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387 Cards in this Set

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Termination of a pregnancy before week 37; in common usage, assumed to be the result of an intentional act as opposed to a miscarriage.
Abstinence-only sex education
Sexual education based on the assumption that adolescents will not engage in sexual activities until after marriage; may have the paradoxical effect of increasing teen's tendencies toward engaging in unhealthy sexual activities.
Acceptable risk
The level of risk one is willing to accept when making behavioral choices about one's health and well-being.
Acquaintance rape
Rape by an assilant the victim knows or is related to but is not dating.
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
A gradual failure of the immune system, leading to serious infections and death.
The period of life between the ages of approximately 12 and 19 years, often a tumultuous, self-identity-seeking stage of life.
The emotional and physical feeling of satisfacton, relaxtion, and intimacy that follows the act of making love.
Agape love
A style of love focused on giving the partner whatever he or she may want or need without the expectation of receiving anything in return.
AIDS stigma
Prejudice and discrimination against nonheterosexual individuals based on the erroneous belief that gay individuals are soley to blame for the AIDS epidemic and are the primary threat to the continuing spread of the disease.
Alcohol myopia theory
The belief that under the influence of alcohol, people are more likely to focus on immediate, "feel-good" behaviors (such as sexual arousal) and ignore future negative consequences.
Cessation of a woman's period.
Anal intercourse
A sexual position in which the penis is inserted through the partner's anus into the rectum.
Exhibiting both masculine and feminine traits.
Anecdotal evidence
Research information gathered through informal stories of people's experiences, which cannot be relied on to draw scientific conclusions.
Oral stimulation of the anus.
Anonymous testing
Tests administered without collecting any personal information about clients, who are identified only by an assigned code number.
Antibiotic-resistant strain
A strain of bacteria that has mutated and is no longer treatable with the current antibiotic therapy.
Medications developed to treat (reduce or prevent but not cure) outbreaks of the herpes virus.
The end of the digestive tract and outlet for bodily excretions. It is also a sexually stimulating area for some people.
APGAR score
A test that analyzes infant health at birth on the basis of skin color, pulse, reflexes, movement, and breathing.
The darker skin encircling each nipple; actually part of the skin of the nipple.
Assisted reproductive technology (ART)
Various treatments to help infertile women or couples to become pregnant and have a child.
Having no noticeable symptoms despite the presence of an infectious agent.
Asymptomatic shedding
Release of infectious virus particles when no symptoms of infection are present.
Autoerotic asphyxia
Depriving the brain of oxygen, usually through some form of strangulation or hanging, during masturbation.
Aversion therapy
Psychotherapy in which unwanted sexual behaviors and images are reduced by associating them with an unpleasant stimulus such as electric shocks or noxious odors.
Barrier method
Any contraceptive method that protects against pregnancy by preventing live sperm from entering the woman's reproductive tract and fertilizing the egg.
Basal body temperature
A fertility awareness method based on the woman's internal body temperature upon awakening in the morning.
Sexual activities that combine bondage, discipline, and sadomasochism.
Birth defect
A physical abnormality or metabolic dysfunction that is present at birth and may result in physical or mental deficits.
Birthing center
A hospital-like facility with basic medial care equipment, focusing on a natural, family-centered approach to the birth process in a homelike setting.
A person who is attracted romantically and sexually to members of both sexes.
The developing zygote, with cells surrounding a fluid-filled core, upon entering the uterus and before implanting in the uterine wall.
Being bound, tied up, or otherwise restrained during sexual activity; typically a consensual activity.
Breech birth
Delievery of a fetus emerging with buttocks or legs first rather than head first.
Brothel worker
A prostitute who works in a house of prostitution-such as a brothel, bordello, or massage parlor-and receives paying customers.
Calendar method
A minimally reliable method of ovulation prediction that requires a woman to keep a record of her menstrual cycle; her "window of fertility" is assumed to be from seven days before ovulation in her shortest recorded cycle to three days after ovulation in her longest recorded cycle; also referred to as the rhythm method.
Call girl
A prostitute who is contacted in private by clients when her services are desired and who generally charges more and provides a wider range of servies that streetwalkers, such as serving as an escort or offering overnight stays.
Case study
A in-depth study and anaylysis of one person or group who demonstrates specific characteristics of interest to a researcher.
Abstinence fom all sexual activties.
Cervical cap
A device similar to the diaphragm that fits more snugly over the cervix.
Cervical mucus method
A fertility awareness method of ovulation prediction that requires careful tracking of changes in the pattern of mucus that is secreted from the cervix into the vagina.
The lower end of the uterus that connects to the vagina.
Cesarean section
Removal of a fetus from the mother's uterus surgically, through an incision in her abdomen; also called a C-section birth.
A sore that typically appears ath the site of infection with syphilis.
Chemical castration
Blocking the production of testosterone in repeat sex offenders through the regular injection of female hormones.
Child molestation
Any sexual act performed with a child by an adult or a much older child.
