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116 Cards in this Set

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Black Hand

A nationalits group that wanted to be an independent nation from rule Austria-Hungary.
Historical Significance - Black Hand
Members of the group were behind the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophia which sparked WWI.
The Battle of Ypres
A battle between the two sides which took place in Belgium.
Historical Significance of the Battle of Ypres
Canadian troops gained the name the stormtroopers and the it was the first time chlorine gas was used.
Robert Borden
Prime minister of Canada during the war.
Historical Significanc of Robert Borden
Gave women the right to vote, and was the reason Canada was left divided after the war.
Halifax Explosion
A larg eexplosion that took place in the Halifax harbour between the Imo and Mont Blanc
Historical Significance of Halifax Explosion
Largest man-made, non-nuclear explosion before Hiroshima.
Henri Bourassa
Leader to Liberal party in Quebec during WWI who supported French culture and language
Historical Significance - Henri Bourassa
Was against conscription and thought Canadians should send supplies not soldiers overseas to help the war effort.
Triple Alliance
Germany, Austria Hungary, and Italy
Historical Significance - Triple Alliance
Was a cause of WWI since Germany attacked France due to its ally Austria-Hungary declaring war on Serbia.
A law passed by the Canadian government forcing all able bodied, unmarried men between the ages of 18-21 to join the military and go to war
Historical Significance - Conscription
Contributed to Canada being left divided after the war since the French Canadians did not want their men going to war
A U.S. ship that was sunk by a German U-boat causing the deaths of many Americans
Historical Significance - Lusitania
Forced the United States out of isolation and to join the war and join the fight against the enemy.
Trench Warfare
A type of armed combat in which the opposing troops fight from trenches that face each other

Historical Significance - Trench Warfare

Was the reason the war wasn't over by Christmas and was the main mode of transportation and protection during combat
War Measures Act
Law that allowed government to limit Canadians' freedoms and take away certain individuals' civil rights during the war
Historical Significance - War Measures Act
Divided Canada's views and prejudeuce was used during the event
Submarines used to sink oher vessls. They were known as the silent killers
Historical Significance - U-Boats
- Germany used their U-Boats to sink the Lusitania causing the US to join the war
- German U-Boats torpedeoed enemy ships including many merchant ships helping the enemy
Billy Bishop
Famous Canadian pilot in British Air Force
Historical Significance - Billy Bishop
Shot down 72 enemy planes contributing to the Triple Entente's war effort
Treaty of Versailles
An event that took place in France discussing how Germany should be punished for the war. Involved the War Guilt Clause, Reparations, Disarment, and Territorial Clause
History Significance - Treaty of Versialles
Left Germans with a stain on their honour later leading to Hitler's revolution and his want to conquer Europe leading the WWII
June 28th 1914
Date Archduke Fran Ferdinand and his wife Sofia were asassinated
Historical Significance - June 28th 1914
The assassination was the spark that lead to WWI
Imperial War Conference 1917
Robert Borden conference realizing a lack of volunteers to help the war effort
Historical Significance - Imperial War Conference 1917
Provoked the conscription to get more soldiers overseas to help th ewar effort
Women who wore skirts and dresses above the knee, cut their hair in a short bob, cussed, drank, smokes, visted speakeasies and blind pigs, and were promiscuous/ flirted with men
Historical Significance - Flappers
Lead to women having more independence by not follwoing traditional ways
Persons Case
When Emily Murphy was told in court one day that her being a female judge cannot make a decision since she was not a "person" under the BNA Act. Resulted in Murphy and 4 supporters appealing to the British Privy Council.
Historical Significance - Persons Case
Declared women to be persons granting them more rights leading to the first woman being elected to senate
Great Depression
Time during the 1930s where an economic crisis took place with massive unemployment
Historical Significance - Great Depression
Caused poverty nation wide due to job loss, stock market crash, and low trading
Relief Camps
Were set up by R.B. Bennett during WWI and were ran by the Department of National Defence. It gave single men 18+ food,shelter, clothes, and a small wage while working on things such as building roads.
Historical Significance - Relief Camps
Unhappiness amongst the relief camps lead to the On-To-Ottawa trek.
One Big Union
A union formed by western unionists to resolve the misrepresentation of many skilled and unskilled workers. The OBU believed in unionism and socialism.
