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6 Cards in this Set

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April 2010 BP Oil Rig

Human Cost

- 11 workers died

- 17 injured

Damage Done

- 87 days oil was leaked into the seabed

- 180,000km2 overall may have been affected

- 1600km of shoreline badly polluted

Environmental + Wildlife Damage

- High mortality rate for birds and dolphins

- Fishing industry badly damaged, many people lost their jobs and large economic damage due to loss of fish

Long Term Damage

- Oil deposits falling on corals have had a lasting impact

- 1000m depth of trapped oil

- Already unclean water is leaked naturally from the Gulf Stream 2million gallons of oil

- Current pollution from land: pesticides, fungicides, insecticides


- Containment methods: Attempts to fill the hole on the rig with concrete but not enough material was available

- Oil boats: Collect surface oil and transport it

- Burning Surface Oil: Oil collected and burnt

- Dispersants: Chemicals breakdown oil 1.84 gallons make bacteria breakdown oil

- Artificial Island Barriers: Physical barriers in place to protect shores from oil contamination (poorly planned and washed away by Gulf Stream)

- Beach Cleaning: Contaminated sand removed from shorelines, or sand could be processed and have oil extracted from it