Child sexual abuse (CSA)
The sexual victimization of a child by an adult or a significantly older child.
A sexually transmitted bacterium often causing a thick, cloudy discharge from the vagina or penis; may be asymptomatic, especially in women.
Removal of the foreskin of the penis.
Cirrhosis of the liver
A potentially serious liver disease that may lead to liver cancer.
Civil union
Another term used for domestic partnership.
Clitoral glans
The outer end or tip of the clitoris
Clitoral hood
Tissue that partially or fully covers the clitoral glans.
An erectile sexual structure consisting of the clitoral glans and two shafts (crura) that is primarily responsible for triggering orgasm in most women.
Coercive paraphilias
Sexual activities involving an unsuspecting, nonconsenting, or unwilling victim who is the target of the atypical, compulsive behavior.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy
A therapeutic approach designed to gradually eliminate specific thoughts and associated behaviors that may be contributing to sexual problems.
Living together as if married without legally marrying.
Penis-vagina intercourse.
Combination pill
An oral contraceptive containing a combination of estrogen and progestin.
Commercial sex trades
Prostitution and related sexual activities for commercial purposes.
Companionate love
Love based on true intimacy and commitment but lacking passion; the couple are companions more than lovers.
Expressing an unmet need, something a person desires but is not receiving from a partner.
Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS)
A hormonal condition that results in babies who are genetically male but possess completely normal-appearing female external genitals and internal testicles.
Comprehensive sex education
Sexual education programs for adolescents that provide information about abstinence and about preventing STDs and unwanted pregnancy.
Compulsive behavior
Any behavior, sexual or otherwise, that a person is unable to control regardless of repeated attempts to do so .
Confidential testing
Medical test results that are kept confidential by the testing agency and not shared with anyone other than the patient and certain state record-keeping offices.
A behavior entered into voluntarily by all parties.
Consummate love
Love that encompasses intimacy, passion, and commitment simultaneously.
Disrespect, disgust, or hate expressed when the positive feelings partners once had for each other have dissipated.
Any process or means used to prevent the ferilization of the ovum by a sperm cell.
Contraceptive patch
A pad that delivers a precise dose of two hormones into a woman's body through the skin, preventing ovulation.
Contraceptive ring
A colorless, flexible, transparent silicone ring about 2 inches in diameter that is inserted into the vagina and releases a continuous low does of estrogen-and progestin-like hormones into the blood-stream.
Contraceptive sponge
A porous contraceptive device that releases spermicide when inserted into the vagina.
Control group
The participants in an experiment who receive no treatment and are allowed to behave as usual, for the purposes of comparison to an experimental group; also known as the comparison group.
The raised edge at the base of the penile glans.
Corpora cavernosa
Two parellel chambers that run the length of the penis and become engorged with blood during erection.
Corpus spongiosum
A middle chamber running the length of the penis into the glans that engorges with blood during erection.
Correlational research
A scientific research methodology that determines the extent to which two variables are systematically related to each other (how they "co-relate")
Covert sensitization
A type of aversion therapy in which instead of actual shocks or bad odors, the client repeatedly fantasizes the unwanted behavior and then adds an extremely aversive event to the fantasy.
Cowper's glands
Small glands near the penile urethra that produce a slippery mucuslike sbstance during male sexual arousal (also referred to as the bulbourethral glands)
A powerful, processed form of cocaine that is smoked or sometimes injected, known for its intense but relatively short high and its highly addictive qualities.
Verbal fault-finding, such as commenting on a character flaw in the partner.
Dressing in clothes traditionally associated with the opposite sex.
Cultural gender stereotypes
Beliefs about gender roles held by a majority of people in a given cultural setting.
Oral sex performed on a female.
Cycle of violence
The repetitive pattern of stages that define most abusive and violent relationships, cycling through the honeymoon stage, and the beginning of a new cycle.
Date rape
A rape that occurs in the context of a planned or spontaneous date.
Date rape drugs
Powerful sedatives that render a rapist's potential victim unconscious or otherwise unable to resist; also known as club drugs.
Explanations of the purpose and potential contributions of the findings given to participants at the end of a study.
Decriminalization of prostitution
Repeal of all laws against consensual adult sexual activity in both commercial and noncommercial contexts.
Delusional jealousy
Jealousy felt despite the fact that no threat to the relationship actually exists.
Dependent variable
The result of an experiment, evaluated to determine if the independent variable actually caused a change in the experimental group of participants.
A flexible ring of latex or silicone inserted into the vagina that impedes conception by preventing sperm from getting past the cervix.
Dilation and evacuation (D&E)
a method of abortion commonly used when a pregnancy has progressed beyond the first trimester, involving scraping of the uterine walls and suctioning out of the contents.
Directed masturbation
A sex therapy strategy in which the therapsist advises the client on how to use masturbation activities to help overcome a sexual problem.
Domestic partnership
A legal contract between two members of the same sex that imparts all or most of the legal benefits of marriage but is not socially or religiously equated with heterosexual marriage.
