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50 Cards in this Set

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The first developmental task of young adults is to
- Obtaining entry-level employment
- Developing parenting skills
The significant contribution that the occupational dimension makes to the wellness movement?
Is that it defines for many people the importance of the workplace to their sense of well being
The term morbidity refers to
pertaining to illness and disease
The traditional American approach to health care is?
- The virtual absence of disease and illness (low levers of morbidity)

- The ability to live a long life (reduced risk of mortality)
Your ability to cope with stress, remain flexible and compromise to resolve conflict encompasses which dimension of health?
Psychologically healthy people tend
- Accept themselves and others
- Like themselves
- Give and receive care, love, and support
- Express full range of emotions (positive and negative)
- Accepts life’s disappointments
- Accept their mistakes
The term self-concept refers to
An individual’s internal picture of himself or herself: the way one sees oneself
The effect that the environment has on personality refers to
- nature (innate factors)
- nurture (environmental factors)
Actively taking charge of your psychological health begins with
 Develop communication skills to foster improved social relationships
 Verbal communication—be a skilled sender and listener
 Nonverbal communication—facial expression, eye contact, personal space, body posture
 Managing conflict
o Listen
o Focus on what to say and how to say it
o Use assertive communication with “I” statements
 Cultivate a sense of humor to build a positive outlook on life
Actively taking charge of your psychological health begins with?
Optimistic Approach to Life.

 Building optimism—reframe thinking about events
o Change thoughts and beliefs
o Create strategies for solving problems
o Be persistent, work to overcome obstacles
The sequence involving the alarm, resistance, and exhaustion stages of the stress response is referred to as
General Adaption Syndrome

 Alarm—the fight or flight response
 Resistance—the body attempts to reestablish equilibrium
 Exhaustion—the physical and psychological resources used to deal with stress are depleted
Long-lasting stress or experiencing multiple stressors simultaneously
And not managing stress effectively can take a toll on your body
The body's attempt to reestablish internal equilibrium occurs in which stage of Selye's general adaptation syndrome?
Resistance—the body attempts to reestablish equilibrium
Which of the following best describes why exercise is an effective stress management technique?
Exercising requires you to focus on your breathing and to breath deeply, the key to stress management. By tensing and releasing the muscles through exercise, you are allowing your body to relax and unwind.
Fitness dimension that is considered basic foundation to whole-body fitness is
Cardiorespitory endurance
Your ability to maintain posture, lift, push and pull are examples of
Muscular fitness
Gradually increasing the resistance that muscles have become accustomed to is the basis for the ____________ principle
Besides increased flexibility, the most important benefit of stretching is
To develop and maintain a healthy range of motion for the body’s joints, the ACSM suggests that flexibility exercises be included in ones’ overall fitness program.
Why is it important for children to participate in fitness activities?
A major consequence is obesity. The 1999-2000 National Health and Nutrition Examination survey indicates that 15% of children and adolescents ages 6-19 years of age are overweight.
Protein, fats and carbohydrates differ from the other basic nutrients in that they alone provide the body with _________
The most serious risk of a diet high in cholesterol is
It builds up in your bloodstream and clogs arteries, putting you at risk for heart disease, heart attack, and stroke
Protein's primary role is to
Promote growth and maintenance of body tissue
The best way to ensure adequate intake of vitamins is to
A good approach is to eat a variety of foods
We can survive for months without most nutrients, but without water we can live only
Without water most of us would die from the effects of dehydration in less than a week.
What are the major benefits of fiber in your diet?
Helping to curb your appetite and prevent overeating because it is filling.

Requires more chewing, stays in stomach longer, and absorbs water, adding to the feeling of fullness.
Most Americans should increase their consumption of which of the following?
More dark green and orange vegetables, legumes, fruits, whole grains, and low-fat milk and milk products.
The role of antioxidants is to
Antioxidants are substances that may protect cells from the damage caused by unstable molecules known as free radicals, which can lead to cancer. Antioxidants may prevent cancer by interacting with and stabilizing free radicals.
People are considered obese when their body weight exceeds the recommended weight for their height by ________ percent
People gain weight when they
Intake > Output: Positive calorie balance
Sandy's desirable weight is 150 pounds, but she is now about 280. She would be classified as
Overweight or Obese
Skinfold measurements, electrical impedance and hydrostatic weighing are all measures of
Body composition or body fat
Which of the following best describes the influence of genetics on obesity?
Physiological and hormonal factors
- Hypothyroidism
- Hypercellular obesity
- Hypertrophic obesity
Which of the following best summarizes the set point theory?
Each person's body regulates its use of energy to maintain a certain weight range.
_________ is second only to tobacco as the leading cause of premature death and disproportionately affects women of color and lower socioeconomic classes.
According to weight management experts, the single most important factor leading to obesity in the United States is
Consuming about _________ calories more than is needed results in a weight gain of one pound of fat.
Your body's energy needs are based on your diet, your activities and your
 Thermic effect of food (TEF). The amount of energy our bodies require for the digestion, absorption, and transportation of food.
Why do the body's energy requirements decrease with age?
This change reflects the loss of muscle tissue as both men and women age. This loss of muscle mass eventually alters the ratio of lean body tissue to fat. As the proportion of fat increases, the energy needs of the body are more strongly influenced by the lower metabolic needs of the fat cells
Why is a diet based on portion control a better idea than so-called low-calorie or fad diets?
The choice of foods and the amount of food are the two factors that distinguish the wide range of diets
The key to maintaining a healthy weight is
Managing our sleep better
Which of the following is the most effective tool for eliminating fat from the body?
Physical activity
The ACSM recommends that a healthy adult exercise at an intensity level of
- Target heart rate (THR) = Between 65% and 90% of maximum heart rate

- Maximum heart rate can be estimated by subtracting your age from 220
To improve your cardiorespiratory fitness, you should exercise at least ________ times per week.
According to the ACSM, the goal of resistance training is
Not to improve cardiorespitory endurance but to improve overall muscle strength and endurance.
Sports drinks might be preferred to water for fluid replacement during a prolonged and intense fitness activity because they
Contain electrolytes (which replace lost sodium and potassium) and carbohydrates (which replace depleted energy stores
Which of the following best describes the damage caused by long-term illegal use of anabolic steroids?
These effects include heart problems, certain forms of cancer, liver complications, and even psychological disturbances.
People with spiritual health
- Sense of purpose, direction, and awareness

- Morals, ethics, intrinsic values, and beliefs
The tendency to make something more likely to happen as a result of your own expectations and attitudes is referred to as
Self-fulfilling prophecy
The main role of carbohydrates is to
Major energy source: 4 calories/gram

o Monosaccharides
o Disaccharides
o Polysaccharides

Recommended intake: 45-65% of total calories from carbohydrates
According to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommendations for achieving cardiorespiratory fitness, the mode of activity should be
- Mode of activity
- Frequency of training
- Intensity of training
- Duration of training