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24 Cards in this Set

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What were the causes and beliefs of the Protestant Reformation? (do not include Catholic Responses here)
-Martin Luther, the German friar, in 1517 began preaching to restore the early Christian teachings and uproot church abuses
-emphasized the importance of individual belief and understanding of the Scripture, it automatically encouraged individual interpretation(which is the reason for so many protestant sects)
-Protestants, those who protested, were the followers of Martin Luther
-Papal power had become more like monarchs with armies and loads of money. They were more interested in their political position rather than their religious devotion
-Priests abused their power in order to make other people do things for them in order to be forgiven
-“the church was more interested in making money than in saving souls”
-in the time of rennassaince, many Christian scholars began to link their scholarship with cause of social reform based on morality.
-Thomas More, Christian humanist, wrote the Utopia which gave the vision of a place without material wealth and greed (people began to think outside the box).
-1516, archbishop ordered the sale of indulgences to cover the cost of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome in order to pursue the next election with wealth, angered laypeople
-Luther composed 95 theses that questioned indulgence peddling and the purchase of church offices, made the laypeople very angry
-Luther attacked the papacy in Rome as the antichrist, and told german churches to reform( these ideas were publicly sent out everywhere and created)
-Luther said he likes Hus, the Czech heretic
-the church was the largest landowner in the Holy Roman Empire
-John Calvin, a priest, was exiled from France due to Catholicism attacking protestants, and he moved to Geneva which became the main capital for Reform
-Protestants believed in strict discipline of personal behavior in order for a orderly Christian society
-Protestants say marriage is godly and everyone should participate
-gave women more rights and allowed to file for divorce in many different ways
How did the Catholic Church respond to the various Christian reformation movements?
-Catholic Church mobilized for a Catholic reform, they did the opposite of whatever Protestants did. The Council of Trent met ever so often and made these rules (no divorce, papal allowed to use military
-they created the Jesuits(Society of Jesus), a new catholic religious order, by Ignatius of Loyola. Contained the social elite, and created many colleges in Europe
-they created the Ursulines, a catholic religious order for women, based around education
-Sent missionaries to the Americas, Africa, Asia
-Catherine de Medecis, wife of Henry II, called for a blood bath of killing Calvanists(Huegenots) in France
-Pope Sixtus V ordered a Catholic crusade lead by Phillip II (king of Spain) against Queen Elizabeth and the puritan church there (a stricter Calvinism)
-Charles V created an Interim which restored Catholics’ right to worship in Protestant lands while permitting Lutherans to celebrate their own services
-they were shocked of how fast and understood Luther’s views were spread through out Europe.
-in England, the hierarchy called English-language bibles a threat of heresy
Discuss the Commercial Revolution and its impact on Medieval Society.
-began a profit based economy, with currency
-the great lords in the countryside begin to take advantage of the profits of their estates
-Traders travel to asia to bring things back that are twice the worth of what they traded
-compagnia- when property is invested in trade
-commenda- a partnership established for commerce at sea
-Guilds- people cooperate with one another to create fabrics
Discuss the Reforms of Pope Gregory VII (Gregorian Reforms)
-the emporer was just a layman who had no right to meddle in church affairs
-he felt reforms were necessary to free the church from the Satanic rulers of the world
-started the Investiture conflict, in which Gregory excommunicated Henry. And Henry begged for return to church
What was the social, economic, and political impact of Black Death to European society?
-had long dormant intervals and was prevalent from 1361 into the 18th century
-in an overpopulated society with limited resources, the large amounts of death opened way for ranks of advancement
-workers received higher pay because of plummeting supply of laborers
-there was less demand for grain and lowered prices of food
-the large nobleman weren’t as powerful and had to respect their peasants more
-cloth industry dropped its mass production
What were the great successes of Charlemagne (Charles the Great)?
-model of a roman emperor, he started religious unity by forcing people to Christianity by sword
-appointed missi dominici (governers) which he checked up on so often
-Pope Leo put an imperial crown on Charles’s head
-Charles believes he was crowned by God
-the most famous of all the Carolingian kings, expanded the Frankish and Lombard communities
-thought of himself as a Roman king
-had governors and mayors called missi dominici
-had a strong relation with papacy and used it to gain respect for his actions, christened by Leo III
-created schooling in churches
-became Charlemagne’s chief advisor(writing letters for the king, counseling him, tutoring the king’s household)
-had traditions of Anglo-Saxon scholarship
William the Conqueror
-duke of Normandy who claimed throne of England after death of Edward the Confessor
-wanted to replace the Anglo-Saxons
-1/5 English people died as a result of the Norman conquest
-(read handout)
Magna Carta
-intended to be a conservative document defining the “customary” obligartions and rights of the nobility and forbidding the king to break from these customs without consulting his barons.
-gave everyone a certain amount of rights
-implied the King was not above the law
-St. Francis started the most famous orthodox religious movement
-Friars spent time preaching, ministering, and doing manual labor
-they liked being in urban environments, publicly preaching and begging for bread
Investiture Conflict
-“it was war”
-Pope Gregory the VII and Henry IV fought over who should be head of the Catholic church
-Gregory used a synod and excommunicated and suspended Henry from office, making his rivals rebel against him. Henry was at the mercy of Gregory
-started the movement of seperation of church and state
Internal Crusades
-Inquisition- prosecuting all heretics and things that represent heresy to the Roman Catholic Church
Battle of Hastings
-Edward the Confessor died childless, and duke of Normandy, William claimed throne of England
-William fought Harold at this battle and won
Salic Law
-laws controlling inheritance, didn’t allow women to own or inherit property
-laws governing the Salian Franks
John Calvin
-broke from the Roman Catholic Church and became Protestant
-wrote institutes of the Christian religion
-a pastor during the Protestant reformation
Printing revolution
-created a huge revolution of published books against the Catholic church
-talking about how the Inquisitors are evil and the heretics are martyrs
Humanism (Renaissance and Christian)
-christian huminists placed emphasis on Christian piety, judged the high ups in the church on their bloody ambitions
-renaissance huminists believed that a person could develp his full human potential only by studying the humanities(liberal arts, literature, subgenre history)
-a catholic religious order, Society of Jesus/ founder Ignatius of Loyola
-contained the social elite of Catholic Europe, founded hundreds of colleges
30 Years War
-1618 to 1648 between Catholic and Protestants fought in central europe
Henry VIII
-king of England, firmly opposed the Protestant and Luther Reformation
-married many wives, very brutal. Also hired Protestant loyal servants to break ties between English Church in rome. Using the English parliament
-the Act of Supremacy made him head of the Angilican church(England church)
Great Schism
-two popes elected at the same time: Clement VII in Avignon with and Urban in Rome
-neither would step down, so Council of Pisa removed both popes, Alexander V new pop
-however, no one agreed so there were 3 popes. Martin V made pope under a united belief for taking a stand against heresy
Hundred Years War
-started with Edward III(England) + Philip VI(France) territorial fighting
-English dominated France at first, then France started to take England out of their territory
-it destroyed the western Europe economy and countryside, city +country combined which caused conflict
Elizabeth I
-daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, squashed catholic uprisings
-fought with the Puritans because of her church reforms of the Anglican church