Washing the internal vagina with a stream of water or any other liquid solution (not usually medically recommended).
Painful sexual intercourse, usually esperienced as pain in the vagina, the vaginal opening, or deeper in the abdominal cavity during or just after intercourse.
Ectopic pregnancy
A pregnancy complication in which a fertilized ovum attaches and begins to grow outside the uterus, most commonly in the fallopian tube, called a tubal pregnancy.
Expulsion of semen through the penis.
Ejaculatory duct
A continuation of the tube that carries semen into the urethra for ejaculation.
Ejaculatory inevitability
In males, the sensation produced during the emission phase of ejaculation that expulsion of semen is imminent, reflexive, and connot be stopped; often referred to as the "point of no return."
Electra complex
A Freudian notion explaining how a youg girl comes to identify with her mother.
A blastocyst that has implanted in the uterine wall.
Embryonic period
The initial eight weeks of pregnancy following fertilization.
Emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs)
Hormonal pills concentrated enough to interrupt a woman's normal hormonal patterns and prevent pregnancy after unprotected intercourse has occurred.
In males, the buildup of sperm and semen in the urethral bulb just prior to being expelled through the urethra.
Empty love
Love based on commitment but lacking intimacy or real passion.
A potentially painful and dangerous medical condition caused by endometrial cells migrating outside the uterus into the abdominal cavity
The tissue lining the uterus that thickens in anticipation of pregnancy and is sloughed off and expelled during menstruation.
Entry inhibitors
A relatively new class of HIV medications that prevent the virus from entering immune system cells.
A crescent-shaped structure on each testicle where sperm cells are stored as they mature.
A painful swelling and inflammation of the epididymis, the structure at the back of each testicle that stores maturing sperm; often structure at the back of each testicle that stores maturing sperm; often caused by one or more untreated STDs.
Surgical cutting of the perineum during childbirth, a procedure that was believed to allow for easier passage of the infant and less tearing of the vaginal opening. Found to be ineffective, it is rarely performed today.
EPOR model
Masters and Johnson's approach to explaining the process of human sexual response, encompassing four arbitrarily divided phases: excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution.
Erectile disorder (ED)
Recurring or persistent difficulty in achieving or maintaining an erection.
Rigidity of the penis or clitoris resulting from an inflow of blood during sexual arousal.
Eros love
An erotic, passionate style of love often characterized by short-lived relationships.
Erotic stimulus pathway theory
A model of human sexual response based on the psychological and cognitive stages of seduction, sensations, surrender, and reflection.
Erotic touch
Intimate or sexual touching between partners, usually with the hands, for the purpose of sexul arousal and sharing sexual or sensual pleasure.
Sexually explicit works expessing physical desire, passion, and attraction among people who freely choose to engage in sexual activities together.
An attitude toward sexuality in which individuals are comfortable with sexual issues, seek out sexual information, enjoy sexual behavior, and respond with positive reactions to sexual topics.
An attitude toward sexuality in which individuals are generally uncomfortable with sexual topics, respond negatively and uncomfortably to sexual issues, and tend to avoid sexual information and activities.
The female hormone responsible for regulating ovulation, endometrial development, and the development of female sexual characteristics.
Excitement phase
The first phase in the EPOR model, in which the first physical changes of sexual arousal occur.
Achieving sexual arousal and gratification by displaying one's genitals to others without their consent.
Exotic becomes erotic (EBE) theory
Psychologist Daryl Bem's explanation for the interaction of biology and environment in determining a person's sexual orientation.
Experimental group
The participants in an experiment who are subjected to a variable of research interest.
Experimental method
A type of scientific research in which variables of interest are changed while all other unrelated variables are held constant to determine cause -and-effect relationships among variables.
In males, the ccontraction of pelvic muscles that force semen through the urethra and out of the body through the penis.
Fallopian tubes
The tubes that carry the female ovum from the ovaries to the uterus and in which fertilization occurs.
Fatuous love
Love based on passion and commitment but lacking intimacy; a foolish, or pointless love.
Oral sex performed on a male.
Female condom
A tube or pouch of thin polyurethane with a flexible ring at each end. One end is sealed and the other is open. The condom is inserted into the vagina to protect against pregnancy and the transmission of STDs.
Female genital mutilation (FGM)
Removing part or most of the vulva to prevent sexual stimulation or pleasure; a cultural practice in many countries, especially in Africa.
Female orgasmic disorder
A sexual problem in which a woman rarely or never reaches orgasm or whose orgasms are delayed; also known as inhibited female orgasm or anorgasmia.
Female sexual arousal disorder
A woman's frequent or persistent inability to attain or maintain sexual arousal.
Female-superior position
A position for heterosexual intercourse in which the woman is sitting on or crouching over the male; this is the most common intercourse position throughout the world.
Fertility awareness
A method of contraception based on ovulation prediction and the viablility of sperm; intercourse is timed to avoid fertile days or a barrier method is used during those days.
