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79 Cards in this Set

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What years are known as the commercial revolution?

Between 1750-1900

What is an economic system in which raw materials are taken from a colony sent to the mother country to be made into finished products and sold large profit?

Mercantilism (the colony is not allowed to trade any other country)

What is the line of Demarcation?

It is an imaginary line created by the Pope that gave Spain the rights to all new lands west of the line and Portugal all new lands east of the line

What are the basic principles of Mercantilism?

Gained precious metals

Build a large and impressive royal court

Have a very powerful military (Navy)

Control the balance of trade between years and another nation (the difference between imports and exports)

What have colonies become a source of?

profit for the mother nation

What is the 2 or more investors paying for the expedition and then would split the profits?

Joint Stock Companies

What paid back double the investment?

English East India Co.

What did the depending size of the take?

Dutch West India Co.

What were the wealth was no longer determined?

land alone it was now in liquid assets

What is liquid assets better than hard assets?

Liquid assets are easily be sold and Hard assets is something could be sold but depends on because it is changing

Who were the Middle class?

Merchants and Artisans

What started the Middle class?

started to invest their money in an attempt to gain more wealth.

Who scorned the idea?

nobles and aristocrats (not wanting to accept the change of thinking)

What was each state to monopolize?

Mercantile trade and the way to do that was to control the seas

Who sought to compete with Spain knew they had to cut the flow of American gold and wealth?


Where pirates hide in to attempt to steal Spanish Bullion?


Who were these pirates?


What did the pirates were subsidized?

Dutch and English joint stock companies

Who was an English merchant brought European goods and slaves to the Caribbean in defiance of Spanish decrees?

John Hawkins

In 1577, who was an English pirate that sailed his ship along the coast of South America and got tons of gold a sliver?

Francis Drake

What was Francis Drake's ship?

The Golden Wind

What did Francis Drake escape capture from the Spanish?

He circumnavigated the globe

Who congratulated Francis Drake?

Queen Elizabeth

Who joined the pirating?

France and the Netherlands

In 1629, Who captured 4 million gold coins and used it to fund the war against Spanish rule?

admiral piet heyn (Dutch East India Co.)

What is inflation?

a great deal of new precious medals in the European Market

What is when supplies got low the prices of goods started to rise?


What is a sharp steady rise in prices as a result of excess demand?


What does inflation affects groups in different ways?

* landowning nobles receive fixed rent and so couldn't buy the same amount

* city workers pay bought less food

* merchants made a fortune

What did the demand of food allowed?

some landowners to raise rent and evict farmers so they could have the land buck

What is an market economic system based on private ownership and use of capital (wealth in the form of property or money)?


What were 4 major features for Capitalism?

* private ownership

* Profit Motive

* Market economy

* zero-sum

What is private ownership?

capital is controlled by the individual and they may do with it what he wants (free-enterprise system)

What is profit motive?

people go to work, make up a product or sell goods with the sole purpose to make profit

What is the law that states the more demand there is for a product the prices go up, but when the demand is low, prices drop, but if supply is scarce then prices rise?

Law of supply and demand

What is market economy?

almost all property has a price and it is bared on supply and demand, based on what the market will bear

What is zero-sum?

unlimited demand is met with limited supply such that when one going another must lose

Where did capitalism goes back?


Who were the people to base their wealth on liquid assets?

Merchants who there who were rich enough

Who was the author of Capitalism?

Adam Smith

What book did Adam Smith wrote?

Wealth of Nations

What did Adam Smith speaks about?

Laissez Faire, competition, free markets will requlate the economy

How was the american populations were altered drastically?


How many ways did they justify slavery?


How did they justify slavery?

They weren't Christians and were already enslaved in Africa

How many years of slavery?

250 years and during this time it continued to grow

From 1518 to the mid 1800's, How many Africans had been shipped across the Atlantic?

over 10 millions Africans

Before 1650, What place did most slaves were?

In Brazil working on Portuguese Sugar

After 1650, What was converted into slave central?

The Carribean

What was England's largest plantation island?


Who became French Haiti?


Before 1700, How many slaves come to the northern colony?

Few slaves

In the late 1700's, what changed?


Who had the cotton gin?

Eli Whitney

If the cotton gin wasn't invented, what have slavery become?

slavery would've most likely died out 60 years earlier

What is contract slavery for a number of years to buy transport?

Indentured Servitude

What were the Indian crops?

potato, corn, squash, pumpkin, tomato, chocolate

What was common between European and African men and Indian women?


What is European/Indian?


What is African/European?


What is African/Indian?


What were they usually grown up as?

Europeans and were baptized

What is much less rigid in their class distinctions?


What kind of Indians tended to be more immune to European disease?

mixed Indians

How many Africans in the Americas were not slaves?

Some Africans

How does Africans get out of slavery?

could buy freedom, be set free, or runaway

What were communities of runaway slaves called?


What they were protected hardly by?

the newly freed people

Where were the Maroons?

Dutch Guiana and Jamaica that were never conquered

What started Africa as?

a new source of wealth for the Portuguese as they explored, but in time the African people themselves became the source of income

What had existed in Africa since the beginning of time (much like the rest of the world)?


As the Portuguese started to explore, what did they explore in the 1400's?

the coast of Africa

Who wanted to trade but he had nothing for the Portuguese wanted?

The King of Kongo

What did King of Kongo did to African slaves?

He agreed to sell African slaves to be used as house servants

Who was a helical (Kongo from 1506-1543)?

King Alfonso

What did King Alfonso grew alarmed?

the increasing demand for slaves and tried to stop it

Who asked King of Portugal to stop it?

King Alfonso

What did King Alfonso was unsuccessful?

his appeals to the king and pope

By the 1600's, What was Portugal's #1 source of income?

Slave Trading (gold and pepper)