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58 Cards in this Set

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what did Voltaire write
Treatise on Toleration
the infamous thing referring to religous intollerance, he said ppl should band together as christians not fight among the different branches of christianity
Royal family of Pruccia, under Fredrick 2/Fredeerick the Great Prussia becomes known for militarism, using nobility as officers
Catherine the Great (also known as Catherine the 2
Russian Czarina (after retard husband Peter 3 "dies") passes reform doc: The Instructions--after revolt Catherine revokes and institutes Charter of the Nobility
The Instructions
Catherine the great decree trying to reform Russia for ex: can no longer beat/kill surfs w/out just cause
Charter of the Nobility
after rebellion Catherine the great revoked The Instructions and institutes this decree saying to nobility "you take care of masses and I'll take care of you. this begins the break between royalty & commoners in Russia
Prussian nobility
Lord Herbert of Cherbury
Deism: the natural religion
Deist metaphors for God
Great Mathematician or Divine Clockmaker
T. Malthus
wrote: The Principles of Population which worried about the balance btwn overpopulation & food source
Malthus 2 checks
Positive Check: natural disaster or man-made disaster
Preventive Check: celebacy, abstinence, delay marriage...keep positive check from happening by limiting population
Russian nobility
emerging middle class, leisure time, merchants, literate
A. Smith
wrote The Wealth of Nations which argued for laissez-faire economics (not govmt controlled)
A. Smith argued govmt had 3 functions
1. provide police (domestic tranquility
2. provide military (national defense)
3. public works (infastructure such as building roads)
2 ways nobles/aristocrats try to keep wealth
1. Absorption
2. Entail & Primogeniture
wrote The Spirit of the Laws
says there are appropriate types of gvmt based on population
Montesquieu 3 sizes/types of govmt based on population
1. small-ideal form Republic
2. med-Monarchy (good shepard)
3. large-Despotism (secret police) ex. Hitler he says if given choice most would choose Republic but it needs separation of power: checks & balances
J.J. Rousseau
wrote: The Social Contract
ideas of The Social Contract
each person should be best they can. the best govmt is a republic, power of the people
according to Rousseau there are 2 forms of Democracy
1. Participatory
2. Representative
the better form is participatory, direct involvement of citizens
S. Richardson
wrote Pamela:
about young maid working in house for widower w/ children "cinderella story"
E. Pugachev
Leader of the cossacks (outlaws/ hired guns) lead revolt against Catherine the Great 1774-76
R. Walpole
1st Prime Minister (head of Privy Council: advisors to monarch)
power of Prime Minister: dispensing Kings favors to influence people in parliament
M. Wollstonecraft
wrote Vindication of the Rights of Women
known as the founder of modern-European feminism
J. Wesley
preach to the masses. almost went to jail for preaching that all ppl were equal had to chnge to all ppl spiritually equal used to be preacher for church of England until he had a calling to preach to the masses.
N. von Zinzendorf
began Pietism. argued that if you want to find God look inward (meditate) not through going to church or saying 'hail mary's'
spell name of writer of Treatise on Toleration
Voltaire: spell title of his book
spell name of Royal Prussian family
spell name for nobility for Prussians
Spell name of person who started Deism
Herbert of Cherbury
spell name for nobility for Russia
Spell name of author of The Principles of Population
T. Malthus
spell name of emerging middle class population
spell 1st way nobility tried to keep their wealth
spell 2ns way nobility tried to keep their wealth
entail & primogeniture
spell name of author of The Spirit of Laws
spell name of author of The Social Contract
J. J. Rousseau
spell name of author of Pamela
S. Richardson
spell name of group of outlaws/hired guns in Russia that revolted against Catherine the Great
spell name of leader of cossacks
E. Pugachev
spell name of 1st Prime Minister
R. Walpole
spell name of author of Vindication of the Rights of Women
M. Wollstonecraft
spell name of man accredited with starting Pietism
N. von Zinzendorf
spell name of religion started by N. von Zinzendorf
spell name of religion started by Herbert of Cherbury
spell idea that a. smith promoted in his book the wealth of nations
continental system
the system inaugurated by Napoleon's order in 1806 that France and its satellites boycott British goods; after some early success in blocking British trade the system was undermined by smuggling
resistance to french demands for money/draftees prompted what in the French controlled lands?
by 1812 Napoleon controlled more territory than any european ruler since Roman times. only 2 states remained independent:
Great Britain & Russia
how did napolean lose in russia
russian troops avoided confrontation retreating further into russia burning anything of use for supplies including Moscow
mistake made by napolean
fighting war on 2 fronts at same time Spanish war took his loyal men and he had to recruit soldiers of dubious loyalty that deserted at first opportunity to fight in moscow
Battle of Nations
Napolean defeated (after Russian defeat) Napolean went into exile on the island of Elba. his wife refused to go w/ him
napolean escaped from Elba and tried to regain control. THE TIME between his escape and his final defeat is called
the Hundred Days
He lost in the battle at Waterloo and was banished again to island of
St. Helena
final battle of napolean
napolean died in exile at the age of ? on what island?
52 on remote island of st helena
what is "the infamous thing"
religious intollerance Voltaire wrote about in Treatise of Tolleration