A sexual preference for a nonhuman object or a body part that most members of a culture do not consider sexual.
An embryo after eight weeks of pregnancy.
Field of eligibles
All the individuals who meet a person's criteria as a potential romantic partner.
Subtle behaviors designed to signal sexual or romantic interest in another person.
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
A hormone that stimulates the development of a mature ovum.
Follicular phase
The early period during a woman's monthly fertility cycle when the pituitary gland secretes follicle-stimulating hormone to enhance ovum development.
A layer of skin covering the glans of the penis.
The band of tissue connecting the underside of the penile glans with the shaft of the penis.
Rubbing one's genitals against a nonconsenting person for sexual arousal and, typically, orgasm.
Homosexual; often applied to both men and women.
Gay bashing
Criminal acts or violence, motivated by homophobia, committed against nonheterosexual individuals.
Gender identification
A developemental stage in children between the ages of 3 and 5 during which they begin to understand which sex they are.
The masculinity-femininity dimension of our basic nature as humans.
Gender identity
A person's view of himself or herself as a man or a woman.
Gender identity disorder
A strong cross-gender indentification characterized by the desire to be the other sex, combined with persistent discomfort about one's biological sex or culturally prescribed gender role.
Gender roles
The distinctive behaviors society expects and encourages as members to engage in, according to their sex.
Gender stereotype
An assumption about a person based solely on gender, without regard for his or her individuality as a person.
Gender-conforming behavior
Behavior that is consistent with traditional cultural expectations for a child's sex.
Gender-nonconforming behavior
Behavior that is inconsistent with traditional cultural expectations for a child's sex and considered more appropriate for children of the other sex.
Genital herpes
An STD caused by the herpes simplex virus (type 2) and characterized by painful sores and blisters, usually in the genital or anal area.
A male prostitute who is paid or otherwise compensated for providing sexual services to women.
A hormone released by the pituitary gland that signals the testes to release testosterone and the ovaries to release estrogen.
Organs that produce cells (ova or sperm) for reproduction.
A sexually transmititted bacterium typically producing pain upon urination and a thick cloudy discharge from the penis or vagina; often asymptomatic, especially in women.
An especially sensitive area inside the vagina that some but not all women have identified and credit with enhancing sexual arousal.
Hate crime laws
Laws prescribing more stringent penalties for crimes motivated by bias or prejudice.
Hate crimes
Violent crimes motivated by prejudice and discrimination, targeting specific groups of individuals.
Hepatitis B virus (HBV)
A virus that may be sexually transmitted and my lead to inflammation and impaired functioning of the liver.
The assumption of a universal heterosexual orientation.
A person who is attracted romantically and sexually primarily to persons of the opposite sex.
Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART)
A combination of several medications prescribed for people who are HIV-positive to delay the onset of AIDS.
Home birth
Delivery of an infant in a private home setting, usually with necessary equipment and personnel provided by a professional service.
Extreme fear, discomfort, or hatred of nonheterosexual individuals.
A person who is attracted romantically and sexually primarily to persons of one's own sex.
Hostile environment
A distressing work or educational environment resulting from overt or covert sexually related activities or intrusions.
House prostitute
A brothel worker.
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
The virus that causes AIDS.
Human papilloma virus (HPV)
A sexually transmitted infection, some strains of which are believed to cause cervical cancer.
Human sexuality
An area of research and study focusing on all aspects of humans as sexual beings.
A male prostitute who services male clients and employs professional tactics similar to those of female streetwalkers.
A ring of tissue surrounding, partially covering, or fully screening the vaginal opening.
A medical procedure, common in some cultures, to reconstruct or repair the hymen to allow a woman to appear "virginal"; also known as hymenoplasty.
Hypoactive sexual desire
A loss or lack of sexual desire; also known as inhibited sexual desire.
Immune-based therapies
Medications that are designed to help an infected person's immune system fight a virus, such as HIV, more effectively.
Molestation of a child by a blood relative such as a parent, aunt, uncle, grandparent, brother, or sister.
The number of new cases of a disease in a given population over a specific time period.
Incorporation therapy
A treatment for paraphilias in which the paraphilic behavior is decreased or modified to acceptable levels but not completely abolished.
Incubation period
The time between infection and the apperance of physical symptoms of illness.
Independent variable
The variable of interest in an experiment that is allowed to change between or among groups while all other variables are held constant.
Love based on passion but lacking intimacy and commitment; usually very sexually charged but shallow and devoid of much meaning.
A failure to conceive for 12 consecutive months despite persistent attempts.
Informed consent
Agreeing to participate in an experiment only after having been provided with complete and accurate information about what to expect in the study.
Born with sexual anatomy that is neither completely male nor completely female but rather a combination with features of both.
Intrauterine device (IUD)
A small pleastic device in the shape of a T that is inserted by a doctor into the uterus through the cervix via the vagina. It then remains in place one to ten years, during which time pregnancy is effectively prevented.
