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36 Cards in this Set

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cell body or soma
(1) nucleus contains prominent nucleolus >> transcriptionally very active

(2) Nissl bodies - darkly staining RER >> not present in axon or axon hillock

(3) large number of golgi complexes, mitochondria and lysosomes

(4) often sequester substances in storage vesicles over time (ex. aluminum, iron, lipofuscin, melanin, etc.) Kind of like a pack rat. Different neurons in different locations will collect different substances.
cytoplasmic extensions
(axons and dendrites)
- shape maintained by neurofilaments (cytoskeletal elements) >> visible with silver or gold stains (Figure 7.4) silver and gold allow to stain certain neurons
myelinating cells
oligodendrocytes (CNS)- can myelinate several axons
Schwann cells (PNS)can myelinate only one axon, but can ensheath several unmyelinated axons
neurosecretory granules
neurotransmitter plus packaging and transport proteins >> contents released into synaptic cleft upon stimulation of action potential
glial cells
(1) form framework guide so that axons and dendrites migrate to correct locations during fetal development >> maintained in certain brain regions in the adult

2) move fluid from extracellular spaces to blood vessels (fluid back to capillary)

(3) may play role in blood-brain barrier (pretty much discredited now, though) - form end feet around blood vessels >> create a highly selective permeability

(4) gliosis - form scar when neurons lost (ex: after stroke or other damage to CNS)
appear as ciliated simple cuboidal epithelial cells or nervous tissue (different books will say one or the other) that line the ventricles and the central canal of the spinal cord
glial limitans
unique basement membrane of the ependymal cells.
microglial cells
specialized immune cells of the CNS that demonstrate a low level of phagocytosis >> will increase in number if pathogen present within CNS (Figure 7.26)
Amoeboid-like cells that travel around. Can migrate towards the source of infection. Don’t have connective tissue, which is where immune cells function, so the microglial cells (nervous tissue cells) take up that role
gray matter and nuclei
composed of unmyelinated fibers and nerve cell bodies
white matter
composed of unmyelinated and myelinated fibers
choroid plexus
lining of ventricles that produces cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) via selective filtration and supplementation of plasma (allow certain things to leak out. Close to plasma, but it’s been modified). These are highly folded in order to increase surface area

A. composed of simple cuboidal epithelium overlying a highly vascularized connective tissue
a bundle of axons and dendrites bound together by connective tissue
surrounds individual axons/dendrites and any associated Schwann calls
groups axons/dendrites into small bundles called fascicles
tough outer sheath that binds fascicles into a nerve
only site where neuron cell bodies are located outside of the CNS
sensory ganglia
recognized by pseudounipolar neurons surrounded by a capsule composed of satellite cells
autonomic ganglia
do not have satellite cells
(1) sympathetic ganglia – recognized by multipolar neurons that lack capsule (Figure 7.21)

a. cell bodies accumulate lipofuschin with age (reddish brown- wear and tear pigment) This is characteristic of sympathetic ganglia. A young child would not show this.

(2) parasympathic ganglia – quite small and embedded within wall of organ to be innervated (Figure 7.22) Not as large as neurons and other ganglia, but larger than other cells.
composed entirely of collagen fibers coursing precisely parallel >> attaches muscle to bone
A. fibroblasts arranged in rows and flattened between thick collagen fibers

B. minimum vascularization >> slow to heal

C. fibers bundled into fascicles >> endo, peri and epitendineum

D. often contained in a lubricated tough fibrous sheet >> minimizes friction
parallel bundles of collagen and elastic fibers (percentage will differ from ligament to ligament)>> connect bones within a joint

. amount of elastic fibers varies among different ligaments

B. distinguished from tendon via color and abundance of fibroblasts >> elastic fibers may be evident as negative images (due to fact that elastic fibers do not stain)
components of muscle tissues
A. muscle fibers >> typically grouped in bundles

B. rich capillary networks (Figure 6.7) because they are such major users of energy/ATP.

C. supporting connective tissue rich in collagenous and elastic fibers
general info on skeletal muscle
1. Cells fuse together during fetal development >> syncytium that may contain several hundred nuclei >> skeletal muscle fiber (ancillary figure)

A. nuclei just below sarcolemma (cell membrane) and usually flattened (Figure 6.3)

B. cytoplasm packed with longitudinally oriented actin and myosin (contractile units) >> precise parallel arrangement produces a striated appearance (Figures 6.10 and 6.9)

C. Cytoplasm also richly endowed with mitochondria and sarcoplasmic reticulum (same as smooth ER) (Figure 6.11)
skeletal muscle fiber types
differ according to size and specialized staining properties (myoglobin content) (Figure 6.14)
Staining of succinate dehydrogenase (found in Kreb’s cycle) can see three shades of staining.
A. red (aerobic) fibers - small with high myoglobin (looks like monomer of hemoglobin. It is what’s responsible for the color) content and a rich blood supply >> able to generate slow but more sustained contractions. Higher oxygen supply. Ex: muscles that run along spine to hold the head up, etc.