Historical Significance - One Big Union
Represented the people during times of labour unrest and tried to get the workers' demands met
Buying on Credit
When people would pay a small portion at the time of purchase and would pay it back later on. Also referred to "Buy now, pay later"
Historical Significance - Buying On Credit
Many Canadians bought lots of things they could not afford hoping to pay back later but with low income these people were in debt and couldn't afford basic needs
Rise in general price levels due to volume of money, decreasing currency value
Historical Significance - Inflation
Partly responsible of the great depression (Business cycle)
Banning by law of the making, selling, and transporting of alcohol
Historical Significance - Prohibition
Led to crime lords such as Al Capone to make major profits and smuggling became a new way to make money
Model T Ford
A car invented by Henry Ford.
Historical Significance - Model T Ford
Made transportation from point a to point B easier connecting rural areas to cities. It also invented the assembly line which improved production casuing 1/3 families to own a car by the 1920s
Staple Products
Products such as wheta, minerals, fish, pulp and paper
Historical Significance - Staple Products
Staple products being a major export contributed to the Great Depression when demand went down
Labour Strikes
Creation of Co-operative Commonwalth Federation, on-to-Ottawa trek, bloody saturday
Hisotrical Significance - Labour Strikes
Demonstrates the different views on economic issues, ad drastic measures taken by citizens
Famous Five
Group of Canadian women led by Emily Murphy and Nellie McClung to change laws regarding women's rights
Historical Significance - Famous Five
Caused the British Privy Council to declare women as persons and allowed the first female senator to be appointed
Smugglers who transported alcohol across the U.S. / Canada border
Hisotrical Significance - Rumrunners
Later lead to prohibition being lifted since the smugglers were part of the reason it wasn't working
R.B. Bennett
Prime Minister during the Great Depression
Historical Significance - R.B. Bennett
Was blamed for the great depression and his lack of government support during the 30's. Bennett Buggies were created and named after him.
Canadian farmers suffered fro drought and heavy winds, ruining crops
Hisotrical Significance - Dustbowls
Provided difficulty to grow food causing the price of crops to rise
Black Tuesday
Day the stock markets crashd causing people to lose everything
Hisorical Significance - Black Tuesday
Caused widespread poverty and was a symptom of the Great Depression
J.S. Woodsworth
Behind the social democrat movement, Leader of Co-operative Commonwealth Federation
Historicl Significance - J.S. Woodworth
Later became the leader of the New Democratic Party formerly the CCF
Miracle of Dunkirk
Hitler held back his troops from advancing through Dunkirk unkowingly where a large scale evacuation was taking place.
Historical Significance - Miracle of Dunkirk
Over 300,000 allied troops were rescued form the beches with the help of Navy convoys and merchant marine
Zyklon B
Poisonous gas used to murder Jews and other undesirables in gas chambers
Historical Significance - Zyklon B
Responsible for the execution of over 6 million views
Known as "The Night of the Broken Glass". It was a 7 day torment against Jewish shops, synagogues, homes, churches, schools, and businesses
Historical Signififcance - Kristallnacht
Was one of Hitler's acts of terror upon the Jews. He ordered them to clean it up and pay for the damages as part of his plan to eliminate Jews in Europe.
Largest Nazi concentration camp located in Poland and was wable to kill thousands of Jews a day
Historical Significance - Aushwitz
Responsible for the deaths of 1.1 to 1.5 million Jews
Adrien Arcand
Fascist leadr in Quebec who looked uo ti Hitler's ideaology on Jews
Historical Signififcance - Adrien Arcand
Created anti-Jew ways in Canada promoting anti-semitism
Munich Agreement
An agreement made by France, Great Britain, Germany, and Italy allowing Germany to take over the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia as long as Hitler promised not to take over anymore territories
Historical Significance - Munich Agreement
Lead to Hitler seeing if the allied powers were ready for a war and how easily they could be persuaded. This was a major event leding to WWII.
Atomic Bomb
This was ordered by the U,S. president Truman to be dropped on Japan to pressure them to surrender. The bomber was Enola Gay and it was dropped over Hiroshima.
Historical Significance - Atomic Bomb
The bomb was responsible for killing thousands of Japanese citizens and Japan still didn't surrender untila seocnd bomb was dropped.