A symptom of hepatitis characterized by a deep yellowing of the skin and eyes.
Kaplan's three-stage model
An alternative to Masters and Johnson's EPOR model of human sexual response developed by Helen Singer Kaplan that features the three stages of desire, excitement, and orgasm.
Klinefelter syndrome
A male genetic condition characterized by a rounded body type, lack of facial hair, breast enlargement in puberty, and smaller than normal testicles.
Labia Majora
Folds of skin and fatty tissue that extend from the mons down both sides of the vulva, past the vaginal opening to the perineum.
Labia minora
The smooth, hairless, inner lips of the vulva.
A procedure whereby a viewing scope and surgical instruments are inserted through two very small incisions in the woman's abdomen in order to perform or reverse a tubal ligation.
Lea's shield
A relatively new vaginal barrier used much like a traditional diaphragm that does not require a prescription and does not need to be fitted by a health professional.
Legalization of prostitution
Regulation of prostiution by state laws, with statues defining where, when, and how prostiution may take place.
A female with a homosexual orientation.
Ludus love
A style of love that focuses on the excitement of forming a relationship more than the relationship itself and typically moves rapidly from one relationship to another.
Luteal phase
The later period of a woman's monthly fertility when the lining of the uterus thickens in preparation for receiving a fertilized ovum if conception has occurred.
Luteinizing hormone (LH)
A hormone that acts in concert with follicle-stimulating hormone to stimulate ovulation and the release of estrogen and progesterone.
Male condom
A thin sheath of latex (rubber), polyurethane (plastic), or animal tissue that is placed over an erect penis prior to intercourse.
Male escort
A man hired by women as a companion, not necessarily for sexual purposes.
Male orgasmic disorder
A frequent or recurring delay or inhibition of orgasm and ejaculation; a relatively rare disorder.
Low dose X-ray of the breast to detect tumors.
Mania love
A possessive, dependent, and often controlling style of love.
Any sexual activity performed on oneself by oneself, typically focusing on manipulation of the geitals to orgasm.
Matching hypothesis
The theory that people tend to seek romantic and sexual partners who possess a level of physical attractiveness similar to their own.
Medical obortion
A method of abortion using drugs rather than surgery to terminate pregnancy.
In girls, the onset of the menstrual cycle in puberty.
The time in a woman's life when menstruation and the reproductive cycle cease to occur.
Menstrual cycle
The hormone-controlled reproductive cycle in the human female.
Mere exposure effect
The psychological principle that humans appear to have a natural and usually unconscious tendency to grow fonder of a "novel stimulus" the more often they are exposed to it.
A person (usually a woman) who has been trained in most aspects of pregnancy, labor, and delivery but who is not a physician or registered nurse.
The practice of assisting women through normal pregnancy and childbirth.
An oral contraceptive containing progestin only.
The loss, (without any purposeful intervention) of an embryo or fetus during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy; also called spontaneous abortion.
Mons veneris
A slightly raised layer of fatty tissue on the top of a woman's pubic bone, usually covered with hair in the adult.
Multiple orgasms
More than one orgasm at relatively short intervals as sexual stimulation continues without a resolution phase or refractory period in between orgasms.
Mutual masturbation
Partner's touching of each other's genitals, often to orgasm and enjoyed as a sexually intimate and satisfying activity.
A newborn infant.
New view of women's sexual problems
A model of female sexual response incorporating a larger variety of factors than previous models, including physical, cognitive, social, and relationships issues.
Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT)
Erection of the penis while a man is asleep.
Nongonococcal urethritis (NGU)
A sexually transmitted bacterial infection of the urethra, characterized by urethral inflammation and discharge, but not caused by the gonorrhea bacterium.
Normal jealousy
Jealousy based on a real threat to the relationship, as when one partner discovers that the other has been sexually unfaithful.
A registered nurse who has completed an accredited midwifery program and has been certified by the state to deliver babies.
Short for obstetrician-gynecologist, a physican specializing in women's health care and childbirth.
Sexually explicit works that meet specific legal criteria that may be censored and declared illegal.
Observational research
Gathering behavioral data through direct or indirect observation using scientific techniques.
Oedipus complex
A Freudian notion explaining how a young boy comes to identify with his father.
Opportunistic infections
Diseases that establish themselves in the human body when the immune system is weakened and incapable of fighting them off.
Oral contraceptives
Tablets containing female hormones that are ingested every day. They constitute the most popular reversible birth control method used by women in the United States; also known as birth control pills.
The peak of sexual arousal.
Orgasmic phase
The third stage in the EPOR model, during which sexual excitement and pleasure reach a climax.
Orgasmic reconditioning
A type of therapy for paraphilias in which a person is conditioned to become aroused and have orgasms in socially acceptable settings that bear no resemblance to the paraphilia.
The very narrow passageway through the cerix from the vagina to the uterus.
