by IQ tests.
Operational Definition
________________: Berscheid and Walster's theory that two conditions must exist simultaneously for passionate love to occur: physiological arousal and attaching a cognitive label "love" to the feeling.
Two-component theory of love
________ ___ _______: when a person in a stage of physiological arousal (e.g. from exercising or being in a frightening situation) attributes these feelings to love or attraction to the person present.
Misattribution of Arousal
_____: what the speaker means.
Identity Development
(Six Stages)
1. Identify confusion: may try to be hetero because it is what is expected of them
2. Identity Comparison: I may be homo because hetero doesn't feel right
3. Identity tolerance: learn to tolerate the fact that maybe they are homosexual
4. Identity Acceptance: where the person their sexuality
5. Identity Pride: further identification w/ homo, increased coming out of the closet
6.Identity Synthesis:they’re some good Gay and Straight people.
What happened after WWII in regards to the gay population?
Gay communities began to flourish--> creation of gay activists groups
Gay Baths
clubs where gay men and socialize; features include a swimming pool or whirlpool and access to casual sex
Concerns for children in Lesbian and Gay families
1. physiological problems
2. difficulties in relationships
3. sexual identity problems
Stats of Gender Identity:
Exclusively Homo:
Men 2%, Women 1%
_____: what someone else understands the speaker to mean.
______ _________: a communicator whose impact matches his or her intent.
Effective Communicator
____________: speaking for yourself, using the word "I"; not mind reading.
"I" language
_____ _______ : making assumptions about what your partner thinks or feels.
Mind Reading
_________: giving specific examples of the issue being discussed.
________: telling your partner what you are feeling by stating your thoughts clearly, simply, and honestly.
______: censoring or not saying things that would be deliberately hurtful to your partner or that are irrelevant.
____________: saying, in your own words, what you thought your partner meant.
_________ _______ : communication not through words, but through the body, e.g. eye contact, tone of voice, touching.
Nonverbal communication:
________ : telling your partner that, given his or her point of view, you can see why he or she things a certain way.
______ _____ : a set of rules designed to make arguments constructive rather than destructive.
Fighting Fair
_______ _______: a person's erotic and emotional orientation toward members of his or her own gender or members of the other gender.
Sexual Orientation
__________ : a person whose sexual orientation is towards members of the same gender.
__________ : a person whose sexual orientation is toward members of the other gender.
______ : a person whose sexual orientation is toward both men and women.
________: a woman whose sexual orientation is toward both men and women.
_____ : homosexual; especially male homosexuals.
________ : heterosexual; that is, a person whose sexual orientation is toward members of the opposite gender.
_________ : a strong, irrational fear of homosexuals; negative attitudes and reactions to homosexuals.
_______ ______: negative attitudes and behaviors towards gays and lesbians. Also termed sexual prejudice.
Antigay Prejudice
__________: the belief that everyone is heterosexual and that heterosexuality is the norm; homosexuality is denigrated.
_____ ________ : a homosexual who is "in the closet," who keeps his or her sexual orientation a secret.
Covert Homosexual
____ __________ : a homosexual who is "out of the closet," who is open about his or her sexual orientation.
Overt Homosexual
______ ______ : the process of acknowledging to oneself, and then to others, that one is gay lesbian.
Coming out
____ _______ : clubs where gay men and socialize; features include a swimming pool or whirlpool and access to casual sex.
Gay Baths
______ ______ : one's self-identity as homosexual, heterosexual, or bisexual.
Sexual Identity
______ ________ : a theoretical model in psychology and psychiatry in which mental problems are thought of as sickness or mental illness; the problems in turn are often thought to be due to biological factors.
Medical Model
_________________: any one of a number of treatments designed to turn LGBs into heterosexuals.
Conversion or reparative therapy
Having the belief that sexuality is something that must be expressed only privately, not publicly, is a common value among which ethnic group in America?
Asian American
Which of the following is NOT part of the biological theory?
Learning factors
Mere-Exposure Effect
A.K.A. "the girl next door". You have contact with somebody over and over again so you are more likely to be attracted to them
Birds of a Feather
Matching phenomenon, we tend to like people that are similar to us
another name for "Birds of a Feather"..."flock together"
Opposites attract
may be true with interpersonal style
Physical attractiveness (4)
one aspect of attractiveness, general body size, certain facial features, more important for males than females
Interpersonal marketplace
Based on the idea that we all have value
Laboratory to real life (4)
Similar attitudes leads to the most attraction, not so similar attitudes equals not so attractive, greater physical attractiveness leads to greater attraction by others, attraction is equal to similar attitudes and physical attractiveness.
