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79 Cards in this Set

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Within each domain of health, what does the Lokahi Wheel stress as most important?
balance, unity, and harmony"
According to the authors, how might a student with a sense of compromised spiritual health feel?
Which of the following is an example of a social environment variable?
housing circumstances
Optimal functioning can best be described as
a balance among the domains of health.
The six CDC priorities for health education in schools can be categorized as
behavioral risk factors
Regarding physical education classes, research has shown which of the following to be true?
In the average physical education class, a typical student may participate in two to three minutes of individual exercise.
Which of the following underlying risk behaviors causes the most deaths per year?
Which of the following is NOT true regarding Healthy People 2010?
It has resulted in duplication of some federal services and has increased public health costs.
All of the following are elements of a coordinated school health program EXCEPT
No Child Left Behind.
The CDC study that assesses school health programs is known as
The emotional domain is characterized by the variable of energy level. (T or F)
According to the CDC, the ability to refrigerate foods is one of the ten great public health achievements of the twentieth century.
(T or F)
The purpose of school nutrition services is to provide access to a variety of nutritious and appealing meals that meet the health and nutrition needs of all students. (T or F)
The three domains of learning are cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.

(T or F)
The current nationwide ratio of school health nurses to students is one nurse to no more than 500 students.
(T or F)
The majority of schools with vending machines have policies restricting their use during lunchtime.

(T or F)
A lack of security at home is not a barrier to learning.

(T or F)
Research shows that about 45 percent of Americans suffer the consequences of a chronic health condition.

(T or F)
Spiritual health is one of the topics for which HECAT criteria have been developed.

(T or F)
The ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health is one of the National Health Education Standards.

(T or F)
- Health is a broad concept that extends beyond the physical parameters of health.

- Health is influenced by...
- Health includes physical, mental/ intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual, and vocational domains.
Personal, behavioral, and environmental variables that change quickly.
Define each of the domains of personal health.

- Physical health
Physical characteristics, energy level, and other observable behaviors

- Mental/Intellectual health
Reasoning processes, capacity for short and long-term memory, and expressions of curiosity, humor, logic, and creativity

- Emotional health
Emotions, coping skills, self-control, self-acceptance, and expression of feelings in socially accepted ways

- Social health
Social skills, interactions in different environments, and respect and acceptance for others

- Spiritual health
Comfort with ourselves, relationships with others, personal value systems, and a meaningful purpose in life

- Vocational health
Ability to collaborate, share responsibility, and positively impact the community while maintaining a high level of integrity
Domains of Health
Harmony, Balance, Unity
The Lôkahi Wheel
- Healthy People, a multidecade initiative to improve the health status of Americans, began in 1979.

- Chronic diseases replaced infectious diseases as the leading causes of death in the United States between the beginning and end of the twentieth century.

- __________ are the four major contributors to premature morbidity and mortality.

- Healthy People indicated that 50 percent of premature illness and death was linked to lifestyle/personal behavior choices.
Inadequate access to medical care
Diarrhea/ enteritis
Heart disease
Liver disease
Leading causes of death: 1900
Heart disease
Chronic lung disease
Unintentional injuries
Influenza / pneumonia
Alzheimer’s disease
Kidney disease
Leading Causes of Death Among Americans; 2002
Risk behavior Annual deaths
Tobacco 435,000
Obesity 112,000
Alcohol 85,000
Infections 75,000
Toxic agents 55,000
Motor vehicles 43,000
Firearms 29,000
Sexual behavior 20,000
Drug use 17,000
Underlying Risk Behaviors (Actual Causes of Death)
Tobacco use
Poor eating habits
Alcohol and other drug use
Behaviors resulting in intentional and unintentional injuries (Violence)
Physical inactivity
Sexual behaviors resulting in HIV and other STDs or unintended pregnancy
Priority Health Behaviors

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identified six priority health behaviors to guide educational programming
Public health officials have identified six influences on the health of individuals and communities:
Social environment
Access to quality health care
Physical environment
Public policies and interventions

The combination of individual behaviors and environmental factors is responsible for approximately 70 percent of all premature deaths in the United States.
First Healthy People publication was in...

Focused on ongoing collaborative initiatives by local, state, and federal agencies to improve the health of the nation.
The Healthy People documents emphasize disease prevention and health promotion
- To help individuals increase their life expectancy and improve their quality of life.

- To eliminate health disparities among different segments of the population.

107 of the objectives focus on the health of adolescents and young adults
Healthy People 2010 provides a structure to measure progress toward 467 objectives and two overarching goals:
Educational institutions are in a unique position to improve health outcomes of youth.

- They have access to a critical mass.
- Friendships and norms are established.
- Educators are academically prepared to organize developmentally appropriate learning experiences to empower children.

Various reports and policies have been issued to promote and support child and adolescent health in schools
Health in Academic Environment
- A report by the National Commission on Excellence in Education.
- Includes health education in a list of academic subjects categorized as the “educational smorgasboard
A Nation at Risk
- In 1994, legislation established eight broad National Education Goals.
- Focused on the effect of students’ health risks on the learning environment.
- Drew attention to the negative impact of drugs and violence on the learning environment
Goals 2000: Educate America Act
In 1994, ________________ issued a statement that provided strong support for comprehensive school health programs

This statement acknowledged the adverse effects that risk behaviors have on school culture and the academic outcomes of students.