A form of abstinence in which a couple chooses to engage only in sexual behaviors that are unlikely to result in pregnancy or infection and to avoid all others, such as vaginal or anal intercourse and oral sex.
The female organs that produce sex hormones such as estrogen and progesterone and where follicle cells are stored and mature into ova.
The release of an egg, or ovum, from the ovary into the falopian tube.
The female reproductive cell stored in the ovaries; usually, one ovum is released approximately every 28 days between menarche and menopause. The plural is ova.
A widespread emidemic.
Pap test
A routine test in which cells from the cervix are examined microscopically to examine them for potentially cancerous abnormalities.
Compulsive sexual activities that are practiced by a small percentage of people and that most members of a given culture would consider abnormal, deviant, or pathological.
Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome (PAIS)
A hormonal condition in which the fetus has a reduced reaction to androgens in the uterus, producing a baby with genitals that are not clearly male or female.
Partner rape
A rape that occurs in the context of an ongoing romantic and sexual relationship.
An adult, usually male, whose sexual focus is on children.
Uncontrollable sexual compulsions involving children.
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
A painful condition in women marked by inflammation of the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries; typically cused by one or more untreated STD's.
Penile glans
The end or tip of the penis, its most sexually sensitive part.
Penile plethysmograph
An electronic device that records blood flow into the penis to detect sexual arousal.
Penile shaft
The area of the penis between the glans and the abdomen.
The primary male anatomical sexual structure.
Perimenopausal changes
The physical and psychological changes many women experience during the decade leading up to menopause.
The area of skin in the female between the vulva and the anus and in the male between the scrotum and the anus.
Personal gender stereotypes
Beliefs about gender that are unique to each individual and may or may not agree with cultural stereotypes.
Personal sexual philosophy
A person's unique foundation of knowledge, attitudes, and actions relating to what the person wants and who he or she is as a sexual being.
Pituitary gland
A gland in the brain that at the onset of puberty releases hormones necessary for the physical changes of puberty.
An organ that develops on the uterine wall during pregnancy joining the developing embryo to the mother's biological systems, transferring nourishment, oxygen and waste products between the fetus and the mother.
Plateau phase
The second phase in the EPOR model, during which sexual arousal levels off (reaches a plateau) and remains at an elevated level of excitement.
In the legal terms, any sexually explicit work deemed obscene according to legal criteria and therefore exempt from freedom of speech protections.
Postovulation method
A fertility awareness method that has a couple limit unprotected intercourse in each cycle to a certain period of time after ovulation has occurred.
Literally, "following birth"; typically refers to the months or first year following the birth of a child.
Postpartum depression (PPD)
A psychological depressive disorder that begins within four weeks after childbirth.
Postpartun psychosis
A severe postpartum psychological disorder that may include delusions, hallucinations, and extreme mental disorganization.
Pragma love
A love style in which partners are selected in a business like way on the basis of rational, practical criteria.
The fluid produced by the Cowper's glands.
The period of growth of the embryo and fetus in the uterus.
Premature ejaculation (PE)
A man's tendency to have an orgasm suddenly with little penile stimulation, typically just before, upon, or shortly after penetration of the penis into the vagina; also referred to as rapid or early ejaculation.
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)
A significantly more intense and debilitating form of PMS.
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
A set of symptoms that may occur during the days just before and during the start of a woman's period including irritability, depressed mood, and feelings of physical bloating or cramping.
Preterm birth
Birth of an infant less than 37 weeks after conception.
The total cumulative number of cases of a disease in a given population.
The belief that a woman has the moral and legal right to choose freely to abort her pregnancy.
Prodromal symptoms
Warning signs, such as itching, burning, or pain, that an outbreak of an an infection such as herpes may be impending.
The female hormone responsible for the release of ova and implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterine wall.
The belief that voluntary abortion is akin to murder, and that it should be illegal.
Prostate gland
A gland in males surrounding the urethra that produces the largest proportion of seminal fluid (ejaculate).
An uncomfortable or painful inflammation of the prostate gland, usually caused by bacteria.
Providing or receiving sexual acts between a prostitute, a client, and sometimes the prostitute's employer ("pimp") in exchange for money or some other form of remuneration.
Protected classes
Specific groups of people protected under federal and state antidiscrimination laws, identified by race, religion, sex, age, or other characteristics.
Proximity effect
The theory that the closer we are to another person in geographical distance, the greater the probability that we will grow to like or even love the person.
Prurient interest
An excessive focus on exclusively sexual matters.
Psychological defense mechanism
Originally suggested by Freud, a psychological distortion of reality serving to defend against personally unacceptable thoughts or urges.
Psychosexual stages
Freud's theory that the development of human personality occurs in a series of stages during childhood.
Public lice
Small buglike parasites, usually sexually transmitted, that infest the genital area causing extreme itching; often referred to as "crabs," because of their resemblance to a sea crab.
The first movement of the fetus that is felt by the mother.
