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57 Cards in this Set

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inflammation of the membranes that surround the spinal cord and brain. viral or bacterial, neck pain or stiffness, convulsions and coma.


pain on inspiration and decreased breath sounds, infection of the alveoli and bronchioles.


where the body is unable to produce or use insulin effectively. Type 1 is insulin dependent, Type 2 isn't insulin dependent.

mononucleosis (mono)

casue by the Epsetin Barr Virus, avoid contact sports while symptomatic. First 3-5 days severe fatigue, headache, loss of appetite. Days 5-15 consist of fever, swollen lymph nodes, and sore throat. *SPLEEN RUPTURE*


inflammation of paranasal sinuses that can stem from URI or bacterial infection.


inflammation of the mucous membranes of the bronchial tubes.

iron-deficiency anemia

decline in performance, burning thighs and nausea.

sickle- cell anemia

less ability to carry oxygen, limited ability to pass through vessels, causing clustering and clogging of vessels. muscle weakness, pain in the limbs, fever, and pallor.


sore throat. inflammation of the pharynx. chills, fever, hoarseness, and dysphagia

female athlete triad

disordered eating, amenorrhea, and osteoporsis


atopic dermatitis. dry, red, flaking skin, causing blistering


pink eye. bacterial infection of the conjunctivitis. extremely contagious.


overactive autoimmune system, a rapid growth od epithelial cells of the epidermis. thick, dry, red, skin patches.

Tinea Corporsis

ring worm, very contagious from direct contact. red, itch, circular, lesion, raised, scaly.


mites burrow under the skin and deposits eggs, very contagious and dark in moist areas.


inflammation of the appendix, usually due to a foreign body obstruction or bacterial infection. RLQ Pain


a chronic neurological condition characterized by recurrent episodes of seizures of varying severity.


breakdown of muscle tissue that leads to release of muscle fibers into the blood. dark urine, cramping, cardiac arrhythmia, acute renal failure. use of illegal drugs or alcohol, extreme muscle strain, a crush injury, long lasting muscle compression.


fainting. unconsciousness and dizziness

Herpes Zoster

reappearance of the chickenpox virus or shingles. extremely painful, itching, burning, antiviral drugs.

Tinea Cruris

Jock Itch, ringworm of the groin commonly a fungal infection.

Tinea Pedis

Athlete's Foot. red, scaly and cracking often itchy.


bacterial infection, highly contagious from streptococcal, avoid direct contact. begins as pustules that go on to rupture and crust over.


boil. pus-forming infection that originates in a hair follicle.


an inflammatory reaction of the hair follicles, usually around the face or neck or in the groin area.

ottis externa

swimmer's ear. inflammation of the ear canal. pain, itching or burning, possible drainage from ear.


inflammation of subcutaneous tissue after break in skin caused by staphylococcus. tend to spread.


food poisoning. inflammation of stomach an intestine mucous membrane.

otitis media.

the presence of fluid in the middle ear accompanied by signs and symptoms of infections.


inflammation and swelling of the tonsils strep throat causes tonsil swelling. chill , fever, malaise, headaches, body aches, severe pain in throat.

URI: (Influenza, Common Cold)

any infection that affects the conducting pathway. tonsils, nose, throat, sinuses, neck lymph nodes. signs and symptoms: flu, runny nose, sneezing, nausea, vomiting, fever, chills, malaise, myalgia.

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

serious heart disease of myocardium. back flow of blood into the atrium and lungs and reduceing blood flow to the body. Fatigue, syncope, dehydration, condition characterized by abnormally hypertrophied left ventricle in the absence of physiological conditions.


reactive airway disease. usually occur due to exercise referred to as exercise- induced asthma (EIA)


severe psychological eating disorder. self induced food aversion and weight loss


eating disorder with normal weight but uses mechanisms of vomiting and diuretics to prevent weight gain.


urinary frequency and urgency, painful or burning urine, red urine, cloudy urine. mostly common in females and poorly understood.


loss of menstrual cycle. primary, secondary, and irregular


sexual transmitted disease that is contracted by bodily fluids exchanged of seminal or vaginal fluid, oral or fecal contact, blood contact.


localized bacterial infection appears a collection of pus. localized area of pain and increased warmth.

Hepatitis A.B.C.D.E

swelling and inflammation in the liver.

A & E- fecal oral transmission: food handling or poor hand washing.

B,C,D- Blood, semen and other body fluids.

loss of appetite, fatigue, muscle or joint aches, nausea, and vomiting, mild fever, and abdominal pain.

Herpes Simplex

disease part of the herpes family, and affinity for the nerves that establishes latent infection. fever blisters or cold sore, occurs on genitalia.

Verruca Plantaris (warts)

warts. hypertrophy and thickening of the epidermis layer. common on the soles of the feet on weight bearing areas, very painful


an infestation of lice. transmitted through direct contact


inflammation of the skin. erythema, edema, itching, and vesticulations of varying degrees


dermal, hypersensitivity urticarial, reaction of allergen. small red dots to large, raised, reddened areas.


local tissue destruction due to the cold. painless blisters and ultimately lead to tissue destruction and gangrene.


overexposure to the suns ultraviolet rays. redness, pain or burning, itching, and increased skin heat characterize sunburn.


separation of skin's dermal and epidermal layer caused by heat build up from friction. serous of blood, fills the area.


toughness area of skin that has become relatively thick and hard in response to repeated. form on the feet and hands over areas high friction, stress and bony prominences. pressure, or other irritations


inflammatory response of the nasal mucous membrane. runny nose, and sneezing are the first signs.


inflammation of the larynx. rawness in throat, hoarseness, loss of voice.

mouth conditions.

gingivitis, periodontitis, and dental cavities. direct trauma are classified as fractures, intrusions, luxations, or extrusions.

Epstein-Barr Virus

infectious mononucleosis, can reactivate in infected persons, without symptoms of illness.


inflammation of the lymphatic vessels (RED STREAKS). fever chills, headaches, and general malaise.

testicular cancer

highly treatable and curable cancer that occurs in males 20 to 35 years of age. lump on the testicles.

pelvic conditions

vaginitis, candidiasis, pelvic inflammatory disease. yeast and bacterial infection.

breast conditions

benign conditions, cancer. changes in the breast tissues, female and male.