B. white (anaerobic) fibers - large with low myoglobin content and a minimal blood supply >> rapid contractions but easily fatigued

C. intermediate fibers: tend to be most common in common muscles (bicep, tricep, deltoid, etc..)
types of innervation of skeletal muscle
(1) motor end plates - found at the neuromuscular junction (Figure 7.12)

a. motor nerve axon branches into twigs that innervate several fibers >> fewer fibers per axon yields finer muscle control

(2) sensory - provide information about tension of muscle >> component of feedback system that maintains muscle tone, proprioception and prevents ripping of muscle

a. encapsulated nerve endings within tendon

b. muscle spindle (Figure 7.33)
important for maintaining muscle tone.
i. fibrous capsule containing 5-15 thin intrafusal muscle fibers

ii. two sources of innervation
organization of skeletal muscle as an organ
A. endomysium - surrounds individual muscle fibers

B. perimysium - groups many muscle fibers together to form a fascicle (Figure 6.2)

C. epimysium - groups many fascicles together to form a muscle

(1) continuous with tendon
smooth muscle general info
A. myofilaments not well organized >> no striations

(1) oriented in all directions and inserted into anchoring points called focal densities (Figure 6.20)

B. individual cells surrounded by and external lamina composed of reticular fibers (Figure 6.15)

(1) capable of secreting both collagen and elastic fibers for anchoring purposes

C. communication via gap junctions or nexus junctions- link the smooth muscle fibers together.
arrangement of smooth muscle within organs
A. unitary smooth muscle - cells have synchronized rhythmic contractions stimulated primarily by stretch- connected by the gap junctions: work as a single unit. Same chemical stimulus shared with neighboring cells.

(1) patterns modified by hormonal and/or neural input
Makes mesh or network under cell membrane, so that when contracts it contracts in all directions. Unlike skeletal, which contracts in one direction.
B. multi-unit smooth muscle - precisely controlled by the autonomic nervous system

4. capable of regeneration
type 1 neurofibromatosis
1. cafe au lait spots
2. neurofibromata
3. skeletal malformations including deformation of sphenoid, bowed legs, scoliosis
4. optic gliomas
5. range of mental deficits
cafe au lait spots
type 1 neurofibromatosis
. develop in childhood and increase in number and size until puberty

b. most common in axially and inguinal regions
– benign tumors of Schwann cells (Figure 2)

a. increased number with age
minor features of type 1 neurofibromatosis
a. axillary and truncal freckling (Figure 6)

b. macroencephaly: enlarged brain/head. Goes along with dysplasia of bones

c. Lisch nodules (Figure 7 ): nodules on the iris. Rather benign and don’t ause problems
type 2 neurofibromatosis
much less common
(1) café-au-lait spots and neurofibromata – less severe that type 1

(2) characterized by vestibular Schwannomas (Figure 8) and other CNS tumors in approximately ½ of affected patients. Affects hearing and balance due to affecting cranial nerve.

(3) subclinical cataracts: lens is cloudy. Cataracts in teenager would be a clue that soething is wrong.
genetics of neurofibromatosis
A. autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance

B. complete penetrance by age 5

C. variable expressivity

D. 100x expected mutation rate
molecular genetics of NF1
A. loci at 17q11.2 (Figure 9)

B. allelic heterogeneity - wild type gene converted to neurofibromatosis via point mutations, deletions and insertions typically resulting in a truncated protein

c. gene contains 59 exons
D. gene product = neurofibromin >> GTPase-activating protein which down regulates RAS activity

(1) homozygous for NF1 gene results in high rate of malignancy
Increased RAS activity will lead to benign tumors in CNS and other places.
(2) gene also known to play a role in tumorgenesis in non-NF patients
molecular genetics of NF2 gene
A. loci at 22q 12.2

B. gene product named schwannomin or merlin >> cytoskeletal protein that also counteracts RAS: this is where the similarity is.