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61 Cards in this Set

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Means of communication, highway and lifeline

Nile River

Egypt's greatest wealth

Fertile soil

Abundant building material except on temples and pyramids


Limestone, sandstone, alabaster

Soft stone

Granite, quartize, basalt, porphyry


Made up of clay and chopped stone for pyramids and temples

Sand Dried Bricks

Used as roofing material

Date Palm

Material used for boats


Material used for mummy cases


Were built because they believe in "Life after Death" and for preservation of the deadbody


Are Tomb-houses that were made to take the body at full length,flat top or taperes solid temple


Is a royal architect, superintendent of pyramids in Egypt


Is the upright stone slab containing the name of the dead found in the mastaba


Developed the 3rd type of tomb

Mentuhetep II

Finished the construction of Hypostyle Hall and erection of the Rock Temple at Abu Simbel and the Remission, Thebes

Rameses II

Cut deep into the mountain rock

Rock Hewn Tomb

Is on the top of the 4 Collosal Statues of Rameses

Baboons Sculpture

Sculptured with 20 mts. high colossal statues

Temple of Abu Simbel

How many years did Abu Simbel took to be built?

20 yrs.

Founded the Great Temple of Ammon Kharnak

Amenemhat I

Grandest of all temples

Great Temple of Ammon Kharnak

Began the additions to the Temple of Ammon, Kharnak

Thotmes I

Began the construction of the Great Hypostyle Hall

Rameses I

Queen of Egypt, famous for her funerary temple at Mt. Der-El-Bahari


Erected the earliest known Obelisk at Helipolis


The one responsible for cleaning away of sand from the Sphinx

Thotmes IV

Erected the Colossi of Memnon, one of the wonders of the world

Amenophis III

Built the Pharaohs or the Light House

Ptolemy II

Founded the Greatest Serapeum at Alexandria

Ptolemy III

Form of government in Egypt


King of Egypt, ruler, highest priest in Egypt


Normal successor to the throne

Son of Pharaoh

King's most powerful official


Controls the royal treasuries, granaries and supervises the census


In charge of the King's personal estate and household

Chief Steward

Built by Imhotep, oldest surviving masonry building structure.

Ex. Pyramid of King Zoser

Step Pyramid

Also known as blunt pyramid

Ex. Pyramid of King Seneferu

Bent Pyramid

Examples are Pyramids of Cheops/ Khufu, Pyramid of Chefren or Khafra and Pyramid of Mykerinos or Menkaura

Examples are Pyramids of Cheops/ Khufu, Pyramid of Chefren or Khafra and Pyramid of Mykerinos or Menkaura

Slope Pyramid

First known Architect


2x the area in plan of the famous St. Peter's Basilica

Pyramid of Cheops or Khufu

Each of the steps is equated to Heaven according to Astrology in Egyptology

Step Pyramid

A type of pyramid with 2 different degrees of inclinations

Bent Pyramid

It is said that only kings and priests can enter theses during ancient times


Parts of Pyramid Complex

1. Elevated Causeway

2. Offering Chapel

3. Mortuary

4. Valley Building

Head of a man and body of a lion


Head of a ram and body of a lion


Head of a hawk and body of a lion


Also known as the small temple, dedicated to the Goddess Hathor and Ramesses II chief consort, Nefertari

Temple of Hathor and Nefertari

One of the best known queens of ancient egypt and was the wife of Akhenaten also known as King Amenhotep IV.


Husband of Queen Nefertiti

Akhenaten / Amenhotep IV

Massive sloping towers fronted by an obelisks known as gateways in egypt


Large outer court open to the sky

Hypaethral Court

A pillared hall in which the roofs rest on columns

Hypostyle Hall

Usually surrounded by passages and chambers used in connection with the temple service


Where mystical monster were placed

Avenue of Sphinx

Mortuary Temple of Rameses II

The Ramasseum

Writings and pictures from the walls


The four sons of Horus

Imset (liver), Duamutef (stomach), Qebehsenuf (intestines), Ha'py (lungs)

Hatshepsut's chancellor, royal architect and possible lover


Ceiling with hieroglyphics


4 Capitals of Egyptian Architecture

1. Palm Capital

2. Lotus Bud Capital

3. Hathor Capital

4. Bell Capital