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26 Cards in this Set

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What is the Sinoatrial node (sinus Node)
pacemaker of the heart, initiates heart beat, generates impulses in a resting heart at a rate of 60-100 beats per minute
relaxation of the ventricles (ventricular filling) AV valves open and blood rushes from the atria into the ventricles.
pressure caused by blood now in the ventricles causes the AV valves (mitral and tricuspid) to shut. Producing the first heart sound S1
Systole prevents blood from flowing backwards into _____ during ventricular contraction
At this point, all four valves are closed and the ventrilces contract. This causes high pressure and forces the _____ ______ to open.
Semilunar valves (aortic and pulmonic)
Blood is ejected rapidly from the _____ reducing the pressure in the ventricles- causing the ____ ____ to close. Producing the S2 heart sound which signals the end of _____
semilunar valves
Where is the aortic region located?
the 2nd intercostal space on the Right sternal border (RUSB)
Where is the pulmonic region located?
the 2nd intercostal space on the left sternal border (LUSB)
Where is the tricuspid region
the 4th intercostal space at the LT sternal border (LLSB)
Where is the mitral region
near the apex of the heart at the 5th intercostal space in the the mid-clavicular line
When is the First heart sound produced? S1
Lub- closure of the AV valves.
Tricuspid and Mitral
When is the 2nd heart sound produced?
Closure of the semilunar valves (dub)
What causes murmurs?
caused by turbulent blood flow
How is cardiac output measured and what is it
SV x HR = CO
amount of blood pumped by the ventricles in about one minute
What is important for determining right side of the heart functioning-reflects right atrial pressure or central venous pressure?
jugular veins
For the jugular veins right sided failure _____ pulse and pressure
In the Jugular veins what is the cause of decrease in pulse and pressure?
usually due to reduced blood volume
what is CHD
coronary heart disease
What causes CHD
atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries, which restricts blood flow to the coronary tissues
What are 5 Non-modifiable risk factors for CHD:
1. Positive family history
2.Increasing age
3. Sex- 3x more in men than women
4.Race-higher incidence in minorities
5.Geography-higher in industrialized areas
What are 6 modifiable risk factors for CHD
1. Hyperlipidemia
2.Elevated blood pressure
3. Cigarette smoking
4. Obesity
5.Physical inactivity
6. Stress
When should jugular vein not be visible?
if elevated above 45 degrees
What do you auscultate in the neck vessels?
auscultate corotid arteries- no bruits should be heard.
What do we NEVER palpate
carotid arteries
What do we palpate for the heart?
Apical pulse PMI
What do we Auscultate for the heart
auscultate apical heart rate and rhythm. if irregular check rate for one full minute