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44 Cards in this Set

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Name 5 personal habbits that increase the risk of a coranary event
1) dieat
2) Smoking
4) Lack of exercise
5) meds
What additional information should be aquired for infants concerning maternal health during pregnancy
1) unexplained fever
2) rubella
3) infections
4) Htn
5) drug use
What three peices of information should be asked about an infant
health concerning coronary events
1) cynosis or rest when nursing
2) Poor wieght gain
3) ability to play w/out tiring too quickly
What additional 7 peices of information should be assessed for when examining subjective data for children
1) poor weight gain & growth
2) innability to play: knee chest position
3) unexplained Joint pain or fever
4) frequent headaches or nose bleeds
5) Frequent URI's (Strep_
6)Chromosomal abnormalities
7) sibling health problems
What additional information should be asessed in an aging adult
1) history of heart or lung disease
2) Meds
3) environment: ability to climb stairs
What changes in the arteries is a result of aging
Calcification less compliant arteries
What does calcified arteries result in
increased systolic bp
What hemodynamic change in an aging adult takes place in the heart
Increased thickness of the left ventricular wall
What hemodynamic change to pulse occurs in an aging adult
increased pulse pressure
What hemodynamic change occurs with cardiac output
decreased ability to increase cardiac output when exercising
in what culture is the prevelence of stroke and heart disease highest
African heritage
What group or groups have a higher incedence of htn
Blacks Mexicans and native americans
What two groups is smoking more prevelent
African American, Native american
What makes an S1 sound
Closure of AV vlaves
When is a S1 sound heard
at the beginning of systole
Where is S1 heard best
What condition would exagerate an S1 split
S3 sounds like which state
Ken Tuck Y
When is an S3 heard compared to S1 and S2
S3 immediately follows S2
What occurs to cause a S3 heart sound
When ventricles are resistant to filling during the rapid filling phase
What state does S4 sound like
ten ne see
When does a S4 sound occur according to systole and diastole
end of diastole
When is a S4 sound heard in accordance to S1 and S2
Before S1
What group can an S4 sound be heard
Aging normally
What space is the point of maximal impulse found
5th ICS
What does an Apical -radial pulse deficit signifies
weak ventricular contraction
What 3 conditions can cause an apical-radial pulse deficit
1) A Fib
2) premature breast
3) heart FAILURE
What do murmors result from
result from turbulent bloodflow
What type of disease causes increased velocity of blood flow
What can reduce blood viscosity and thus cause a murmur
What structural defects result in murmurs
1) narrowed valve (stenosis)
2) prolapsed valve (regurgitation)
3) unusual openings in heart chambers)
What two changes to blood cause murmurs
change in viscosity and a change in velocity.
What are 4 characteristics of heart sounds
frequency (pitch)
Intensity (Soft or Loud
Duration (short or logn)
Timing (systole or diastole)
In an EKG what does a P wave represent
Atria depolarization
In an EKG what does the PR interval measure
time it takes an impulse to travel through atria to AV nodes
What does the QRS complex represent
ventricular depolarization
What does the T wave represent
Ventricular re polarization
How is cardiac output measured
stoke volume x rate
What is a preload
venous return that builds during diastole
length of ventricular muscle stretching before systole
What is after load
Opposing pressure that the ventricle must overcome to eject blood.
What are the palpable neck muscles
right and left common carotid arteries
right and left external jugular veins
left and right internal jugular veins
What is hidden behind the sternomastoid muscle
internal jugular veins
What is a sign of blood flow turbulance when auscultating the carotid artery
When Supine what becomes visible and usually disappear when person elevates the head of the bed 45 degrees
jugular venous pulse