At the time, limited information was available about how school health programs promoted student, faculty, and staff wellness.
the secretaries of Education and Health and Human Services
In 1994, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention conducted the first evaluation of school health programs: the School Health Policies and Programs Studies.
School Health Policies and Programs Study (SHPPS)
- What are the characteristics of all elements of school health programs?

- Who is responsible for implementing school health programs?

- What type of collaboration takes place among state and local staff?

- How did school health programs change between 1994 and 2000?
SHPPS was developed to answer the following questions:
- Teachers struggle to address the various content standards.

- Adults believe the National Health Education Standards are necessary for students to learn.

- A growing body of research supports the assertion that student health behaviors and the ways in which schools address them are...

- Mounting evidence has confirmed the destructive impact of student health risks on:
*Class grades
*Performance on standardized tests
*Graduation rates
“inextricably intertwined.”

Health in the Academic Environment
- Stakeholders in the educational process are encouraged to assume an advocacy role.

- Crisis intervention instead of a health program is all too common in school communities.

- To maximize resources, educators must develop and deliver programming that is grounded in research, effective, and consistent with the educational mission of the school.
The Coordinated School Health Program (CSHP)
- Medical care seeks to make the sick well.
- Disease prevention attempts to minimize threats to health.
- Health promotion attempts to educate basically healthy communities and individuals to develop healthier lifestyles.

Teachers must remember that most of their students are “basically healthy.”
The 1979 Healthy People initiative provided a starting point by defining the key concepts: medical care, disease prevention, and health promotion.
A Coordinated School Health Program (CSHP) model organizes resources, expertise, and activities into a model representing best practice.

CSHPs are endorsed by the CDC and many national organizations. They include...

1) Physical education
2) Counseling/Psychological and social services
3) Family and community involvement
4) Nutrition Services
5) Health education
6) Health services
7) Healthy school environment
8) Health Promotion for faculty and staff

School-site health promotion for staff
A Coordinated School Health Program (CSHP) model organizes resources, expertise, and activities into a model representing best practice.

CSHP's are designed to:
- Maximize available expertise and resources.
- Conserve taxpayer dollars by reducing duplication of services.
- Maximize use of public facilities in the school and community.
- Enhance communication and collaboration among health promotion professionals.
- Address student health risks in the context of, rather than in competition with, the academic mission of the school.
Coordinated school health programs (CSHPs) send consistent messages across multiple communication channels throughout the school and community.
Quality comprehensive school health instruction is the most familiar component of
CSHP's (Coordinated School Health Program)
Quality health education is grounded in developmentally appropriate practice and the three domains of learning:
Cognitive domain (knowledge, repetitive)
Affective domain (emotional)
Psychomotor domain (skill)
The standards provide a framework for developing a rigorous instructional scope and sequence and meaningful evaluation.
75% of states have used the standards as a starting point for curriculum updates or revisions.
The National Health Education Standards were developed for improving health education for all students
Research has confirmed that _________of formal health training are necessary to produce changes in each of the three learning domains.
40–50 hours
National Health Education Standards
Core concepts
Analyze influences
Access information
Interpersonal communication
Decision-making skills
Goal-setting skills
Health-enhancing behaviors
Advocate for health
- Developed by the CDC.

- Contains guides, tools, and resources for completing analysis of health education curricula.

- Based on the National Health Education Standards.

- Will help districts select appropriate and effective health education programs.
Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (HECAT)
- States often have only minimal licensure requirements for those teaching health at the elementary level.

- Competencies have been established for elementary and middle school teachers who assume the primary responsibility of teaching health.

- More than 80% of elementary and middle schools have been mandated by state departments of education to teach some health education.
Comprehensive School Health Education
School health services include policies and programs designed to assess the health status of children.
The school nurse leads the collaborative effort to
- Direct patient care, including screenings, diagnostic, treatment, and health counseling services.

- Maintain referral and other linkages with community service providers.

- Collaborate in health promotion and injury and disease prevention education.
__________ has a pivotal role in assuring continuity of care for students with health-related barriers to school success.
________ acts as a liaison among the school, the home, and the medical community
The school nurse
- Effective and timely delivery of services depend on the number of nurses available at a school site.

- The National Association of School Nurses recommends the ratio of one school nurse to ______

- Slightly more than 50% of schools are in compliance with the recommended nurse-to-student ratio.
750 students
School nurses must also...
- Manage care plans for students with special needs.
- Develop policy and protocol for the administration of medication to students.

Classroom teachers have an important role as advocates for students and participate in initial observation and referral for student health conditions.
The most conspicuous element of a healthy school environment is the ___________

The school principal has the primary responsibility for the health and safety of school buildings by enforcing district policy, but all school personnel play a role.

School districts and classroom teachers are responsible for the safe transportation of students to and from school, including bus safety.
physical condition of the buildings.
- Is a place where students, faculty, and staff feel cared for and personally valued.

- Is an inviting, safe, and nurturing learning environment.

