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74 Cards in this Set

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The result in the presidential election of 1920 seemed to be proof that Americans in the 1920s wanted to return to ___________
The "Ohio Gang" was ___________ that were named to political office.
a group of Harding's friends
How did the tariff policy of the early 1920s affect our imports?
The tariff policy made it harder for other nations to trade with the US.
In order to stimulate the economy, Harding's secretary of treasury favored ___________
the reduction of high wartime levels of taxation.
What was the biggest scandal of the Harding administration? State what it is called, who was responsible and what it involved.
The Teapot Dome was the biggest scandal of the Harding administration. Albert Fall was responsible for this scandal. It involved the leasing of government owned oil to private companies.
What was the outcome of the 1924 presidential election?
Coolidge won overwhelmingly.
The arrival of the modern motion picture was marked by a 1915 movie based on Thomas Dixon's novel "The Clansman" entitled ___________
Birth of a Nation
___________ made the automobile available to more buyers.
Mass production
Identify two effects of the automobile on society in the 1920s.
The rise of the automobile quickened good roads movement.

The rise of the automobile also encouraged the sprawl of suburbs.
In the 1920s, farm prices ___________.
fell sharply
The Democrats lost the presidential election of 1928 because ___________.
Americans were pleased with the Republican prosperity of the 1920s
___________ contributed in large part to the stock market crash.
Buying stocks on margin
Hoover's early efforts to end the Depression included asking business men to ___________.
Keep paying their employees and to not fire them in order to keep purchasing power strong.
In 1931, just as economic indicators were beginning to rise, Austria's largest bank closed, triggering a panic that wept through Europe. Why did this effect the American economy?
European investors withdrawed American old and dumped American securities because Austria's largest bank closed (which was caused by the economic indicators that were beginning to rise)
What was the purpose of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation?
It gave emergency loans to banks, farm mortgages, building and loan societies, and other such businesses to prevent bankruptcies.
In the early years of the Depression, farmers ___________ because ___________.
Farmers lost their farmers because of their income failure
___________ said, "The chief business of the American people is business."
Calvin Coolidge
Politically, the ___________ suffered he most from the stock market crash and the beginning of the Depression.
the Republicans
In the presidential election of 1932 ___________
radical Socialist and Communist party candidates won nearly one million votes.
Between the election in November 1932 and Roosevelt's inauguration in March 1933, ___________.
(no answer)
The Federal Emergency Relief Administration ___________
was created during the first Hundred Days, often gave financial assistance to the needy through the dole rather than through work, and was actually administered through the states.
The goal of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933 was to raise farm income mainly through ___________
cutbacks in production.
"Codes of fair practice" were a part of ___________
the NRA.
Huey Long was from ___________
In the case of Norris v. Alabama, the Supreme Court ___________
ruled that the systematic exclusion of blacks from juries denied defendants equal protection of the law.
The Indian Reorganization Act restored ___________
their cultural traditions.
The Supreme Court packing plan was defeated in part because of ___________
a change in the Court's direction in rulings on key measures.
The New Deal's "cornerstone" and "supreme achievement", according to FDR, was ___________
Social Security.
The ___________ was NOT part of the first New Deal.
Social Security.
The Fair Labor Standards Act did NOT provide for ___________
the right of workers to form unions.
Eleanor Roosevelt helped the president by ___________
taking political risks he could not take.
The primary purpose of the Public Works Administration and the Works Progress Administration was to ___________
provide employment through federal deficit spending.
The most enduring change that occurred in United States banking during the administration of Franklin Roosevelt was the ___________
federal insurance of bank deposits.
In addition to putting young men back to work, a principal purpose of the CCC was to ___________
promote reforestation and land conservation.
Dr. Francis Townsend gained notoriety as a critic of the New Deal with his ___________
$200 per month pension plan for the elderly.
Most of the rationale for conservative opposition to the New Deal came from the argument that New Deal programs ___________
diminished the liberty of the individual.
Until the 1930s, the Supreme Court objected to social legislation passed by the states to protect workers on the basis that suck laws ___________
interfered with the workers' right of contract.
Huey Long's plan was to guarantee ___________
an annual income to each family.
During the 1932 presidential campaign, the Republican and Democratic candidates both promised generally to balance the budget.

The Twentieth Amendment moved the presidential inauguration date from March to January.

The AAA eliminated child labor in factories.

An early New Deal program called for slaughtering six million pigs.

Only the New Deal agricultural programs did not discriminate against blacks.

The Republican presidential candidate in 1932 was Alfred Landon

While Hoover believed that the federal government should provide relief assistance in the form of a dole, Roosevelt believed that it was the responsibility of the states.

Both Hoover and Roosevelt believed that the depression could be solved by government regulation of the economy.

The Scottsboro case in 1931 involved efforts to organize workers in the steel industry.

Only the New Deal agricultural programs did not discriminate against blacks.

"The Grapes of Wrath" depicted the dust bowl immigrants to California.

In 1939, seventeen percent of the nation's labor force was still out of work.

In his attitudes toward government and business, FDR was ideologically committed to enforcing antitrust laws.

At the end of the Hoover administration, four out of every five American banks were closed.

A first step toward direct relief for the unemployed was the CCC.

Codes of fair competitive practice were established by the NRA.

The "Blue Eagle" was a symbol for the AAA.

Perhaps the most enduring voting change brought by FDR was the shift of the farm vote to the Democratic party.

Deportation of Mexican American workers was popular because they were involved in labor union activities.

Keynesianism involves reducing government spending in times of severe unemployment.

The CIO was established to organize skilled workers.

In the election of 1936, the Republicans recognized the popularity of New Deal policies and simply asserted that they could administer them better.

The Twenty-First Amendment, ratified in 1933, repealed the progressive income tax.

During the period of the New Deal, the program of organized labor was most successful in unifying the labor movement.

The farm policy of the New Deal was designed to decrease the prices of farm products by increasing farm output.

The Wagner Act gave labor a minimum wage, maximum workweek, and retirement benefits.

In order to deal with the crisis in banking at the time of his inauguration, Franklin Roosevelt declared a four-day "banking holiday" and prohibited the export of money.

Huey Long challeged FDR for the Democratic presidential nomination on 1936.

The FDIC was established in 1934, to regulate the stock market and to prevent the abuses practiced during the 1920s that led to the Great Crash in 1929.

Franklin D. Roosevelt was permanently ___________ after contracting ___________
he was permanently crippled after contracting polio
The main purpose of the Civilian Conservation Corps was to ___________
provide work relief for young men.
The "Blue Eagle" was the symbol of compliance for the ___________
The Tennessee Valley provided ___________
the production of cheap electric power, flood control, and soil conservation and forestry.
In the case of Schechter Poultry Corporation v. United States, the Supreme Court ___________
overturned the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA).
The National Labor Relations Act was often called the ___________
Wagner Act.
The Social Security Act did NOT ___________