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15 Cards in this Set

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difference betwee simple steatosis and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis
NASH has fat + inflammation
Simple steatosis appearance on H&E
bubbles of fat that displace the nucleus
2 theories for steatosis to steatohepatitis
lipotoxicity theory v. 2-hit hypothesis
Histo findings on steatohepatitis
macrovesicular steatosis
cytologic ballooning
Mallory bodies
Scattered lobular inflammation
3 causes of incidence in new NAFLD
obesity, diabetes, physical inactivity
For dx of NAFLD, what do you consider?
general LFT elevation
absence of HBV, HCV, hemachromatosis...
Eval algorithm for NAFLD
Repeat LFTs, check for Viral Hep, iron overload, hepatic auto antibodies

if negative, check U/S.
Assessing severity of NAFLD
liver bx, transient elastography
NAFLD fibrosis score
How can NAFLD score be used?
risk stratification
What supplement was beneficial for tx of NASH?
Vitamin E, but consider individual risk-benefit
have to take for 2 years to see benefit.
Ratio for ETOH liver disease on LFTs
AST:ALT 2:1-3:1 ratio

AST rarely exceeds 300-400

May see GGT, normal AP
Signs of acute alcoholic hepatitis
fever (low grade), leukocytosis, hepatomegally
Tx formula for acute alcoholic hepatitis
4.6 * (PT-control) + bilirubin

score >32 would benefit from tx
-prednisolone 40mg
-pentoxifylline 400mg
5 notorious drugs for DILI
3 patterns of DILI
acute liver injury (may be 10% of acute hepatitis)
chronic liver injury (may mimic AI or NAFLD)