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68 Cards in this Set

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Horney insisted

social and cultural influences especially early childhood experiences are more important than biological ones in shaping personality.

Children who lack warmth and affection

fail to meet their?

Needs for safety and satisfaction

Feelings of isolation and helplessness


basic anxiety or feelings of isolation and helplessness in a potentially hostile world.

The inability of people to use different

tactics in their relationships with others


basic conflict, that is incompatible tendency to move toward, against and away from people.

3 Neurotic trends

Move toward , against , or away from people.

Healthy people solve their basic conflict

by using all three neurotic trends where

neurotics adopt

only one trend

3 neurotic trends, (moving toward, against,

or away from people) are combination of

10 neurotic needs

Intrapsychic conflicts of neurotic and

healthy ind.

Two major intrapsychic conflicts are idealized self-image and self-hatred

Idealized self-Image

Attempt by neurotic to build a godlike picture of themselves.

self hatred

Tendency for neurotics to hate and despise their real self.

Any psychological differences between

men and women are do to

cultural and social expectations not biology

The goal o Horneyian psychotherapy is


bring about growth toward actualization of the real self.

Biography of Horney

Born 1885, youngest of 50 year old second marriage, each had older siblings were favoured by father, felt unwanted, unloved, youngest. Idolized mother, unhappy family, thought father was a religious hypocrite, wanted to be a physician, had morbid dependency on men, Met Oskar political science student, moved to Berlin in 1909, 1917 wrote first paper on psychoanalysis,

Biography of Horney

had 3 daughters, lost parents, had several love affairs, 1938 separated husband, most productive time for teaching, Freud apposed Horney she spoke out louder in opposition, 1932 established Chicago Psychoanalytic Institute. Met Erich Fromme, had affair. Started AAP Advancement of Psycho Analysis. Group suffered internal strife.Wrote Nerosis of human Growth Died1952 of cancer

Horney had Distinctive

Freudian flavour, wrote extensively about neuroses and neurotic personalities

Horney compared to Freud

1. Horney rejected Freuds ideas on famine psychology 2. Thought psychoanalysis should move beyond instinct theory an emphasize cultural influence in shaping personality3. Man not ruled only by pleasure but safety and satisfaction

4. View of humanity is optimistic entered on cultural forces are are able to change

competitiveness causes

basic hostility it creates feeling of isolation

These feelings lead to needs for affection which cause people to overvalue love.

Many see love an affection solution to problems.

Basic Hostility

If child's need for basic safety and satisfaction are not met the child feels basic hostility.

Basic Anxiety

The condition of repressed hostility that leads to feeling insecure.

10 Neurotic needs for neurotics

characterize neurotics in attempts to combat basic anxiety.Neurotic need for:

1. affection and approval

2. need for powerful partner

3. restrict one's life within narrow borders-be content with very little

4. need for power

5. Neurotic need to exploit others

Neurotic need for neurotics

6. social recognition and prestige

7. personal admiration-need to be admired

8. ambition and personal achievement-Drive to be best

9. self-sufficiency and independence-need to move away from people

10 need for perfection and unassailability - hide weakness from others

Neurotic Trends

10 neurotic needs can be grouped into 3 general categories Normal defenses

1. Moving toward people (friendly, loving personality)

2. Moving against people survivor in competitive society

3. Moving away from people(self governing serene)

Neurotic Trends

10 neurotic needs grouped into 3 categories compulsive movement (Neurotic defences)

1. towards people (compliant personality)

2. against people(aggressive personality)

3. Away from people (detached personality)

basic conflict

neurotic trends to solve basic conflict, solutions are non productive and neurotic

- children driven in all 3 directions toward, against, away from people

Moving toward people

Protect oneself against feelings of helplessness

-strive for affection and approval of others seek a powerful partner


-see themselves as loving, feeling, genuine, unselfish, humble & sensitive to other people's feelings.

-rate themselves by what others think of them

Moving against people

Move against people by appearing rough and tough

-strong need to exploit others

-seldom admit mistakes

-Driven to be perfect, powerful, and superior

-include need for power, exploit others, play to win

-basic motivation is for power, prestige, personal ambition- others less important

Moving away from people

-need for privacy, independence, self-sufficiency, -put distance between themselves and others

-shun social commitments fear is to need others

-refuse to let anyone close to them

-need to be strong and powerful

-self-sufficiency & independence

-perfection and prestige

Idealized self-image

solve conflict by painting idealized self image

as image becomes song neurotics believe in reality and loose touch of real self


powerful tendency to despise one's real self because they fall short in matching glorified self image

instead of growing toward self-realization neurotics move toward

actualizing their idealized self

3 aspects of idealized image

1. neurotic search for glory

2. neurotic claims

3. neurotic pride

1. Neurotic Search for Glory

Actualizing the ideal self

-3 other elements are: need for perfection

neurotic ambition, drive toward a vindictive triumph

Tyranny of the should

try to achieve perfection by erecting a complex set of should and should nots

2. Neurotic Claims

In search for glory neurotics build a fantasy world that is not in line with the real world.

