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40 Cards in this Set

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A part of a living body that has a specific function necessary to the life or activity or the body


Parts of a body that work together to allow the body to live and function correctly


Extremely small units that together form the organs and tissue of the human body


The strong hard objects that give structure, protection and support inside a physical body and form a skeleton.


The place where separate bones meet and connect


Flexible connective tissue found in various parts of the body. (Cushion between joints and in outer ear and nose)


Strong and bendable tissue that attaches connecting bones


A connective tissue that attaches muscle to bone


A fibrous stretchy tissue that gives us the power and abi8lity to move around and makes many of the organs work

Voluntary Muscle

A muscle that contracts under the control of the individual

Involuntary Muscle

A muscle that contracts naturally without any thought from the individual

Contracting muscle

A muscle that becomes shorter in length as the fibers of the muscle stack on top of each other

Relaxing muscle

A muscle that becomes larger in length as the fibers of the muscle spread out


A tube running down the throat that allows air to flow in and out of the lungs


Very small airways found throughout the lungs


Very small air sacs grouped together at the end of the bronchioles


Two larges organs within the chest that help bring in oxygen and distribute in to the body


A muscle located directly below the lungs responsible for causing the lungs to expand and contract


The organ responsible for pumping and circulating blood through the body


The organ located inside the skull that is responsible for memory, thoughts, actions, the senses and managing and implementing processes throughout the body


The organ responsible for pumping and circulating blood through the body


The organ located inside the skull that is responsible for memory, thoughts, actions, the senses and managing and implementing processes throughout the body

The five senses

The special nerves by which the body can touch, taste, see and hear and smell


The organ responsible for pumping and circulating blood through the body


The organ located inside the skull that is responsible for memory, thoughts, actions, the senses and managing and implementing processes throughout the body

The five senses

The special nerves by which the body can touch, taste, see and hear and smell

Spinal Cord

The cord of nerves running from the brain down the back through which electrical impulse messages are sent from the brain to the nervous throughout the body.


Special strands of tissue that transmit electrical messages out to the body

Saliva, Acids, and Enzymes

Digestive juices produced within the body to help break down food into smaller, easier to digest particles

Saliva, Acids, and Enzymes

Digestive juices produced within the body to help break down food into smaller, easier to digest particles


Extremely small, finger-like knobs found all along the inner lining of the small intestine that capture nutrients from the broken-down food and pass the nutrients from the broken-down. Food and pass the nutrients into the blood stream.


The process of breaking down food into very small particles that can be absorbed and used by the body


The process of breaking down food into very small particles that can be absorbed and used by the body


A substance that provides the body with the needed nourishment essential for growth, strength, and energy


A narrow tube from the mouth to the stomach through which food travels


An organ responsible for producing special liquids that help break down food

Small intestine

A 20 foot long tube below the stomach in which food is broken down into small particles and nutrients from the food are absorbed into the blood stream

Large intestine

A wide, 5 foot long tube located after the small intestine where the remaining undigested food is prepared for elimination


A small organ responsible for making and sending enzymes to break down food in the small intestine.


A bag like organ where food begins to be broken down before being sent on for further digestion