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41 Cards in this Set

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Who influenced the writings of Thomas Jefferson?
John Locke
Know the “Four basic purposes” of government as discussed in class.
-Domestic Rule/ Justice
-National Security
-General Welfare
-Liberty of the Individual
more government in economics, and less in social issues
more government in social issues, and less government in economics
Couldn’t tax, no set currency
problems that faced the Articles of Confederation?
English lords forced King John to set the precedent for limited government and monarchy
Magna Carta
After the Puritans landed at Plymouth, in what is today Massachusetts, they formed a colony based on the Mayflower Compact, thus setting a precedent of a government established by contract with the governed.
Mayflower Compact
The charters that authorized settlement of the colonies in American granted by royal action or the King of England.
The Colonial Charters
Came from the First Continental Congress, a convention of delegates from the twelve of the 13 colonies, to protest British interference in American affairs. The Continental Congress came to view a formal Declaration of Independence as necessary to give legitimacy to their cause and establish the basis for a new nation.
Declaration of Independence
Under the Articles of Confederation, there was a single house in which each state had two to seven members but only one vote. It also had the power to make war and peace, conduct foreign affairs, and borrow and print money. But Congress, could NOT collect taxes or enforce laws directly, it had to rely on the states to provide money and enforce its laws.
The Articles of Confederation
branches of government that has the power to declare war
court case that established judicial review
Marbury vs. Madison
plan was based on population
Virginia plan
plan with a single chamber with equal vote and 1 house
New Jersey plan
2 houses, a lower house, which is the house of representatives, and an upper house, which is now the the senate. The lower house was voted on by population, and the senate was appointed by the lower house.
Connecticut compromise
has to pass through 2/3 of the senate and ¾ of the state legislature or ¾ of state conventions
amendment process

note there has been there have been 27 amendments, 10 were bill of rights, and 2 were contradicted by each other, so we have only had 15 substantial amendments to our Constitution
amendment gave all men the right to vote
15th amendment
amendment gave women the right to vote
19th amendment
amendment said that everyone 18 years have the right to vote.
26th amendment
specifies that redistricting in states with a history of voter discrimination or low boter participation must be “cleared” in advance with the U.S. Justice Department. The act extends special protection not only to African American voters but also to Hispanic, Native American, Alaska Native, and Asian voters.
Voting Rights act of 1965
when you go to renew your drivers license you can also register to get your license to vote. This gives democrats an advantage over republicans.
Motor Voter Act of 93
part of the United States Bill of Rights. It prohibits the federal legislature from making laws that establish religion (the "Establishment Clause") or prohibit free exercise of religion (the "Free Exercise Clause"), laws that infringe the freedom of speech, infringe the freedom of the press, limit the right to assemble peaceably, or limit the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
What is protected by the 1st amendment
Family Tree of Republicans
-National Republicans
-Bull Moose (only party to beat both dems and reps in presidential election)
Family Tree of Democrats
-Democratic Republicans
-Democrats - Dixie-crats
famous for the New Deal
famous for Great Society
famous for uniting both fiscal and social conservatives
What is an electoral mandate?
-Offer a clear policy alternatives
-Voters have to cast their ballot on the basis of these policy alternatives alone
-The election results have to clearly indicate the voters’ policy preferences
-Elected officals have to be bound by their campaign promises
policy alternatives
election indicates preference
officals promises
Name recognition, laws being passesd, franking privilege
advantages of an incumbent
max money you can give a candidate
requires an appeal to party activists and the more ideologically motivated primary voters in key states, that is front-end strategy
strategies for running in a primary
The Electoral college is the 538 presidential electors apportioned among the sates according to their congressional representation (plus three votes from the District of Columbia) whose votes officially elect the president and vice president of the United States

The President is not elected by the national popular vote total but rather by a majority of the electoral votes of the states. Electoral votes are won by plurality (theory that democracy can be achieved through competition among multiple organized groups and that individuals can participate in politics through group membership and elections) winner-take-all popular voting in most states. Thus a narrow plurality win in a state delivers all of that electoral votes. Big- state victories, even by narrow margins, can deliever big electoral prizes. The biggest prized are California with 55 electoral votes, New York with 31, and Texas with 34. With a total of 538 electoral votes at stake, the winner must garner victories in states that total a minimum of 270 electoral votes.
The Electoral college is the 538 presidential electors apportioned among the sates according to their congressional representation (plus three votes from the District of Columbia) whose votes officially elect the president and vice president of the United States

The President is not elected by the national popular vote total but rather by a majority of the electoral votes of the states. Electoral votes are won by plurality (theory that democracy can be achieved through competition among multiple organized groups and that individuals can participate in politics through group membership and elections) winner-take-all popular voting in most states. Thus a narrow plurality win in a state delivers all of that electoral votes. Big- state victories, even by narrow margins, can deliever big electoral prizes. The biggest prized are California with 55 electoral votes, New York with 31, and Texas with 34. With a total of 538 electoral votes at stake, the winner must garner victories in states that total a minimum of 270 electoral votes.
the first debate that was on black and white television
Kennedy-Nixon debate
there were no debates from 68-72 untol this debate,,, Ford was behind in polls so agreed to debate,, Carter was perceived as the clear winner of the debate and went on to win the election
Regan demonstrated the true power of television,,, Carter just looked bad compared to Regan who demonstrated great skill in media
reagan did very bad in the first debate, and stumbled over his words, and statatistics,,, many brought his age into the debate,,,, however in the second debate, he used a quick one liner that “he would not bring up age in this debate, to talk about Mondales youth and inexperience,, everyone laughed,,, reagon won the election
Dukakis insured his defeat in a cold, detached performance in the presidential debates,,, Bush won election
drew the largest television audience in the history of presidential debates,,, in the first debate,, Perot’s texas charm stole the show, he won the debate,,,, Bill Clinton smooth performance in the second debate wrapped up the debates and won him the election
dole tried to get past his image as a grumpy old man and used a lot of whit, and humor,, but clinton’s calm collectedness won him both debates and eventually the election
Gore was assertive almost to the point of rudeness,,, many gave Gore the edge in the three debates, but Bush was more likeable, Bush appread to benefit more in the post debate polls
kerry was well prepared and won each of the three debates, but still lost to Bush in the election.