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35 Cards in this Set

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Umbilicus Levels
L3 and L4
Processus Vaginalis
Portion of peritoneum that remains with testes when they descend into scrotum
2 layers of superficial fascia
Campers fascia
Fatty layer of superficial fascia, found throughout the abdomen
Scarpa's fascia
Lower 1/3 of anterior abdominal wall
-Intersects with fascia lata at inguinal ligament
External abdominal oblique muscle
Origin - border of thoracic ribs T5-T12
Insertion- linea alba, iliac crest
Fiber direction - hands in pockets
Aponeurosis portion of external abdominal oblique forms
Inguinal ligament
Superficial inguinal ring
Superficial inguinal ring allows passage of
Spermatic cord in males
round ligament of uterus in females
Superficial inguinal ring is made of
Lateral and medial crus, intercrural fibers separate them
Internal abdominal oblique
Origin -ribs 7-12
Insert - along inguinal ligament to pubic crest
Fiber direction - inferolateral
Transversus abdominus
Deep most layer of flat muscles
Also borders on ribs 7-12, extends down to pubic crest and linea alba
Creates diagonal pathway for spermatic cord or round ligament to pass through
Fiber direction - transverse
Rectus Abdominis is different from all other abdominal muscles because its a ....
Straight muscle
Rectus abdominis passes from
Xyphoid process to pubic symphysis
Rectus sheath
Holds rectus abdominis in place
Made by three aponeuroses - of external abdominal oblique, internal abd oblique and transversus abdominis
Arcuate line divides
upper 3/4 of abdomen from lower 3/4 of abdomen
Peritoneum fnction
secretes serous fluid that allows frictionless movement of organs
What is the best place to make surgical cut and not to hit any nerves
Linea alba
Nervous supply of anterior wall
Ventral rami of T7-T12, L1
Ilioinguinal nerve
1. Where it goes
2. what it supplies
Goes through inguinal canal with spermatic cord and round ligament
Supplies scrotum or labia majora and medial aspect of thigh
Iliohypogastric nerve
Directly superior to ilioinguinal
Innervates suprapubic area
Arterial supply of anterior wall
Superior epigastric- runs directly over rectus abdominis
Inferior epigastric
Superficial epigastric
Which vessels are in danger when draining peritoneal fluid
Superior or inferior epigastric veins
Inguinal canal is formed by
aponeuroses of three flat abdominal muscles
Hasselbachs triangle
is area of weakness in aponeuroses where direct hernias can occur
Borders of Hasselbachs triangle
Rectus abdominis
Inferior epigastric artery
Inguinal ligament
Conjoint tendon is formed by
joining of aponeurosis of internal oblique and transversus muscles
Direct inguinal hernia
Gut goes straight through Hasselbachs triangle, through conjoint tendon
Indirect inguinal hernia
Gut goes through the inguinal canal
Indirect hernia can be
Congenital - born with it
Acquired - obesity, pregnancy, surgery, ascites
Peritoneal cavity is closed in males or females?
In females opens into cervix and vagina, making a potential space for pathogens to enter
Lesser omentum
Peritoneum along lesser curvature of stomach, covering pancreas
Two layers of peritoneum opposing one another
What usually goes in mesentery
Vessels and nerves
THE mesentery connects
small intestine to posterior abdominal wall
Root of mesentery
is where mesentery connects to posterior wall