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42 Cards in this Set

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ID and briefly describe 6 dimensions of wellness
Physical: diet, lifestyle
Emotional: optinism, explore feelings.
Intellectual:open to ideas
Spiritual:beliefs, principals
Interpersonal: satisfying relationships.
Environmental:toxins, air, food
How has the life expectancy of Americans changed over the past 100 years and what factors have contributed to these changes?
Life expectancy has increased. Due to access to health care, medicine, knowledge of our bodies.
What is meant by the term "chronic disease" and what is the leading killer among American adults today?
A chronic disease develops and becomes worse over a period of time, usually caused by lifestyle factors. The leading killer among adults is
ID two main goals of healthy people 2010 that relate to chronic disease and health care?
Increase health quality
Eliminate health desperation
Describe six phases of the transtheoretical model of behavior change and discuss or give examples of how this model can be used for wellness promotion.
What male and female structures are known as gonads?
Gonads produce germ cells and sex hormones
ID the dominant sex hormones produced by ovaries and testies and list 2 functions for each.
Males produce testosterone. Females produce estrogen and progesterone.
ID and briefly describe four stages of the menstrual cycle.
1. Menses: menstrual flow
2. Estrogenic phase
3. Ovulation
4. Pro-gestational phase
At what age does puberty occur in males and females? What are sign is males and females?
Males: 9-14 Females: 8-11
Breifly describe sexual aging
Changes in woman: vaginal lubrication decreases, reduction in orgasmic contractions.
Changes in men: erection does not last long
How are pelvic inflammatory disease and endometriosis similar and how are they different? What are causes and long term outcomes for each?
They are both infections of the uterus. Pelvic inflamatory disease caused when microorganisms spread to these areas from the vagina. Endometriosis is the growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterus. Both can cause infertility.
Identify early signs of pregnancy and review fetal development across the three trimesters.
Missed period, morning sickness, tender breasts, bleeding, fatigue. First trimester: rertalized egg goes through many forms of cell division. Second trimester: Growth improved to about 14 inches and the weight increases to 1.5 pounds. Third trimester: The fetus gains most its weight during the last 3 months.
What are recommendations for exercise during pregnancy?
Exercise should be mild, and not grueling.
Identify signs and stages of labor
The birth process occurs in three stages. Labor begins when hormonal changes in both the mother and baby cause strong, rhythmic uterine contractions to begin.
What is SIDs and how can they be prevented?
SID is sudden infant death syndrom. If you pregnant stay away from smoke or anyone smoking. Another name is environmental tobacco smoke.
Identify four categories of birth control based on their primary method of action.
Hormonal, Barrier, Natural, Surgical
Go over all ways of contraception.
Do it
What are the most effective methods of birth control?
Best is abstinence, then either surgical or hormonal
What are the least effective methods of birth control?
FAM, withdrawl, some barrier styles
Which methods offer the most protection from STD's?
Barrier type
How is cancer defined? What are some causes of cancer? Compare and contrast benign and malignant tumors.
Cancer is a cell regulation problem causing abnormal cell growth. Lifestyle choices play a role. Benign tumors are cells similar to surrounding cells and are enclosed in a membrane that prevents them from penetrating neighboring tissues. Malignant are capable of invading surrounding structures, producing invasive tumors or uncontrolled growth.
What cancers are most influenced by lifestyles?
Colon, lung, breast, and uterine could be prevented by lifestyle choice.
How are HPV and cancer related?
WHen certain types of HPV are introduced into the cervix, usually by an infected sex partner, the virus infects cervical cells, causing the cells to divide and grow. if unchecked this growth can develop into cervical cancer.
Is breast cancer risk related to lifestyle? Which lifestyle factor?
Yes, diet, activity levels, pregnancy decisions, occupational hazards and regular mammograms all help prevent this.
What is the cancer associated with the leading cause of cancer deaths? Second leading cause of cancer deaths?
Lung cancer, second is colon and rectal cancer.
What are the most common cancers in men and women , respectively?
Breast cancer in women, prostate cancer in men.
Identify risk factors that pertain to most cancers?
Remove smoke elements from life, age, hereditary, lifestyle factors.
What is a metastasis?
The spread of cancer cells from one part of the body to another.
What is a pathogen?
A microorganism that causes disease (AIDS, HIV, tuberculosis)
What is an antigen?
A marker on the surface of a foreign substance that immune system cells recognize as nonself and that triggers the immune response.
Identify 6 categories of pathogens discussed in class?
Viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoan, parasitic worm, prions.
Identify potential portals of entry for pathogens into humans?
Direct contact with or penetration of the skin. Inhalation through the mouth or nose. Ingestion of contaminated food or water.
What does it mean when lymph nodes swell?
When lymph nodes swell in two or more areas of the body, it is called generalized lymphadenopathy. Usually caused by an illness.
What roles do the following cells play in immune function? Macrophages, natural killer cells, dendritic cells, neutrophils, and lymphocytes?
Review the stages of immune response and stages of infection?
Immune response: Recognition, amplifcation of defense, prodromal period (symptoms), attack, slowdown. Infection: Pathogen, reservoir, portal of exit, means of transmission, portal of entry, new host.
According to your in class handout "Diabesity", aprox. how many Americans have diabetes?
18.2 million americans
What percent of those identified have type II diabetes?
What influence does fast food have on weight gain and risk for pre-diabetes?
Consuming fast food two or more times a wek resulted on average in an extra weight gain of 10 pounds and a doubled risk of pre diabetes over a 15 year period.
What are some ethnic concerns for diabetes risk?
2 to 4 times higher among hispanic black, hispanic latino, and american indian.
What are 3 risk factors for diabetes II? How can diabetes be managed with lifestyle factors?
Obesity, ethnic background, family history. Can be managed by healthy diet, regular exercise, regular checks.
What are 4 signs and symptoms of diabetes?
Increased urination, increased thirst, unexplained weight loss, fatigue, confusion.
Identify 5 ways to decrease risk for type II diabetes
1. Maintain a healthy body weight
2. Reduce intake of high-sugar foods
3. Choose the right fats
4. Get some exercise
5. Flavour your food with spices