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7 Cards in this Set

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Changes In Arctic Sea Ice

Population and regions danger of decline

4 million bordering the Arctic Ocean

Indigenous population (Inuit, Chukchi)

These people still hunt and fish, seals & walrus

Sustainable farming of this wildlife at risk due to melting of sea ice and changing weather patterns

Geopolitics - Who, Why

USA & Russia closely linked

Canadian & European interests

Arctic Ocean 280km beyond EEZ

Oil, Gas, Minerals on the seabed

Military and conflicts of interest

Extension of continental shelf

Militarisation of Arctic operation equipment

Minerals, future projects

Reserves being revealed by the melting of ice

90million barrels of oil

4.7billion m3 of natural gas

It is a long term investment to eventually begin extraction

Transport Routeso

2014 First cargo ship travels through (NWP)

The (NSR) across Siberia

Shipping Companies

- Shipping companies can reduce costs significantly due to shorter journey times

- Greater fuel consumption for arctic conditions

- Expensive training of crew for arctic conditions

New shipping point created

- Russian Yamal liquid natural gas plant will be a new shipping point for the next few years

Sea ice melting by 2025, 300 ships will operate in the Arctic Ocean