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108 Cards in this Set

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Puritans and the Pilgrims established their settlements to escape religious persecutuion in England. Boston was the leading cit.
originally established by the Dutch this colony was taken over by the English because they envied their trade business.
New York
Lord Baltimore established this colony to give religious freedom to Catholics. Many people of other faiths came to live there and the Toleration Act was enacted to give religious freedom to all who worshipped Jesus.
Reverend Thomas Hooker left Maaachusettes wiht his congregation and founded the city of Hartford. Three towns united and wrote the Fundamental Orders; a plan of government.
Virginia tobacco farmers moved south in search for more land and settled in this colony.
North Carolina
Roger Williams was banished from Massachusetts because he disagreed with the Puritans. The city or Providence was established.
Rhode Island
Trustees established this colony to offer a new life to those in debtor's prison in England. The king of England looked at this colony as a buffer between Spanish Florida and South Carolina
Jamestown was the first settlement and had many problems in the early years. Once it was found that tobacco could become a cash crop for the colony it flourished.
William Penn was given a land grant from the King of England. He established a colony for Quakers who believed that all people were equal before God.
originally a very large land grant, this area was split to become two colonies. This colony had the South's major port of Charlestown and grew rice and indigo.
South Carolina
At the Philadelphia Convention, the delegates agreed to...
draft a new constitution
When there is a separation of powers...
power is distributed among three independent branches of government
What was added to the Constitution to help gain the support of anti-Federalists?
the bill of rights
One basic difference between the House of Representatives and the Senate is that...
the House is designed to be more responsive to popular opinion
The anti-Federalists argued against the Constitution because they felt...
it made the national government too strong
The Three-Fifths Compromise resolved the issue of...
how enslaved people were to be counted in the population
How did the Nationalists regard Shay's Rebellion?
as proof that only a strong national government could prevent social disorder
The concurrent powers in the federal system of government are those...
held and exercised by both national and state governments
the main argument against the Bill of Rights was that...
there was no need for them
Why did some opposition emerge to the Constitution and the new form of government it proposed?
Some claimed that it rejected many of the basic ideas of the American Revolution
What did the the most to shape the growth of New France?
The fur trade
The puritans migrated to New England to...
escape religious persecution
How did the rapid spread of English settlements affect Native Americans?
It threatened their way of life
which three colonies were founded in an attempt to escape religious persecution?
Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Maryland
what was the colonies function under the mercantile system?
to provide raw materials
Pennsylvania was founded as a haven for...
the population of the middle colonies was known for its...
England prized its North American colonies because...
they supplied England with food and raw materials and bought English goods
Quakers believed that...
the Church should be purified
What caused Jamestown to nearly fail?
the swampy site chosen for its settlement
What was the northwest passage?
A water route across north america
Why did England drive the Dutch from New York?
England envied the New York's prosperity under the Dutch
Britain did not want the colonies to manufacture goods because...
it wanted the profit from selling manufactured goods to the colonies
Why did colonists gain extensive freedom in self-government in the 1700s?
it was the beginning in becoming independent
The Virginia colony survived largely because the English colonies...
began growing tobacco
The desire in the colonies to increase the production of staple crops like tobacco and rice led to...
an increase in the number of slaves brought from Africa
The first Europeans to settle New York were...
the Dutch
The British policy of salutary neglect...
allowed the colonists economic freedom
What are some reasons why the English settlers were successful in the New England Indian Wars?
1) The English had better weapons
2) Each conflict was more devastating than the last to the Native Americans
3)The English were united by language
The Fundamental Orders considered the first constitution written in the English colonies was written for...
The Great Migration refers to a period of time when many seeking a relief from religious persecution settled in...
What was the status of slavery in Georgia when it was founded?
It was legal, but masters had to educate their slaves
In 1750, over James Oglethorpe's objections, the trustees of Georgia...
allowed the importation of slaves
The pilgrim settlement was at...
Virginia tobacco farmers moved south into this colony looking for new land to plant their crops...
