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42 Cards in this Set

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Boston News Letter, 1704
1st Newspaper Advertisement
Volney Palmer
1st person to represent publishers
Modern Ad. Agency
Represented difference interests
Ayer Ad Agency
1st registered trademark was Quaker Oats
Food and Drug Act of 1906
Regulated and labeled all content including meds, food and drinks
Journalists that dished up corporations that weren't honest
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Oversee business' practices including advertising
Corporate sponsorship
Give a lot of $ to an organization and in turn get something named after the company. i.e. Pomoco Stadium
Today's Types of Advertisements
Industrial: sells the product, very direct and obvious
Institutional: good will advertising, promote awareness of self or good deeds (corporate sponsorships)
Advertising controllers
1. FTC: Proof of claim; cease & decist, corrective ad and restitution
2. Media Codes: National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) "Code of Ethics"
3. Professional Codes: (within professions) doctors, lawyers, vets, dentists
4. National Advertising Reveiw Board (NARB): Watch and clean up own health
5. Public Opinion
Absolute Threshold
minimum stimulation necessary to detect a particular stimulus
Subliminal messages
below threshold, percieved at a deeper level; not necessarily aware.
3 levels of consciousness
1. Conscious rational: you know what's going on and you're able to tell why
2. Preconscious and Subconscious: feelings, known in a vague way; level of fears, emotions and assumptions
3. Unaware: You don't know but the brain somehow picks it up; suppress or don't know

Ads use 2nd and 3rd levels
Average time is 1 second per ad
Needs of advertising
Sense of Power
Emotional Security
Ego gratification
Reassurance of worth
Sense of roots
Public Relations (PR)
Try to secure favorite media publicity to promote business/client (purchased or for free)
Advertising (PR)
controls publicity, purchased by businesse/client
P.T. Barnum
1st in Public Relations
Buffalo Bill Cody
His Wild Wild West show publicized to east that wasn't used to seeing this
Ivy Ledbetter Lee ("Poison Ivy")
Founded 1st modern PR firm
Worked for Rockefeller who wanted a better image
Edward Bernay's Psychological Perspective
Father of PR
How to meet people on other levels
"Engineering of Consent"- to make people want something
Public opinion not always rational
Easter Parade
Women smoking cigarettes to promote women smoking in public
"Torches of Freedom" campaign, ok for women to smoke in public
Daniel Borstin "The Image" book
Psedo Event: Circumstance created with the purpose of gaining media coverage. i.e. presidential press conference, balloon boy
PR Specialties
Financial, Product, and Crisis (i.e. Tylonol or the Exxon Valdez Crises)
Electronic Numerical Integrator & Computer (ENIAC)
-Engine to help military with ballistics
-Women engineer programmers
-Project PX
Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA)
-Distributed network
-Goes directly to wherever you want
-Computer Engineer
-Developed transmission with speed (of light)
-@ email
Berners Lee
-Swiss physicist
-developed the protocol for computers to speak to one another in the same language
-http://; html; www
National Center for Supercenter Applications (NCSA)
-Mosaic, 1st browser
-Servers, networks that link computers to each other and to other networks
Ying & Filo
-organized websites into categories
-20,000 sites at this time
Page & Brin
-robust search engine
-arithmetic algorithm
Digital Millenium Copyright Act (1998)
Unable to put copyrighted material on the internet for sale
Bill of Rights 1791
1st Amendment, Freedom of Speech
Alien and Sedition Laws (1798)
-Encourage people to do something against the gov't
-Repealed by Jefferson in 1801
Espionage Act of 1917 (WWI)
-Tried to curtail any information that was seditious or helping the enemy
-i.e. Eugene Debs
Eugene Debs
Socialist party member, 1st to be convicted against the Espionage Act of 1917
Office of Censorship
***December 19th, 1941***
-Code of Wartime Practices: Voluntary by people not to give away information about the war.
seditious Print; can be spoken if spoken by the media
Libel Charges that must show
-Communication to a 3rd party
-Identify person
-Injury to reputation
-Organization at fault
Libel Defenses
-Qualified Privilege
-Fair Comment
Senator Joseph McCarthy
Went after famous communists
-Red Channels: Listed people in the industry that were communists
Prior Restraint
When the gov't tries to censor info going out to the public
Shield Laws
-Protecs journalists and the press
-Gives them the right not to announce their source