Quid pro quo
Something given in exchange for a benefit or reward; with reference to sexual harassment, a situation in which a person in a position of power over another requires sexual favors in exchange of some beneficial outcome for the victim.
Random sampling
A method of selecting a sample of participants in such a way that each member of the population has an equal chance of being selected.
Nonconsensual sexual penetration of the body using physical force or the threat of bodily harm.
Rape trauma syndrome
A two-stage set of symptoms that follow the trauma of being raped, consisting of physical, emotional, and behavioral stress reactions.
Reaction formation
A type of defense mechanism in which a person engages in exaggerated behaviors in the opposite direction of internal urges felt to be unacceptable or intolerable.
Rear-entry position
A position for heterosexual intercourse in which the penis is inserted into the vagina while the man is behind the woman.
Reciprocity of attraction
The idea that someone you like or love likes or loves you back-reciprocates your feelings-with appproximately the same degree of intensity.
Refractory period
A period of time following orgasm when a person is physically unable to become aroused to additional orgasms.
The ability of any measuring instrument, such as a questionnaire or personality scale, to provide consistent responses over repeated administrations.
Researcher expectancy effects
The influence of the researcher's personal biases on participant's responses and consequently on the study's findings.
Resolution phase
The fourth and last stage in the EPOR model, during which sexual structures return to their unaroused state; also referred to as detumescence.
Individuals selected to respond to a researcher's request for information.
A type of virus, such as HIV, that survives by invading and destroying the DNA of normal body cells and the replicating its own DNA into the host cell's chromosomes.
Romantic love
Love based on intimacy and passion but lacking commitment.
Sexual activities that combine sadism and masochism.
Safe sex fatigue
A loss of tolerance for the necessity of always practicing safer sex behaviors.
A subset of the target population selected by researchers to represent the entire population under study.
Microscopic parasitic mites, often sexually transmitted, that burrow under the skin on the hands, feet, and genitals and cause extreme itching.
The sac of thin skin and muscle containing the testicles in the male.
Secondary sexual characteristics
Physical changes not biologically related to reproduction that occur during puberty.
Selective abstinence
Choosing to engage in or avoid certain sexual behaviors on the basis of their risks of STDs or pregnancy.
Revealing personal, private, and intimate thoughts, feelings, and information to another person.
Self-selection bias
The effect of allowing members of a target poulation under study to volunteer to participate in the study; it may compromise the randomness and validity of the research.
The fluid produced primarily by the prostate gland and seminal vesicles that is ejaculated with the sperm cells by men during orgasm.
Seminal vesicle
A structure that produces fluid that becomes part of the semen that is expelled during ejaculation.
Seminiferous tubules
Tightly wound microscopic tubes that comprise the testicles in the male, where sperm cells are generated.
Sensate focus
A sex therapy technique that requires a couple to redirect emphasis away from intercourse and focus on their capacity for mutual sensuality.
Sex flush
A darkening or reddening of the skin of the chest area that occurs in some people during sexual arousal.
Sex reassignment surgery
Surgical procedures used to transform an individual from one sex to the other, commonly known as a "sex-change operation."
Sexual abstinence
Avoiding sexual behaviors that involve any risk of pregnancy or the spread of STDs.
Sexual harassment
A pattern of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal and physical conduct that is coercive or create a hostile work or educational enfironment.
Sexual health
Overall physical and psychological health relating to sexuality.
Sexual masochism
Sexual arousal and gratification that is associated with acts or fantasies of being hurt, humiliated, or otherwise made to suffer.
Sexual orientation
A person's primary sexual, social, romantic, and emotional attraction with respect to gender.
Sexual sadism
Inflicting pain, injury, or humiliation on another person for the sexual gratification of the person performing the action.
Sexual self-disclosure
Revealing private sexual thoughts and feelings to another person.
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
A group of viral, bacterial, and other infections that are spread primarily by sexual behaviors.
Skene's glands
In the female, a pair of glands on either side of the urethra that in some women may produce a fluid that is expelled during orgasm; also known as the paraurethral glands.
Social alienation
A passive form of aggression that includes behaviors such as malicious gossip, spreading negative rumors, and shunning.
Social desirability bias
The tendency of individuals to answer survey questions in socially desirable and culturally approved ways.
Sodomy laws
Laws prohibiting specific sexual activities between adults, even in private and with their consent.
Mentally observing and judging oneself during sexual activities with a partner; may cause sexual problems.
Spermatic cords
Supporting each testicle and encasing each vas deferens, nerves, and muscles.
Any substance containing a chemical (most commonly nonoxionl-9) that kills sperm cells, thereby preventing them from fertilizing an egg.
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, drugs administered to treat depression that may cause various sexual side effects, especially inhibited or delayed arousal or orgasm.
Stage one labor
The first stage of the birth process, involving the beginning of contractions of the uterus.
Stage three labor
The final stage of the birth process, when the placenta is expelled from the uterus with the umbilical cord attached.