On-Line attraction (5)
Tend to be rich, educated and 20-30 years old. They claim they have no time for singles bars. Some people believe that online resources help you focus on the person interest and values since you don't see them. they are not influenced by physical attractiveness. This may lead you to imagine a person that doesn't exist
Playing hard to get. Does it work?
Men are equally attracted to all easy to get women. Women who are selectively hard to get are seen as more attracted. Ideal attractiveness is limited sexual experience. In committed relationships most people desire sexual fidelity and exclusiveness. Men & women want partners who don't look at other people or brag about past sex
Preference of Attraction: Byrne's Law
We like people who reward us. We dislike people who punish us. If we are similar to someone, chances are our interactions will be rewarding. If you disagree on too many things, you will not be rewarded. Reinforcing to be with someone similar to us and attractive.
What event cemented together the gay community as it had never been before?
The HIV/AIDS crisis of the 1980s
Which symbol has been adopted as a symbol of gay pride?
pink triangle
Which of the following is NOT one of the six stages of identity development in the process of "coming out"?
Identity exaltation
Which of the following is NOT one of the six stages of identity development in the process of "coming out"?
Identity exaltation
Which of the following describes the results of research questioning which orientation is the natural state for humans?
Research has not definitively defined a natural state.
Which of the following statements about ritualized homosexuality in Melanesia is true?
It is viewed as a means by which a boy at puberty is incorporated into the adult society of men
Which of the following statements about bisexuality is true?
Some bisexuals are happy in heterosexual marriages
Some Mexicans and Egyptians take the view that a man can engage in which of the following acts without being considered a homosexual?
Inserting his penis into the anus of another man
Which ethnic group appears to have the least tolerance for homosexuality?
African Americans
Which of the following is NOT true of Bem's interactionist theory of sexual orientation?
It is supported by a large body of research evidence
What event cemented together the gay community as it had never been before?
The HIV/AIDS crisis of the 1980s
Which symbol has been adopted as a symbol of gay pride?
pink triangle
Which of the following is NOT one of the six stages of identity development in the process of "coming out"?
Identity exaltation
Which of the following is NOT one of the six stages of identity development in the process of "coming out"?
Identity exaltation
Which of the following describes the results of research questioning which orientation is the natural state for humans?
Research has not definitively defined a natural state.
Which of the following statements about ritualized homosexuality in Melanesia is true?
It is viewed as a means by which a boy at puberty is incorporated into the adult society of men
Which of the following statements about bisexuality is true?
Some bisexuals are happy in heterosexual marriages
Some Mexicans and Egyptians take the view that a man can engage in which of the following acts without being considered a homosexual?
Inserting his penis into the anus of another man
Which ethnic group appears to have the least tolerance for homosexuality?
African Americans
Which of the following is NOT true of Bem's interactionist theory of sexual orientation?
It is supported by a large body of research evidence
Which of the following is true about conversion therapy for gay and lesbian individuals?
It is ethically questionable because it rests on the assumption that homosexuality is an illness that should be cured
When measuring the incidence of homosexuality:
Kinsey's unsystematic sampling methods probably led to overestimates of the incidence of homosexuality, Kinsey proposed conceptualizing homosexuality and heterosexuality along a continuum rather than using a typological conceptualization, and the NSFG statistics are comparable to those found in a well-sampled international survey.
Which aspect of the gay social life has created a controversy within the gay community?
Gay baths
Homosexuals are similar to other minority groups in that:
they suffer from job discrimination
What is the tendency to have contact with people equal in social status?
In which country would a person be MOST LIKELY to marry even if she or he didn't love the intended spouse?
Which of the following is true of research done on the two-component theory of love?
In one study, men who engaged in physical exercise expressed more liking for an attractive, female confederate than men who had not exercised
Which chemical may contribute to long-term relationships by playing a role in pair-bonding?
Which of the following is an example of the emotional component of love on the Passionate Love Scale (PLS)?
I will love ______ forever.
According to the "love as a story" model:
love stories derive their power from the fact that they are self-fulfilling
Kissing, touching, and making love are examples of acting on which component of love in Sternberg's model?
According to the "love as a story" model:
love stories derive their power from the fact that they are self-fulfilling
Kissing, touching, and making love are examples of acting on which component of love in Sternberg's model?
Research on the importance of self-disclosure to intimacy indicates that self-disclosure:
and intimacy appear to mutually build on each other
According to the sexual strategies theory of sociobiologists:
men prefer women who will be sexually faithful because they want to be certain about the paternity of offspring, men prefer young women because they are more likely to be fertile than older women, and women must make a much greater investment than men in order to reproduce.
