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70 Cards in this Set

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Every C++ program must have a...
Main function, which defines the prgram entry point.
Every C++ program must have a...
Main function, which defines the prgram entry point.
White space consists of blank lines and spaces, which are ignored by the...
Compiler, use white space to format your code in a more readable way.
In C++, zero is considered false and any non-zero value, negative or posotive is considered...
To be true.
C++ prgrams start executing at MAIN. Consequently, every C++ prgram must have...
A main function.
In C++, the curly braces are used to define..
The beggining and the end of a logical code unit.
C++ contains five binary arithmetic operators:
addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and modulus.
C++ supports several different kinds of numerical variable types, can we convert a type to another? For example, can we assign INT to be a FLOAT and or vice versa?
In general yes, we can convert from one built in numerical type to another implicitily (compiler converys automatically) or explicitily (we force a converstion in code manually).
An operand is the.....
Object of mathematical operation, a quanity or which an operation is performed.
Variable definition:
A variable corresponds to a physical segment of system memory (RAM) where value can be stored of some type. Via the variable nam we can access the memory cell the variable corresponds with.
Spaces inside a string are..
Not ignored, as they are actually considered space characters. Additonally, C++ keywords cannot simply be broken up and expected to mean the same thing (i.e. you cannot write "firstname" as "fir st nam e"`
By using the '/*'....*/ style comment, you can comment out parts of a...
line, whereas '//' comments always comment the entire line. For example.
cout << "Hello. " << /* print first name */
A single line comment is designated in C++ with...
The double forward slashes //
A multi line comment, where everything between a...
/* .... */ pair is part of the comment.
iostream and strings are C++ standard library header files. which...
Contains C++ standard library code.
#include <string>
Instructs the compiler ti takea ll the colde in "sting" an include it into our .CPP file.
#include <iostream>
Instructs the compiler to take all the code in the specified file (the file in between the angle brackets). "iostream", and include it into the .CPP file.
While usingspace x clause, you can...
Move code in some particular namespace to the global namespace, where x is some namespace.
Multiplacation, division and modulation operations always occure..
Before addition and subtraction operators.
The std: prefix tells the compiler to...
Search the standard namespace (folder) to look for the standard code we need.
It is good practice to try and avoid type..
conversions when practical.
Namespaces are used to...
Organize code into logical grouping and to prevent name clashes.
Namespaces are to code as folders are to files, that is to say....
As folder are used to organize groups of related files and prevent file name clashes, namespaces are used to organize groups of related code and prevent code name clashes.
Used to store truth values; that is, true or false. Note that true and false are C++ keywords.
Include directive
A variable occupies a reigon of physical system memory and stores a...
Value of some type, variable names can consist of letters and numbers, but cannot begin with a number.
Cont variables are..
Variables that cannot be modified.
The modulus operator returns the remainder of a integer....
23 = 3 + 2
____ ____
7 7
Here we call the numerator 2 in 2/7 the remainder
An integer is a number that is written without a fractional component.

21, 4 and -2048
Only integer types can be unsigned, by using unsigned types we have not...
Gained a large range, we have merely transformed our range.
Prefixing the integer type with a...
Unsigned keyword makes it possible to take the memory reserved for representing negative numbers and use it to represent additional posotive number so that our range of posotive value increases.
It is possible to take all the memory reserved for representing negative numbers and use it to....
Represent additonal posotive numbers so that our range of posotive values increases. This would be at the cost of sacfificing the ability to represent negative integer.
Double range
+ 22 x 10 -308, 1.8 x 10 308
Float range
+ 1.2 x 10 -38 , 3.4 x 10 38
Int range and long range
- 2147483648, 2147483647
Use parentheses to..
Explicitiliy define the order in which the operators should be performed, consequently, this also makes your code cleaner.
Parentheses can also be nested so that you can...
Explicitily specify the second, thierd, etc. Operation that should occur.
Sometimes we will want to define a variable that cannot change, such variables are constant, to do this we use...
The const modifying keyword:
const float pi = 3.14p
If the programmer tries to change pi, an error will reslut
pi = 12.53f; //error, cannot redefine constant pi
Const variables must be initialized as the....
Some time they are declared.
Short range
-32768, 32767
The terminology for something that evaluates to a number is called a....
Numeric expression, more generally, something that evaluates to something else is considered an expression.
The assingment operator "=" assigns value to variables, it says nothing about....
Equality in a purely comparative sense.
Char range
-128, 127
Used to store floating point numbers: that is, numbers with greater precision than float.
C++ can implicitily convert between its intrnsic types; however, one must...
Be alert for decimal transaction and integer wrapping.
Create a symbol name (identifier) that stands for some set of code. We can do this by...
defines a macro
#define PRINTHELLO cout << "Hello" << endl;
The modulus operator is an...
Integer operation only.
Note that operators with the same procedure level are...
Evaluated left to right.
Similar to a float but typically stores floating points numbers with great precison than float.
Variable names can include the underscore, letters and numbers but....
No other symbols.
The rules of operator procedure define...
The order in which the compiler performs a series of operators.
Variables names cannot be C++ keywords, for instance you cannot name a....
Variable "float" since that is a C++ keyword that specifies the C++ type float.
Variable names must begin with...
A letter. The variable name 2VarName is illegal. However the underscore is considered a letter.
Underscore is considered a letter ans C++ is case...
When we declare/define a variable we must give it a...
Name (identifier) so that we can refer to that variable within the program.
When using the postfix form, the value is..
Incremented/decremented last, after it is used.
You can give greatest precedence to an operation by...
Surrounding it with a pair of parentheses much like you do in mathematical notation.
It is possible to make multiple declerations and/or definitions in one statement using...
The comma operator.
Variables names cannot have...
Spaces between them.
A signed integer type that typically can store a longer range of integers than int.
Typically stores a shorter range of integers than int.
Because variables that contain garbage are useless and to prone to introducing errors, it is advisable to...
Always define your variables at the time of decleration to some default value.
The "=" symbol, in C++ is called the...
Assingment operator.
Shorten (something) by cutting of the top or the end.
A decimal portion of an answer will be lost because...
Integers are being used, and they are unable to repessent decimals. Keep this trunctuation in mind when doing division with integers and ask yourself whether or not this is a problem for your particular circumstances.
Declaring a variable...
Int myVar; // variable decleration
The primary type used to store an integer value.
A C++ compiler translates code to object code. The linker then combines the object code, from several objects files to produce...
An executable program that can be run on the operating system.
Used to store single character variables such as "a,b,c,d". Usually this is an 8 bit value so that it can store up to 256 values.
Used to store string variables, std::string is not part of the core language. but part of the standard library.