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15 Cards in this Set

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The idea that an emotion-arousing stimulus is simultaneously routed to the cortex and to the sympathetic nervous system is central to the?

Cannon-Bard Theory

In one experiment, College men were injected with epinephrine before spending time with either a joyful or an irritated person. The results of this experiment support the idea that?

Our experience of emotion depends on how we interpret the body’s arousal.

When confronted by an armed robber, your emotional Arkham is likely to be accompanied by?

Slowing of digestion.

As her professor distributed the mathematics test to the class, Blair’s heart started to pound and her palms began to sweat. These physiological reactions were activated by her ______ nervous system.


When her son falls to arrive home as expected, Elena fears be bad been in an accident both her heart and reputation rate remain elevated until she seems him done safely through the door. Her body soon returns to normal due to the action of her ___ nervous system.


The text defines social psychology as the scientific study of how people ___ on another.

Think about, influence, and relate to.

According to ____, people explain behavior by crediting either the situation or the person’s disposition.

Attribution theory

A television commercial for a fast-food restaurant shows three women in bikinis earning the restaurants triple decker hamburgers this commercial best illustrates?

Peripheral route persuasion.

To “brainwash” captured American soldiers during the Korean War, Chinese communist made effective use of?

The foot-in-the-door phenomenon

College professors are typically expected to teach courses,engaging in scholarly activity,and serve on a variety of college communities. These professional duties at best described as requirements associated with specific?


Conformity is best described as?

Adjusting ones’ behavior or thinking toward a group standardz

In Milgram’s experiments, participants were torn between whether they should respond to the pleas or the ___ or the demand of the ___.

“Learner” ; experimenter

Arturo believes that most young women from California are extremely good-looking and that extremely good looking women are usually selfie and egotistical. His beliefs are examples of ?


Discrimination is best described asalo

An unjustifiable negative behavior toward a group of people and its members

Although Americans approval of interracial marriage has soared over the past half-century, many still admit that they would feel uncomfortable with someone or another race in socially intimate settings. This admission best illustrates

Racial prejudice