North Carolina
The Mayflower Compact was unique in that it...
permitted all men to participate in government
The first slaves in England's North American colonies were in...
Maryland's Act of Toleration was the first document in the English colonies to...
grant freedom of worship to all Christians
The first permanent English settlement in North America was...
What state is Hartford in?
The House of Burgesses was established as the governing body for...
Lord Baltimore founded Maryland as a haven for...
The rhythms of work and play in Maryland and Virginia were set by...
the demands of growing tobacco and preparing it for market
What did John Winthrop mean by calling Massachusetts a "city on a hill"
Massachusetts should allow all persons to worship God as they see fit
What was England's hope for Georgia?
Georgia would be a buffer state between South Carolina and Spanish Florida
What is true about Roger Williams?
1) He questioned the authority of the Massachusetts Bay governor
2)He wanted separation of church and state
3) He was banished from Massachusetts and established Providence
What was Bacon's Rebellion?
revolt against the government of Jamestown by the colonists because the governor would not protect them from the Native Americans
House of Burgesses?
colonial legislature whose representatives were called burgesses
joint-stock company
a company funded by a group of investors who share the company's profits and losses
Pueblo Revolt
Native Americans revolt against the Spanish in New Mexico and their religious requirements
Spanish document read to Native Americans requiring them to give allegiance to the Spanish crown and Pope
Study of how people decide what, how and for whom goods and services are produced
study of peoples behavior in groups
political science
study of people and their form of government
study of artifacts and culture
study of how the brain works
a source is what it seems to be
a source with a leaning for or against a particular viewpoint
relative chronology
a time live of events; which came first
secondary source
account of events after the fact
absolute location
using latitude and longitude to find a location
cash crop
crop grown for sale
certificate or permission
indentured servant
person who contracted to work for a master in exchange for passage to the New World
headquarters where missionaries lived and worked
Spanish fort
The Treaty of Tordesillas of 1494 settled...
the dispute between Spain and Portugal over claims to new lands
The trade of goods between Europe and the Americas is known as...
the Colombian Exchange
What was Cabot, Frobisher and Hudson searching for?
a Northwest Passage
What is true about Columbus?
he was the only voyager who believed that the earth was round
The Spanish encouraged settlement in Florida...
to safeguard Spanish fleets with defensive bases
What were the the major economic activities of the Spanish colonies?
mining, farming and ranching
the Spanish encouraged established outposts in the Southeast to...
protect its trade routes
Spain wanted to establish missions to...
convert Native Americans to Spanish religion and customs
which of the following caused Jamestown's near failure?
the swampy site chosen for its settlement
the Virginia colony survived largely because the English colonists
began growing tobacco for sale
what was Columbus searching for when he sailed from Spain?
a western route to the Indies
Why were the early years in Jamestown full of hardship?
Powhatan destroyed the settlers crops
What was the major cause of death among Native Americans?
smallpox, typhus and other diseases
A major goal of the encomienda system was to...
drive Native Americans off their land
what did the most to shape the growth of New France?
the fur trade
the Puritans migrated to New England to...
escape religious persecution
how did the rapid spread of English settlements affect Native Americans?
it threatened their way of life
which three colonies were founded in an attempt to escape religious persecution?
Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Maryland
judicial branch
a branch of government that interprets the laws
to change or add
a plan of government where the power is concentrated with the states and few powers are given to the national government
executive branch
plan of government that executes the laws
federal system of government
form of government in which power is shared between the states and the national government to prohibit from becoming a law
legislative branch
branch of government that makes laws
to approve
government run by the people through elected representatives
separation of powers
principle that the legislative, executive and judicial branches would all have distinct areas of authority
Three-fifths Compromise
agreement to count a certain portion of a state's enslaved population when determining representation
Virginia Statues of Religion
guaranteed freedom form a state-established church and freedom of worship
to prohibit from becoming a law
why did the British government decide to tax the colonies?
to pay off war debt