- Engages students in meaningful activities.

- Develops shared norms.

- Involves students in decision making concerning school matters.
The social and psychological climate of the school is an important aspect of a healthy school environment, which
School districts must consistently enforce policies managing student behaviors in the CDC priority risk areas, which includes
Weapon carrying
Tobacco, alcohol, and other drug possession
- Provide access to nutritious and appealing meals that meet the health and nutrition needs of students.

- Offer students a learning laboratory.

- Serve as a link to nutritionally related community service agencies.
Nutrition services should
There is a strong relationship between poor dietary behaviors and low student achievement.

Inadequate nutrition leads to...
- Apathy and shorter attention spans.
- Low energy levels.
- Inability to concentrate.
- Increased absences from school.
_____________ in response to the inadequate nutrition of many students. It is still run by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

- Nearly 2/3 of all students receive about 1/3 of their daily nutrition from this program.

- Students who participate have better school attendance, class participation, and achievement.
The National School Lunch program was initiated in 1946
The Child Nutrition Reauthorization Act passed in 2004...
- Provides more access to fruits and vegetables

- Requires every school district receiving federal funds for school meals to:
* Set goals for nutrition education, physical activity, and other school-based activities designed to promote student wellness

* Include nutrition guidelines for all foods available on the school campus during the school day
A major challenge for ________ is access to less-than-healthy foods in vending machines, snack bars, or a school store during the school day.

Most schools have not established policies restricting use of vending machines during the lunch period.

- Nutritionally sound school lunch programs must compete with high-fat, high-salt, and high-sugar food options available in the machines.
school nutrition services
According to the Surgeon General’s Report on Mental Health....
- Approximately 1 in 5 children has a diagnosable mental or addictive disorder.

- Schools are the primary provider of mental health services for children.

School counselors, psychologists, and social workers are the mental health professionals most frequently employed by school districts.
These professionals provide a range of services:

- Organizing instructional activities to help students solve relationship problems, make decisions, and address developmental challenges

- Providing individual and group counseling for students

- Serving as the formal link among the school, home, and community, offering case management, group counseling, home visits, advocacy for students, and coordination of youth programs
School Counseling, Psychological, and Social Services
The 1996 Surgeon General’s report on physical activity confirmed the benefits of regular physical activity, which include a reduced risk for
Premature death
Heart disease
Colon cancer
High blood pressure
- There is a strong link between participation in physical activity and enhanced academic outcomes, such as improved test scores in math, reading, and writing.

- The amount of time allotted for physical education varies significantly from school to school and must be considered when planning comprehensive programs.
Physical Education
The CDC has identified the elements of a comprehensive approach to school-based physical activity...
- Daily physical education
- Health education to provide skills to maintain an active lifestyle
- Extracurricular physical activities
- A wide range of learning activities
- Individual fitness and skill development for lifelong patterns of physical activity
- Corporate America initiated health promotion activities for employees in order to reduce health care expenses.

- Boards of education and administrators are faced with the same issues.

- School districts are ideal for work-site health promotion activities such as...
Health education
Employee assistance programs
Health care
Implementation of policies that support safe and healthy lifestyles
Health promotion programs for faculty and staff have been shown to _______
- Reduce health care costs.
- Decrease absenteeism.
- Improve quality of life.
- Improve physical health.
- Improve psychosocial well-being.
- Provide positive role models for students.
- Improve continuity of instruction due to fewer substitutes.
- The school is an agency of the community and cannot function effectively in isolation.

- Children in school also are influenced by practices in...
Medical care settings
Research confirms the need for local districts to establish a school health advisory council to...
- Reduce the duplication of services.
- Enhance the visibility and potential impact of participating agencies.
- Pool resources.
- Identify gaps.
- Cultivate community relationships.

Most activities related to family and community involvement in school health programs are based at the local level, not the state level
The Coordinated School Health Program is an eight-component model that represents best practice in disease prevention and health promotion for the school community.

The eight components are...
- Health education
- School Health services
- A Healthy environment
- School Counseling
- Psycological and Social Services
- Physical Education
- School Nutrition Services
- School site health promotion
- School health advocates have identified the need for a person or a team to coordinate activities of the school health program.

- The coordinator would...
* Translate the CSHP into specific activities.
* Coordinate the school health advisory board.
* Maintain the program budget.
* Organize advocacy and liaison activities.
* Organize evaluation activities.
- Activities that are offered in a coordinated and intentional manner are more likely to succeed and last.

- ________ can efficiently and effectively promote student health while being focused on the primary mission of schools.
Ability to collaborate, share responsibility, and positively impact the community while maintaining a high level of integrity
Vocational Health
Physical characteristics, energy level, and other observable behavior
Physical Health
Reasoning processes, capacity for short and long-term memory, and expressions of curiosity, humor, logic, and creativity
Mental/Intellectual Health
Emotions, coping skills, self-control, self-acceptance, and expression of feelings in socially accepted ways
Emotional Health
Social skills, interactions in different environments, and respect and acceptance for others
Social Health
Comfort with ourselves, relationships with others, personal value systems, and a meaningful purpose in life
Spiritual Health