Stage two labor
The stage of the birth process in which contractions occur closer together than in stage one, involve the muscles of the abdomen as well as the uterus, and continue until the infant has been expelled from the mother's body.
Any surgical alteration that prevents the emission of sperm or eggs; also referred to as voluntary surgical contraception.
Relying on a passive form of power and aggression by being unresponsive (erecting a metaphorical "stone wall") when disagreements and disputes erupt.
Storge love
A love style chracterized by caring and friendship
Stranger rape
Rape by an assailant who is not known to the victim.
A prostitute who sells her services on the street, typically to customers who are driving by, soliciting sexual acts.
Styles of love
Lee's theory that people follow individual psychological motifs or styles in relating to a love partner.
The scientific collection of data from a group of individuals about their beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors.
Symptothermal method
A fertility awareness method of predicting ovulation by combining various predicttors, including the clendar, basal body temperature, and cervical mucus methods.
A sexually transmitted bacterium characterized by a sore, or chancre, at the point of infection; untreated, it may progress to more serious stages and even death.
Target population
The entire group of people to which a researcher is attempting to apply a study sample's findings.
A widening of the inner two-thirds of the vagina during sexual arousal.
Any agent that has the potential to cause a fetal abnormality.
Oval structures approximately 1.0 to 1.5 inches in length made up of microscopic tubes in which sperm cells and testosterone are produce in the male.
The male sex hormone responsible for male sexual characteristics and the production of sperm cells.
Three-dimensional model of sexual problems
A method of classifying or diagnosing sexual problems according to their duration, context, and frequency.
Transgender persons
Individuals who self-identity as the opposite gender from their bilogical sex; not considered a paraphilia.
Individuals whose gender identity is in conflict with their biological sex.
A transgender person who makes an effort to transition from his or her biological sex to his or her self-identified gender through dress, hormone therapy, or surgery.
Transvestic fetishism
The paraphilia engaged in by a transvestite.
A man who obtains sexual satisfaction by wearing female clothing.
The action performed on or by a group on an experiment.
Triangular theory of love
Sternberg's theory that three fundamental components of love-intimacy, passion, and commitment-in various combinations, define the qualities of a relationship.
A common sexually transmitted protozoan parasite causing symptoms in women, including genital irritation, painful urination, and a foul-smelling vaginal discharge; infected men are typically asymptomatic, yet contagious.
One of three periods of about three months each that make up the phases of a full-term pregnancy.
Tubal ligation
Preventing eggs from passing through the fallopian tubes by tying, cutting, clipping, or otherwise blocking the tubes; also referred to as tubectomy.
Turner syndrome
A female genetic condition characterized by short stature, slow or no sexual development at puberty, heart abnormalities, and lack of ovarian function.
Two-dimensional model of gender
An approach to defining gender suggesting that gender is not an either-or proposition but that people may manifest elements of both genders simultaneously.
Umbilical cord
A structure of approximately 22 inches in length, consisting of one large vein and two arteries, that transport nutrients, oxygen and fetal waste products back and forth between the fetus and the placenta.
The tube extending from the bladder to the urethral opening, which carries out of the body urine in women and men and semen as well in men.
Urethral bulb
The prostatic section of the urethra that expands with collected semen just prior to expulsion, creating the sensation of ejaculatory inevitability.
Urethral opening
An opening in the mid section of the vulva, between the clitoral glans and the vagina, that allows urine to pass from the body.
A painful inflammation of the urethra; often caused by one or more untreated STDs.
Urinary tract infection
An infection of the urethra, bladder, or other urinary structure, usually caused by bacteria.
A very flexible organ with strong muscle fibers where a fertilized egg implants and an embryo and fetus grow from a few days after ferilization until birth.
Vacuum aspiration
A method of abortion in which a small tube is inserted through the cervix to extract the contents of the uterus, including the endometrium lining and embedded embryo.
A flexible, muscular canal or tube, normally about 3 to 4 inches in length, that extends into the woman's body at an angle toward the small of the back, from the vulva to the cervix.
Pain in a woman just prior to intercourse, due to involuntary contractions and spasms of the muscles controlling the opening to and outer third of the vagina.
The extent to which a measuring instrument is a true assessment of the characteristic it is intended to measure.
Vas deferens
A tube extending from the testicle (epididymis) into the male's body for the transport of mature sperm cells during ejaculation.
Cutting and tying off or cauterizing (sealing) the vasa deferentia so that sperm produced by the testicles can no longer mix with semen in the ejaculate.
The selling of erectile tissues due to increased blood flow during sexual arousal.
Harming no one with the possible exception of the person performing the action.
Viral shedding
The release of virus particles that can potentially spread the infection to others.
Secretly watching others undress or engage in sexual activities without their knowledge or consent for the purpose of achieving sexual arousal.
The female external genitals.
Withdrawal method
Removing the penis from the vagina just prior to ejaculation-an unreliable method of contraception; also called coitus interruptus and "pulling out."
A fertilized ovum (or egg) moving down the fallopian tube.