3. Neurotic Pride

A false pride asked not on realistic view of true self but on image of idealized self

Femining Psychology

Apposed Freud difference between men and women are not result of anatomy but cultural and social expectations

-Basic anxiety - core of mens need to bring women under control

-recognized Oedipus Complex, said due to environmental not biology

-agreed - Adler women have a masculine protest therefore believe men are superior women


Neurosis grows out of basic conflict in childhood.

-likely adopt 1 of 3 neurotic trends: moving toward, away, against. These can give temporary relief drive the person farther from real self and deeper into neurotic spiral

Goal of therapy uses dream interpretation

and free association

Help patients grow in direction so self realization

-aim to have patients give up idealized self image get back search for glory and change self hatred by accepting real self

-Convince patients neurotic trends are not helping get rid of neurosis but preventing healing

-see how factors preserve basic needs

-encourage self understanding/self analysis

Free Association

Say every word that comes to mind regardless how trivial.

-Free Association reveals idealized self image and inability to accomplish

Related Research

neuroticism research classifying individuals on neurotic trends

Horney Coolide tridemensional inventory HCTI

measures against away or toward

Critique of Horney

Believed people work toward self-realization but never gain a clear picture of what that is

What makes Horney's theory useful

1. Generates Research-falls short

2. falsifiable - falls short

3. organize data- organized/low on explaining what is known in general about people /general

4. Guides Action - fares in neurotic trends low guiding practitioner

5. Internally consistent yes/no

6. parsimony - high

Concept of Humanity of Horney

1. Free choice - slightly higher.

2. Optimistic - some what more optimistic

3.Causality vs Teleology - middle position, self realization goal/ childhood experiences can block

4. Conscious vs Unconscious- both Neurotics have little understanding of self, do not see efect

5. Social -strongly cultural and social forces

6. Similarities more- little emphasis on ind.

Ind who adopt Horney's neurotic trend of moving away from people typically fear:

1. Needing others

2. Dependence upon others

3. Competition

According to Horney most neuroses stem



An outstanding characteristic of people

who adopt Horney's trend of moving

toward people is

1. Compliance

According to Horney, attempts of neurotics

to find love typically result in:

Basic Anxiety

Horney's concept of humanity was based

mostly on her:

clinical experiences with neurotic patients.

People combat basic anxiety by adopting

which mode of relating to people?

Moving against,

Moving towards others

Moving away from others

Horney believe that cultural contradictions

of society:

Lead to intrapsychic conflict.

Which of these statements most

accurately reflects one of Horney's

neurotic needs?

"I need an emotionally strong person to tell my troubles."
Horney believed that most neuroses

are the result of ?

unhealthy interpersonal relations.
The life of Horney has several parallels

to that of _____; for example, both were

the youngest children of older fathers,

and both had older siblings who were

favored by the parents.

Melanie Klein

Horney criticized psychoanalysis for its?
concept of feminine psychology.
Horney believed that cultural conditions

are largely responsible for the

development of?

basic anxiety

According to Horney, people are ruled

by safety and?


Horney believed that a competitive

and hostile society encourages


According to Horney, most neurotic


seek love in a self-defeating fashion.
Because Horney wrote mainly about

neurotic personalities, her theory is

not relevant to healthy personality



Psychologically mature individuals

enjoy seeing the achievements of

their friends.


Modern society, Horney said, is based on competition among people.
Horney believed that_______________factors,

not anatomy, were responsible for psychic

differences between men and women?

cultural (social)
By training, Horney was a___________________

at a time when few women in Germany were trained in this profession.


Horney believed that modern culture

overvalues____________and undervalues



Horney questioned Freud's______________

of his observations rather than the

observations themselves.


People protect themselves against

_______________through affection,

submission, power, or withdrawal.

basic anxiety

Horney's three neurotic__________________

include moving toward, against, and

away from people.


Neurotic behavior is more_______________

than normal behavior, and this is a

primary distinction between normals

and neurotics.

Neurotic trends are used to solve basic,________________ which originates

in childhood when children are

driven toward, against, and away

from people.
