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68 Cards in this Set

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oral contact with the penis
oral contact with the female genitals
sexual intercourse
fold of tissue across the vaginal opening present at birth and remains partially intact until coitus
human sexuality
the ways in which we experience and express ourselves as sexual beings
"ethical behavior is derived from an external source, such as a religion"
situational ethics
"ethical decision making should be guided by the situation and by genuine love for others"
ethical relativism
"there is no objective way of justifying one set of moral values over another"
"pursuit of pleasure is the guide"
"one denies sexual desires to devote oneself to spiritual pursuits"
"moral conduct brings about the greatest good for the greatest number"
"sexual decisions should be based on intellect and reason, not blind obedience"
critical thinking
scrutinizing definitions of terms and evaluating the premises of arguments and their logic
critical thinkers
-maintain open minds
-suspend beliefs until they have obtained and evaluated evidence
the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex
gender roles
complex clusters of ways in which males and females are expected to behave within a given culture
the qualities in life that are deemed important or unimportant, right or wrong, desirable or undesirable.
example of legalism
"The Old Testament contains prohibitions against adultery, incest, sexual activity with people of one's own gender, and bestiality."
example of situational ethics
"A woman who has been taught that abortion is the taking of a human life may find herself with limited resources and decide in favor of abortion."
example of relativism
"Cohabitation is tolerated in some cultures but considered immoral in others."
example of hedonism
"Hedonists might argue that sexual desires, like hunger or thirst, do not involve moral considerations."
example of asceticism
"Many ascetics in Western and Eastern religions seek to transcend physical and worldly desires."
example of utilitarianism
"We should be honest and just because it serves the greater good for people to be true to their word and treat each other justly."
example of rationalism
"The rationalist might decide that the personal consequences of continuing an unhappy marriage outweigh the effects on the family or the community at large."
phallic worship
worship of the penis as a symbol of generative power
phallic symbol
an image of the penis
incest taboo
the prohibition against intercourse and reproduction among close blood relatives
sexually responsive to either gender
sexual love of boys
a prostitute--especially the mistress of a noble or wealthy man
a secondary wife, usually of inferior legal and social status
sexual relations between a person and an animal
the practice of achieving sexual gratification through hurting or humiliating others
sexual intercourse between two people are not married to one another
the development of a species to its present state, which is believed to involve adaptations to its environment
biological perspective of human sexuality
focuses on the roles of genes, hormones, the nervous system, and other biological factors in human sexuality
historical perspective
-places sexual behavior and attitudes in context
-allows consideration of trends in sexual behaviors and attitudes
a random change in the molecular structure of DNA
the basic units of heredity, which consist of chromosomal segments of DNA
the rodlike structures that reside in the nuclei of every living cell and carry the genetic code in the form of genes
the chemical substance whose molecules make up genes and chromosomes
natural selection
the evolutionary process by which adaptive traits enable members of a species to survive to reproductive age and transmit those traits to future generations
the theory of personality originated by Freud, which proposes that human behavior represents the outcome of clashing inner forces
defense mechanisms
in psychoanalytic theory, automatic processes that protect the ego from anxiety by disguising or ejecting unacceptable ideas and urges
the automatic ejection of anxiety-evoking ideas from conciousness
erogenous zones
parts of the body, including but not limited to the sex organs, that are responsive to sexual stimulation
psychosexual development
in psychoanalytic theory, the process by which sexual feelings shift from one erogenous zone to another
oedipus complex
in psychoanalytic theory, a conflict of the phallic stage in which the boy wishes to possess his mother sexually and perceives his father as a rival in love
learning theorists who argue that a scientific approach to understanding behavior must refer only to observable and measurable behaviors
social-cognitive theory
a cognitively oriented learning theory in which observational learning, values, and expectations play key roles in determining behavior
feminist theory
a theory that challenges acceptance of the male as the norm, traditional gender roles, and male oppression of females
***** theory
a theory that challenges heteronormativity and heterosexism
hatred of homosexuals
historical perspective
-perspective that places sexual behavior and attitudes in context
-allows consideration of trends in sexual behaviors and attitudes
prehistoric sexuality
historical perspective that:
-female idolatry
-phallic worship
-phallic symbols
-incest taboo
ancient hebrews
historical perspective that:
-emphasized procreative function of sex
-sex strengthened marriage and solidified family
-women considered property of men
ancient greeks
historical perspective that:
-gods viewed as sexually adventurous
-male-male sex was considered normal as long as it did not interfere with the family
-prostitution was very popular
-courtesans and concubines
-women held low social status
ancient romans
historical perspective that:
-elite practiced sexual excesses, such as orgies, bestiality, and sadism
-sexual terms that still exist today: fellatio, cunnilingus, fornication
early christians
historical perspective that:
-temptations of flesh distractions from spiritual devotion
-sex was restricted to marriage
-divorce, masturbation, prostitution, same-sex relations, oral-genital contact, and anal intercourse were outlawed
historical perspective that:
-values marriage and sexual fulfillment in marriage only
-only men can have more than one spouse
-social interactions between men and women restricted
historical perspective that:
-hinduism views sex as a religious duty
-sexual fulfillment can lead to reincarnation at a higher level
-kama sutra
far east
historical perspective that:
-Taoism (China)- sex is a form of worship that leads to harmony with nature, as well as imortality
middle ages
historical perspective that:
-conflicting views of women
protestant reformation
historical perspective that:
-priests allowed to marry and rear children
-sex not just for procreation
coming to america
historical perspective that:
-early settlers brought western views
-women's place was in the home and fields
victorian era
historical perspective that:
-sexuality was repressed
-despite the prohibitions, prostitution was quite common
the foundations of the scientific study of sexuality
historical perspective that:
-began during the victorian era
-sexologists gained credence
sexual revolution
historical perspective that:
-mid 60s to mid 70s
-sexual views became more liberal
-discussion and portrayals of sexuality accepted and commonplace