Research on jealousy indicates that:
men are more likely to become jealous in response to their partner's sexual activity.
Research on playing hard-to-get found that:
men believed that a woman who is hard-to-get is not promiscuous.
Respondents in a study by the National Survey of Black Americans associated what aspect with attractiveness?
skin tone
The "interpersonal marketplace" principle suggests the tendency in our society for:
beautiful women to pair with wealthy men.
A great deal of evidence shows that, given a choice of more than one potential partner, men and women prefer the partner who is:
more physically attractive
Kinsey believes:
It is hard to define a homosexual
We should talk to homosexual behavior, not homosexuality
Learning Theory
Rewards and punishments shape our behavior, some people believe that people are born sexual
Sociological Theory
Basic premise is that society is negative about homosexuality
Society labels behavior that is different and not like as homosexuality
Continues the negative connotation
May also be the self-fulfilling prophesy
Gay men are aroused by male stimuli and straight men are aroused by female stimuli
Women show arousal by both female and male stimuli
Birth Order
Gay men are likely to have a late birth w/ lots of older brothers
This is not true for lesbians
The folk saying of "Birds of a feather flock together" relates to:
the matching phenomenon
A new reversible method includes injecting silicone into what part of the reproductive system?
Fallopian tubes
Which of the following is NOT a type of new advance in contraception?
Male Transdermal System
Research on the effects of abortion has found:
A common reaction of a feeling of helplessness in male "abortion veterans."
When adolescents are asked why they do not use contraceptives, the reasons they give include:
Believing that they couldn’t get pregnant, problems obtaining contraception, and negative attitudes and feelings about contraception.
Make it impossible for sperm to move beyond the vas.
Which of the fertility awareness methods only determines "safe" days after ovulation?
The basal body temperature method
Which of the following forms of contraception is most effective at protecting against sexually transmitted diseases?
Which of the following is accurate with regard to use of the male condom?
Combined with a contraceptive foam or cream or a diaphragm, male condoms are close to 100 percent effective.
Which of the following is true of the IUD?
It must be inserted by a doctor or nurse practitioner
Social Status and Earning Potential
We are also reinforced if our partner has high earning status & social status. We are a culture that values material possessions.
Egotism Perspective
We like people because they reinforce our self esteem.
Sociobiology: Sexual strategies in men
Choose young females. Want faithful females. Want physical attractiveness. Studies have found that attractiveness is wanted in societies with higher pathogens.
Sociobiology: Sexual strategies in men
Stay with a man longer, for several years to raise children. Want healthy & good looking mates. Want a man that has resources. Women rate resources as more valuable than good looks.
Person or Relationships: some refer to the characteristics of the person and some on the relationship.
Features of intimacy
openness, honesty, mutual self-disclosure, caring, warmth, protecting, helping, devotion and etc.
Emotional Intimacy
Mutual self disclosure. Verbal sharing. Declaration of liking and loving. Demonstrates affection.
In romantic relationships the focus is on...
Closeness and sharing (3 pts):
-Affective (emotional)
Intimacy key points
-Intimacy needs to be a reciprocal, not equal.
-Intimacy does not need to be sexual.
What is self disclosure in regards to intimacy?
when you tell your partner something personal about yourself. Open up to you.
Cultural Perspective
African Americans: be less tolerant than does the White and Latino community
Both Black and Latino: are more likely to engage in homosexual behavior but still identity w/ the male gender
Stats of bisexuality
Men: 1.8%
Women: 2.8%
Bisexual Identity
Men have homosexual relations first and then heterosexual
Women are the oppostie
Deprivation Homosexuality
People in a situation where only one gender is available
Men in prison
Depo-Provera (DMPA) is administered:
By injection
Emergency contraception:
Is most effective if it is taken within 12 to 24 hours after intercourse
Which type of contraceptive pill is considered acceptable while breastfeeding after the first six weeks subsequent to birth?
Progestin-only pills
Which of the following is a health risk for women taking the pill?
Benign liver tumors which can eventually be fatal, higher chances of acquiring sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia and gonorrhea, and increased vaginal discharge and susceptibility to vaginitis.
Advantages of combination birth control pill use include:
Nearly 100 percent effectiveness if used properly
With combination birth control pills:
Relatively high levels of estrogen prevent ovulation by inhibiting FSH production, progestin keeps the cervical mucus thick so that it is difficult for sperm to penetrate, and progestin changes the lining of the uterus so that implantation of a fertilized egg is unlikely.
What is the only birth control method that protects against STDs?
Name two forms of surgical contraception
-tubal ligation
Who won't they give an IUD to?
