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27 Cards in this Set

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The science of heredity, what genes are, how genes carry information, how genes are expressed, how genes are replicated
genetic information in a cell
genetic information in a cell
genetic information in a cell
what is the structure of DNA? of what 3 parts does a nucleotide consist?
DNA is a macromolecule composed of repeating units called nucleotides
Nucleotides consist of Nucleobase (adenine, thymine, cytosine or guanine), deoxyribose (pentose sugar), phosphate group
How are its strands held together?
held together by hydrogen bonds
s a typical bacterial chromosome circular or linear? How does the chromosome fit inside a bacterial cell?
Circular . the chromosome is supercoiled
What is DNA replication?
Parental dsDNA molecule converted to 2 identical daughter molecules
What is the function of the following enzymes: topoisomerase, helicase, DNA polymerase
Supercoiling relaxed by topoisomerase, two strands unwound by helicase, separated form each other. Newly added nucleotide is joined to growing DNA strand by DNA polymerase
DNA replication requires energy. How is this energy supplied?
Supplied from nucleotides. Two phosphate groups removed to add nucleotide to growing strand of DNA
DNA replication is an amazingly accurate process. Why? How are base pairing mistakes avoided?
Due to proofreading capability of DNA polymerase. – As each new base is added, enzyme evaluates whether it forms proper complementary base-pairing structure. – If not, enzyme excises improper base and replaces it with correct
What is transcription?
Synthesis of a complementary strand of RNA from a DNA template
What is the name of the major enzyme required for transcription?
Requires RNA polymerase and a supply of nucleotides
What is a promoter?
RNA polymerase binds to DNA at promoter
What is a terminator?
Transcription ceases when RNA polymerase reaches terminator
What is translation?
In prokaryotes, mRNA is synthesized in cytoplasm → transcription and translation may be coupled
. IN eukaryotes, mRNA is synthesized in nucleus. Must be completely synthesized, processes, and transported to cytoplasm before translation can begin (therefore, transcription and translation are not coupled in eukaryotic cells)
What does it mean if transcription and translation are coupled
They occur at the same time in the cytoplasm. mRNA is synthesized in cytoplasm → transcription and translation may be coupled
Does this occur in prokaryotes, eukaryotes, both, or neither? Why?
Happens in prokaryotes. NOT in eukaryotes, in eukaryotes, mRNA is synthesized in nucleus.
What are exons? What are introns?
Exons: regions of DNA that are expressed, Introns: intervening regions that do not encode protein
What is a codon?
mRNA language
What does the codon sequence determine?
Sequence of codons determines sequence of amino acids that will be in protein to be synthesized. Each codon codes for a particulat amino acid (genetic code)
The genetic code is degenerate. What does this mean? Why is this important for proper protein production?
Most aa’s are signaled by several alternative codons. Degeneracy makes it so a minor mutation in DNA will not affect protein produced
What is the sequence of a start codon? For which amino acid does it encode?
Start codon AUG, methionine
What is a stop codon?
3 nonsesne codons- signal the end of protein synthesis
Where does translation occur?
What role do tRNA molecules play in translation?
tRNA molecules “read” codons and add the appropriate amino aci to a growing polypeptide chain
What is an anticodon?
Sequence of 3 bases that is complementary to a codon, so that it can base-pair with associated codon