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32 Cards in this Set

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strategy for persuading people by forcing them in a social role, so that they will be inclined to behave according to that role
Face Work
presenting the self to others in a
particular way through performance.
Identity Work
day-to-day maintenance
performed through conversation that constructs identity.
Biological Determinism
Belief that a person is born with predetermined, innate, essential characteristics
Social Learning Theory
emphasizes the socialization
process whereby children internalize identity norms
and behaviors.
  Mischel (first theorist), Bandura (most known)
  Passive: we watch others, mimic them and are
rewarded for “correct” gender behaviors.
Two-Culture Theory
infers that people are
inflexible in their communicative
Feminine Style of Communication
view talk as an activity in
itself rather than a means of accomplishing a
Masculine style of Communication
use talk as a tool to
accomplish a task, solve a problem, exert
control, or gain status.
the dominance or leadership of one social group or nation over others
a system of ideas, principles, and values that characterize the belief system of a community
Queer Theory
emphasizes sexuality as a cultural
organizer, often concerned with the construction
of “normal.”
  Interested in heteronormativity, from a political
rather than personal stance.
  Emphasis on disclaiming, restructuring language.
The biological classification of an individual as male or female based on reproductive organs and structures
the behavioral, psychological, or cultural classification typically associated with one's sex
an argument to see, order, and explain the world in a particular way.
early bodily and emotional
experiences in infancy and early childhood are
transformed symbolically into unconscious
  Freud & Chodorow (combine biological), Lacan
(emphasis on communication/culture)
  Butler – gender/sex as binary cannot explain
transgender, intersex or bisexual individuals.
researchers become part of a
culture in order to better understand how the
culture articulates norms and values.
Symbolic Interactionism
an individual
identity theory suggesting people construct
identity through interactions with others.
Communication Strategies
communication is goal
oriented and strategic, and people develop strategies to cope with power.
Social Constructionism
focuses on how
individuals construct meaning and related inequalities by doing gender.
 The conscious making of an event
in which the creative, playful and the political are overtly thematized.
Global Feminism
encourage a
move away from ethnocentric views of culture,
“world traveling.”
  Spivak – post-colonial theorist, emphasis on gender
as influenced by colonization.
  Mohanty – race/class/gender, category of
“woman” experienced differently.
  Anzaldua – mestiza, border-crossing as metaphor for identity experience.
an approach to studying texts
and cultures through small, localized contexts.
used to name the capacity of speech and language in particular, but other forms of expressive but non-verbal action as well, to intervene in the course of human events. The term derives from the work in speech act theory originated by the analytic philosopher J. L. Austin
political, cultural or economic movement aimed at establishing equal rights and legal protection for women.
assumption that human beings, objects or texts possess underlying essences which define their 'true nature'
various socially and culturally constructed categories of discrimination interact on multiple and often simultaneous levels, contributing to systematic social inequality
An example serving as a model or pattern; A set of all forms which contain a common element, especially the set of all inflectional forms of a word or a particular grammatical category; A system of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitutes a way of viewing reality
Cognitive Development Theory
comprehensive theory about the nature and development of human intelligence first developed by Jean Piaget. it deals with the nature of knowledge itself and how humans come gradually to acquire it, construct it, and use it.
Carol Gilligan
American feminist, ethicist, and psychologist best known for her work with and against Lawrence Kohlberg on ethical community and ethical relationships, and certain subject-object problems in ethics. She was the first to consider gender differences in her research with the mental processes of males and females in their moral development
Jean Piaget
Swiss developmental psychologist known for his epistemological studies with children. His theory of cognitive development and epistemological view are together called "genetic epistemology".
He placed great importance on the education of children.
Erving Goffman
His greatest contribution to social theory is his formulation of symbolic interaction as dramaturgical perspective. Largely working within the tradition of symbolic interactionism, he greatly elaborated on its central concepts and application. For Goffman, society is not homogeneous. We must act differently in different settings. The context we have to judge is not society at large, but the specific context.
George Herbert Mead
One of his most influential ideas was the emergence of mind and self from the communication process between organisms, discussed in Mind, Self and Society, also known as social behaviorism.[15] This concept of the how mind and self emerge from the social process of communication by signs founded the symbolic interactionist school of sociology.