7-12 year old
Name two forms of IUDs
-paraguard copper IUD
Name 5 vaginal and barrier methods
-cervical cap
-female condom
-Vaginal contraceptive
The sponge
Name 3 behavioral birth control methods
-Calendar method
What is it considered when an adult without contraception for one year has a 85% chance of getting pregnant?
unplanned pregnancy.
What is the sense on maleness or femaleness?
gender identity
What is the term describing hetero, homo, or bisexual?
sexual orientation
What is the term used to describe one of self identification of either homo, hetero, or bi sexual?
Sexual Identity
When men have a bisexual identity, they first have ______ relationships. Women are the opposite.
-women have hetero first then homo.
What is the term used for people in a situation where only one gender is available?
Deprivation homosexuality
When is gender identity formed?
pre-school years
When is sexual identity formed?
later and continues into adulthood.
Emotion Vs. Facts
emotional self disclosure leads to more intimacy than the disclosure of facts.
How do you measure intimacy?
In 1981, the PAIR (Personal Assessment of Intimacy in Relationships)
Love as a continuum
HU: Hookups: Short sexual, thinks that love is really sex.
Romantic: Love is a story, sex is nonexistent or rare
Middle: sex is love, passionate love
Sternberg's Triangular theory of love
1. Intimacy: the close bonded feeling
2. Passion: the drive that leads to physical attraction and sexual acts.
3. Decision/commitment: decision to love someone and maintain that love
Attachment theory of love
1. Secure lovers: you would say thank you! mutual dependency
2. avoidance lovers: no thank you, i just cant accept it. difficult to trust people
3. Anxious-ambivalent lovers: well what does this mean? no reciprocation
Love as a story
story of what love should be like, including characters, a plot, and a theme. 2 central characters
Biology of love
there are three kinds:
-Passionate love
-Compassionate love
-Research on love
Passionate love
A. Cognitive: includes preoccupation with the loves one and idealization of the person or of the relationship.
B.Emotional: Physiological arousal, sexual attraction, and desire for union.
C. Behavioral: include taking care of the other and maintaining physical closeness.
Compassionate Love
a feeling of deep attachment and commitment to a person with whom one has an intimate relationship.
Compassionate Vs. Passionate love
passionate love is hot and compassionate love is warm. Begins as passionate and evolves into compassionate love. People want long term compassionate love
What is the slang term for bisexuality?
What is a "fence-sitter?"
suspicious of bi, believing that they are actually gay.
What is a LUG?
lesbian until graduation
What are 4 biological theories of why people become homosexual?
In the prenatal biological theory, how does birth order come onto effect?
gay men tend to have a late birth order and having older brothers not a sister, more gays are likely to be left handed.
Is there a hormonal difference between straights and gays?
no known difference
Name the 8 steps to fighting fair.
-don't make sarcastic or insulting remarks about your partners sexual inadequacy.
-Don't bring up names of former lovers-Don't play amateur psych. -don't threaten to tell your parents-Don't bring kids into fight-Don't "dump"-Don't "hit-and-run"-Don't focus on who's to blame
What is the term used for telling your partner that, given his or her point of view, you can see why he or she thinks in a certain way?
What is the term that focuses on what their partner is saying and feeling, and do not immediately become defensive or counter attack with complaints of your own?
Non-defensive listening
What is the term used for censoring or not saying things that would be deliberately hurtful to your partner of that are irrelevant?
What is the term used to describe when you tell your partner what you are feeling by stating your thoughts clearly, simply, and honestly?
What is known as making assumptions about what your partner thinks or feels?
mind reading
What culture views that the self is defined by its group membership behavior and is regulated by group norms and attachment to and harmony within the group is valued?
In what culture are marriages arranged?
What culture views a person as interdependent with those around him or her?
Research on love
A. Measuring love (read 280)
B. Gender differences: First in and last out, Love as essential to marriage, love in order to marry
C. Love and adrenaline
Love and adrenaline
Passionate love when: 2 conditions exist together-1. Person is in a state of intense physiological arousal. 2. Person applies a label of love to the sensations being experienced.
Misattribution of arousal
when a person in a stage of physiological attributes these feelings to love or attraction to the person present
Cross-Cultural research
Individual vs. collective
Western/individualistic society
Individual vs. collective
How they differ? Individualistic tend to emphasize individual goals over group and societal goals. Collectivist emphasize group/collective goals over personal ones.
Behavior is regulated by individual attitudes and cost-benefit consideration, and emotional detachment from the group is accepted.
-Passionate love as a basis for marriage
-Each person is independent and value individuality and uniqueness
-High value on romantic love