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52 Cards in this Set

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What does student connectedness to school help reduce?
Risky Bahaviors
The relationship between stressful life events and risk of child mental disorders is
Well Established
Building mental and emotional health begins with
A safe and caring classroom
A child who is described as "resilient" shows the ability to do what during hard times?
Bounce back
Mental health problems among young people often are
Recurring illnesses
The assertive discipline approach is most similar to what other approach?
A consequence and reward system
Self-esteem is lowered if people believe they are not living according to
Standards of culture
In the hierarchy of needs, basic needs include
Hunger, thirst, and sleep
According to the hierarchy of needs, fulfillment of which need can be sought after self-esteem has been attained?
Need for self-actualization
What term describes a teacher sharing appropriate personal feelings?
Which of the following concepts is most important in building a sense of community in the classroom?
Children with iron deficiency are at risk for
Attempts at weight loss are most common among which group?
Action for Healthy Kids advocates for nutritional improvements for youth within which environment?
School (Changes at school)
When children go hungry or are undernourished, they tend to be
Irritable and apathetic
When income is below the poverty line, what kind of household is most likely to experience food insecurity?
 A female-headed household below the poverty line is most likely type of household to experience food insecurity
Which of the following factors increase the risk of food insecurity the most?
Live in poverty
On average, which of the five food groups do children actually consume enough of?
None of these choices are correct
Children who eat in the school meal program might be stigmatized as
During the past two decades, the prevalence of overweight children and adolescence has .
Increased substantially
Approximately how many minutes of physical activity per day is recommended for children?
Which type of cholesterol is considered to be "bad" and needs to be controlled?
Obesity prevention, mental health, chronic conditions, and premature death are all positively affected by which of the following?
Physical activity
Nearly what percentage of overweight students will continue to be overweight or obese as adults?
What percentage of elementary schools provide daily physical education?
Less than 25 percent (actually 8%)
Physical activities for young people are more likely to be effective when they
Emphasize enjoyable participation
Any body movement produced by skeletal muscles that results in expenditure of energy is defined as
Physical activity
With regard to elementary school, recess
Should not be used as a substitute for planned physical education class in elementary school
Research has indicated that most elementary school children are
Not exposed to a daily planned period of fitness-related instruction.
Level 2 of the Physical Activity Pyramid includes which of the following categories?
Active aerobics and sports and recreational activities
According to the CDC, most unintentional injuries among children and adolescents ages 5–19 are caused by
Motor vehicle accidents
Most of the children ages 1–14 who died in automobile accidents were sitting in the front seat
Not restrained properly
How often does the CDC conduct the SHPPS study?
Every six years
According to the CDC, "any unintentional or intentional damage to the body" is the definition of which of the following?
The leading cause of death in the United States is
Motor Vehicle Accidents
Children younger than ____ years of age should ride in the back seat because of the chance of air bag injury in the front seat.
The severity of injury due to falls is most often determined by
The distance of the fall and the landing surface determine the severity of the fall related injury
In order to prevent home fires, every family should have
A fire detector & escape plan
What group of school children has the highest rate of pedestrian death?
Elementary school
Sickle cell anemia is most common within what group of people?
African Americans
The main purpose of creating policies and procedures that encourage an asthma-friendly environment is to
Allow students to manage their asthma
The security of a family is closely tied to
Having a stable place to live
The best way to keep from catching a communicable disease is to
Wash your hands
Children and adolescents need at least
Nine hours of sleep
The most hazardous hours for exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays are:
Between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
To treat an infestation of head lice, you should
Contact health care professional for advice on treating head lice
Type 1 diabetes
Is usually diagnosed in children and young adults
What tool is used to monitor diabetic students?
Blood glucose meter
What is the first priority for a teacher with a student having an epileptic seizure?
Protect the student from injury
- K-12: 135 minutes of exercise per week or 30 minutes a day

- Health Advisory Council for each school district

- Health education will be integrated in each academic courses
- (Suppose to have been implemented in 2007)
Senate Bill 19
by George Bush when he was govenor
When comparing males to females, the rate of injuries are
Among males is two to three times higher than among females
To help you to identify malignant melanoma, the American Cancer Society recommends that you use the mnemonic ABCDE, which stands for
- A is for asymmetry
- B is for border irregularity
- C is for color (change)
- D is for diameter > 6 mm
- E is for elevation