Battle of Dieppe
A failed attempt in August 1942 in battle that Canada was a part of to help relieve pressure off of the Russian Army in the East.
Historical Significance - Battle of Dieppe
Troops were poorly equipped since the gravel terrain was not taken into considration and there was a lack of air and sea support.
German attack technique known as also known as "Lightning Warfare" and was a quick punch. It went airforce, tanks then infantry to penetrate to enemy.
Historical Significance - Blitzkrieg
Was used by the Germans during WWII, and was first used to capture Poland leaving them completely defenseless against the new kind of warfare.
Battle of Hong Kong
First time Canadians saw battle in WWII. Troops were stationed there since to protect the British Colony.
Historical Significance - Battle of Hong Kong
The soldiers were poorly equipped with limited training and low odds leading to defeat and imprisonment.
Neuremburg Laws
Legislation put in place by the NAZIs banning marriage of Jews and non-Jews and taking away citizenship and civil rights of Jews
Historical Significance - Neuremburg Laws
Part of Hiler's plan to exterminate all Jews from Europe and prevent them from tainting the blood of his master race.
Winston Churchill
Minister of the Navy when Neville Chamberlain was in office. He deemed Hitler untrustworthy and evil.
Historical Significance - Winston Churchill
Disliked Hitler, and disagreed with the appeasement. He said "You were given the choice between war and dishonor. You chose dishonor and you will have war."
Master Race
Hitler's idea of the master Aryan race was a tall, blonde haired, blue eyed German.
Historical Significance - Master Race
Lead to the execution of many people who didn't fit the profile of the maste race.
Camp X
Also known as Spy Training School 103 and it trained select people in intelligence and advanced combat.
Historical Significance - Camp X
Played a key role in stopping the Germans from infiltrating Canada and planning inside attacks
Annexation of Austria by Germany.
Historical Signififcance - Anschluss
Germany was able to invade and take over a nation without firing a single shot. It also helped grow Germany in power and population
Cold War
Was a time where the U.S and Canada and the USSR didn't trust each other (Democrats vs. Communists). Was a war without actual fighting it was through espionage.
Historical Significance - Cold War
Created an arms race for production of Nuclear weapons and distrust amongst world superpowers
North American air defence command brought the air defence of the two countries under joint integration. Headquarters in Colorado and North Bay.
Historical Significance - NORAD
Created the DEW Line later on which notified of any missile attacks on North America
Baby Boom
1946-1961 when Canada's population increased by 50% from 12 to 18 million
Historical Signififcance - Baby Boom
Created more jobs, schools, roads, hospitals, and suburbs and boosted Canada's Economy
The acceptance of different cultures and ethnicities in Canada.
Historical Significance - Multiculturalism
Canada was the first country to adapt this law and accept individuals from different countries
United Nations
Job was to keep the peace and to prevent war and people from being treated the way the Jews were during the Holocaust
Historical Significance - United Nations
It has and will continue to save many devastaed countries, many people, and keep world peace
Quebec wanting to seperate from Canada and be its own independent nation
Historical Significance - Separtism
Lead to the FLQ October Crisis killing Pierre Laporte during the Separtist Movement
Time when the baby boomers wanted a new face for politics causing them to look towards Pierre Trudeau as a new leader. He was a young, stylish, charismatic, flamboyant and persuasive man who came to events in helicopters and arrived to cities by jet making everyone love him
Historical Significance - Trudeau Mania
He became the Prime Minister of Canada and created the Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Bill 101
Put restrictions on the use of languages other than French in Quebec making French part of the Government and businesses.
Historical Significance - Bill 101
Immigrants had to pass a test to go to an English School and if they failed they were required to go to a French School
North Atlantic Treaty Organization committed to collective security with all the members promising to defend each other in event of an attack
Hostorical Significance - NATO
Prevented communism and the countries involved are joined together for protection to this day
British North America Act of 1982 became the constitution during the time
Historical Significance - BNA
Canada was allowed to create its own laws and have its own independence
War Measures Act
Gives the government sweeping powers to control people and arrest anyone who is a potential threat
Historical Significance - War Measures Act
Put in place during the October Crisis during the attempted revolution ins Quebec taking away civil rights from people