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57 Cards in this Set

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The 3 types of ion channels are

ligand-gated, voltage-gated, mechanically-gated
The opening of a channel is called
The number of ions passing through a channel determines
The number of ions passing through a channel depends on
the length of time it is open.
In the nervous system, the ligand-gated channels are activated by
Voltage-gated channels are activated by
changes in membrane potential
Mechano-sensitive channels are also known as
stretch receptors
Mechano-sensitive channels are activated by
a change in the shape of a cell.
Gap junctions are
channels between two cells that allow the passage of large molecules.
Gap junctions are found in abundance in
cardiac muscle and certain smooth muscle.
Gap junctions can be regulated by
Ca2+, H+, and voltage
The pores in Gap junctions close when
Ca2+ is elevated and when pH decreases to protect adjacent cells.
In neuron anatomy, the cell body
contains nucleus and protein synthesis
In neuron anatomy, dendrites
receive input from other neurons.
In neuron anatomy, axons
transmit action potentials.
In neuron anatomy, the axon hillock
is the part of the axon next to the cell body
In neuron anatomy, the axon collaterals
are branches of the axon
In neuron anatomy, the axon terminals
are nerve terminals that release neurotransmitters
In neuron anatomy, the synapse
is the junction between nerve and nerve, muscle, or gland.
90% of cells in the central nervous system are
Glia (neuroglia)
Oligodendrocytes are found in
brain and spinal cord
The role of oligodendrocytes is
to wrap around axons to form myelin sheath and nodes of Ranvier.
Schwan cells are found in
the peripheral nervous system.
The role of Schwan cells is
to wrap around axons to form myelin sheaths and nodes of Ranvier.
Schwann cells are critical for
transmission of axon potential.
The role of astroglia is
regulate cerebrospinal fluid and form the blood brain barrier.
The role of microglia is
perform immune functions of the central nervous system.
Action potentials are
a rapid change in membrane potential.
Action potential are a property of
excitable cells (nerve, muscle, glands)
The excitability in action potentials is provided by
opening and closing of voltage-gated channels.
For a stimulus to cause an action potential, it must
reach a threshold of 55 mV
When the action potential threshold is reached
Na+ channels open allowing Na+ influx.
Influx of Na+ leads to
further depolarization of neuron (positive feedback).
At the peak of the action potential, channels
go from open to inactivated.
Na+ channels inactivate after
1 msec.
Depolarization produced by influx of Na+ causes
delayed opening of K+ channels
Efflux of K+ after an action potential causes
repolarization of neuron
Hyperpolarization after an action potential is due to
high K+ conductance.
The summary of an action potential is
1. Neuron at resting potential, 2. Depolarization reaches threshold potential and activates voltage-gated Na+ channels, 3. Influx of Na+ leads to further depolarization, 4. Delayed opening of K+ channels, 5. Na+ channels inactivate, 6. Neuron repolarized by efflux of K+, 7. Hyperpolarization due to K+ conductance, 8. K+ channels close and membrane returns to resting potential.
The properties of action potentials are
1. All-or-none response, 2. Constant amplitude, 3. Threshold, 4. Refractory period
The all-or-none response of action potentials means
once it is initiated, it goes to completion.
The absolute refractory period is
the inactivation of sodium channels immediately after firing.
The relative refractory period is
when some Na+ channels have returned to resting state, but K+ channels remain open.
The purpose of the refractory period is
to limit frequency of action potentials to approximately 100/sec and prevent action potential moving backwards.
The relative refractory period means subsequence stimuli
must be stronger to reach action potential.
The spreading currents depolarization in an action potential is propagated through
voltage-gated Na+ channels activating.
In nerve cells, action potentials propagate
from axon hillock to nerve terminal
In skeletal muscle fibers, action potentials propagate
from middle to ends.
Myelin insulates the axon to
prevent charge from leaking out of the axon.
Voltage-gated sodium channels and Na+/K+ ATPase in the axon are located only
at the Nodes of Ranvier.
Saltatory conduction is
the spread of current from node to node in an axon.
Condunction of action potential is much faster in ________ neurons.
The conduction velocity of an action potential is increased by
myelination and increasing the axon diameter.
In voltage-gated channels, voltage sensors
detect the voltage across the membrane
In voltage-gated channels, inactivating gates
inactivate the channel on the cytoplasmic side by blocking the opening
In voltage-gated channels, are/are not selective for a given ion.
are very selective
In voltage-gated channels, auxiliary subunits

modulate the activity of the channels.