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59 Cards in this Set

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Stephen long

Makes a map and calls it the American desert

What year was there no longer free land?


What year did American start looking for gold?


What year were there 18,000 people in California?


Who was general chivington?

Lead soldiers and starts killing indian women children and Men

What do Indians depend on?


Who starts killing off the buffalo?

White people

How many Buffalo were there in 1870?

15 million

How many Buffalo were there by 1880?


What was the Dawes Act?

Indians had to adapt to White Lifestyle forced to live on reservations, speak English, and be given low end jobs

Who was wovoka?

He was an Indian spiritual leader. Indians believed if you chanted and danced hard enough he would come and save them

What happened on Wounded Knee Creek?

Calvary surrounds Indians and eventually wipes out Indians and their own soldiers

What years did the Civil War take place?

1861 to 1865

What was big in the late 1800s for Americans?


What year did the depression take place?


How do Americans become more scientific with cattle?

They start the feeding and breeding method

What is a marter?

Someone who died for a cause then more important after death

When did the cattle drive end?


What was the US population in 1876?

40 million

Who was Rutherford hayes?

19th President

John wilks booth

Assassinated abe Lincoln

What is the spoil system?

Stalwarts v. Half-breeds

Stalwarts have no skills for govt and half breeds have qualifications for govt jobs

Who was James Garfield?

President that was assassinated after Lincoln

Who shot James Garfield?

Charles Gutteau

Who was Chester Arthur?

President after James garfield

Grover Cleveland

Runs for president in 1884

About Grover

Lowers tariffs but loses business support

Who is running against Grover Cleveland in 1888?

Benjamin Harrison

What does Harrison do?

Puts America in a depression, govt goes bankrupt

Who does Grover borrow money from?

J.P. Morgan

What happened in the US in the 1880s?

Immigrants came from Europe to find work in US

Who was Edwin Drake?

Established first oil well

What did Thomas Edison invent?

Long lasting lightbulb, power stations, telegraph recorder and phonograph

What was the kinetiscope?

Movie camera that created an illusion of movement. Boxing and belly dancing were the first events recorded.

Who was George Washington Carver?

He develops crop rotation, works as a professor and finds more than 200 uses for peanuts

What and where were the first locomotives made?

They were produced in Europe and made from beams and iron

What did Henry Bessemer and William Kelly produce?


What did Elijah Otis invent?

The elevator brake

Who invented the first working telephone?

Alexander Grand Bell and Elijah Gray

Who invented the first toilet?

Thomas Crapper

What year was the first automobile produced in Germany?


Who invented the first automobile?

Carl Benz

Who had the first car in the US?

The Dureya Brothers

How did Henry Ford contribute to cars?

He mass produced cars. Produced cars in 12 hours.

What did John D. Rockefeller do in 1890?

Called action against businessmen

Who was Andrew Carnigy?

Invests in steel

Who buys the steel industry?

J.P. Morgan

What was AFL?

American Federation Labor

What were 5 issues with farmers?

Railroad rates, bank loan rates, prices, image and no govt support

Who was Oliver Kelly?

Created Granger laws to help farmers. Contributed to Ag movement

What is the "Big 3"?

Politics, initiative, reform/recall

Who was Alfred Thayer Nahan?

Wrote "influence of sea power upon history"

When did the Spanish American War take place?

1890 for 3 months

Who were Randolph Hearst and Joesph Pulitzer?

Creators of yellow journalism, sent to see what was happening in Cuba

Who led the "Black Army"?

John J. Pershing or "Black Jack"

After US wins war what do they get?

Control of the Philippines and Guam. Control Puerto Rico. Have a fort in Cuba. Platt amendment: Cuba can't make a treaty that endangers Cuba's independence. If a nation threatens Cuba, US can intervene

What year does Roosevelt become president?


When did McKinley get assassinated?

Sept. 6, 1901

Who assassinated McKinley?

Leon Czolgosz