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71 Cards in this Set

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movements from side to side will be in what plane?
flexion and extension occur in which plane?
what plane divides the body into upper and lower halves?
what axis is flexion/extension
internal and external rotation is what axis?
abduction and adduction is on what axis?
an abnormal posterior curve usually in the thoracic region of the spine.
an abnormal anterior curve usually in the lumbar region.
a posterior displacement of the upper trunk and an anterior displacement of the pelvis. pelvis is in posterior tilt. iliopsoas is weak. what posture is this?
sway-back posture.
lateral curvature of the spine
what is the term for knock knees?
genu valgum
what is the term for bowlegs?
genu varum
in genu varum, the hips are ____ rotated, knees are ______, feet are ______.
pronated (everted)
in genu valgum, hips are _____ rotated, knees are ____, and feet are _____.
what does active/passive insufficiency do?
limits ROM
what posture is:
head in neutral, cspine slighly ant, tspine slightly post, lspine lordotic, pelvis: ant tilt, knee slight hyperext, ankle slight plantarflex?
military-type posture
what type of posture is head: forward, tspine:kyphotic, lspine flexed and flattened, hips hyperext, knee hyperext?
sway-back posture
what posture is cspine extended, tspine upper flex,lower straight, lspine flexed , pelvis post tilt, hip ext, knee ext, ankle slight plantarflexion?
flat back posture
what is the term for "inablility to motor plan"
what is the valsalva manuever?
holding your breath.
a grade of 3 means?
hold the position against gravity
for grades above ___, pressure is applied in addition to the resistance offered by gravity
what is the MMT grading scale?
5 normal
4 good
3 fiar
2 poor
1 trace
0 zero
with gravity eliminated, the highest you can score is a ____
what are the 3 types of joints?`
synarthroses (fibrous tissue, immovable)
amphiarthroses: (cartilaginous)
diarthrosis (synovial)
types of synarthroses joints
syndesmosis (radius/ulna)
types of amphiarthrosis joints`
symphysis: pubis
synchondrosis: first rib
gomphosis: teeth
types of diarthrosis joints
spheroid: ball & socket
ginglymus: hinge
reciprocal reception: saddle
combined ginglymus & gliding
this type of joint does all motions except rotation and opposition
this joint does supination pronation and rotation
this joint does all motions except rotation
reciprocal reception or saddle joint
what kind of joint is the temporomandibular joint
combined ginglymus and gliding
this type of contraction is increased tension w/out change in muscle lenght (no movement occurs)
this contraction is with or without resistance the muscle shortens (isotonic)
tension on the muscle increases or stays constant while the muscle lengthens during contraction
increase in tension with change in muscle length (in the direction of shortening) aka concentric contraction
types of end feels:
hard (bony)
soft (soft tissue appostion)
firm (soft tissue or capsular)
the common name for thyroid cartilage is :
adam's apple
to measure lateral neck flexion you measure the distance btw the _____ process and the _______ process
this muscles is important for sucking chewwing and blowing
this muscle constricts the opening of the mouth
orbicularis oris
the epicranius (scalp) contains two muscles:
the frontalis and the occipitalis
the extrinsic eye muscles are innervated by the ____, ____, and _____ cranial nerves
3rd, 4th and 6th
_____ and _____ nerves are the most common nerves of sensation
facial and trigimenal
moves the eye inward toward the nose (adduction)
medial rectus
moves the eye outward, away from the nose (abduction)
lateral rectus
primarly moves the eye upward (elevation)
superior rectus
moves the eye downward (depression)
inferior rectus
rotates the top of the eye toward the nose (intorsion)
superior oblique
rotates the top of the eye away from the nose (extorsion)
inferior oblique
________ is the strongest jaw muscle
______ muscle assists in elevation of the mandible
___________ muscles can elevate, depress, or protract the mandible to slide it from side to side
pterygoid muscles
muscles of mastication are innervated by CN # ___
5 (trigeminal)
muscles of the ____ are responsible for initiating the swallowing process
_______ ______ move materials into the esophagus
phayngeal constrictors
this muscle draws the eyebrow down and medial (produces vertical wrinkle in forehead)
corrugator supercilii
rotates the top of the eye toward the nose (intorsion)
superior oblique
this muscle dilates nostrils and elevates upper lip (elvis muscle)
levator labii superioris
rotates the top of the eye away from the nose (extorsion)
inferior oblique
________ is the strongest jaw muscle
______ muscle assists in elevation of the mandible
___________ muscles can elevate, depress, or protract the mandible to slide it from side to side
pterygoid muscles
muscles of mastication are innervated by CN # ___
5 (trigeminal)
muscles of the ____ are responsible for initiating the swallowing process
_______ ______ move materials into the esophagus
phayngeal constrictors
this muscle draws the eyebrow down and medial (produces vertical wrinkle in forehead)
corrugator supercilii
this muscle dilates nostrils and elevates upper lip (elvis muscle)
levator labii superioris
this muscle elevates angle of mouth
levator anguli oris
depresses lower lip
depressor labii inferioris
opens mouth/depresses mandible and raises hyoidd bone
digastricus and suprahyoids