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20 Cards in this Set

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Plasma membrane

-later if lipids and proteins in constantly changing fluid mosaic

-separates intracrllular fluid from ecf


-double membrane with shelf like crustal

-Site of ATP synthesis; powerhouse of the

cell., contain dna and rna and are able to on reproduce on their own (such as needed in atp production)


-granules containing rRNA and protein

The site of protein synthesis. Located in cytoplasm and on rough er

Rough endoplasmic reticulum

-surface stubbed with ribosomes

-manufactures secreted proteins and makes the components of the cell

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

-tubules arranged in a looping network

-breaks down glycogen, detoxify drugs and carcinogens, in testis makes testosterone, in intestines site of absorption synthesis and transport of fats, and in skeletal and cardiac muscles release of calcium the triggers contraction

Golgi apparatus

-stacked and flattened membranous sacs

-Packages and ships, functions in modification, concentration and packaging proteins and lipids


-spherical membranous bags containing digestive enzymes

-package of strong acids and enzymes that can destroy whole cell, digest bacteria virus and toxins, suicide bags of the cells


-membranous sacs containing powerful oxidases and catalases

- detoxifies harmful substances and neutralizes free radicals


-membranous sacs containing powerful oxidases and catalases

- detoxifies harmful substances and neutralizes free radicals


Elaborate series of rods throughout cytosol


-actin strands attached to cytoplasmic side of plasma membrane

- function in bracing and strengthening cell, helps cell change shape to move and function in endocytosis and exocytosis

Intermediate filament

-tough insoluble, rope-like, protein fibers

-most stable,most permanent, resists pulling forces on cell, and attaches to desmosomes


-dynamic hollow tubes that radiate from centrosome

-they determine overall shape of cell, used to distribute organelles


-cell center near nucleus

-generates microtubules and mitotic spindle fibers during mitosis


Intercellular fluid packed with organelles


-largest organelle, contains fluid and is surrounded by nuclear envelope

-control center of cell, transmits genetic information, provides instructions for protein synthesis

Nuclear envelope

- double membrane structure pierced by pores

-separates nucleoplasm from cytoplasm, regulates transport of large molecules into and out of nucleus


- dense spherical body composed of rna and proteins

-site of ribosome submit manufacture and r-rna synthesis


-fundamental units are nucleosomes

-Made up of dna, histone proteins,rna

Arranged in units called nucleosomes

Condense into chromosomes


Powerhouse of the cell, double membrane structure that contains its own dna and rna and can reproduce to increase atp production