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140 Cards in this Set

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Children with a shy-inhibited temperament may be less likely to develop a later anxiety disorder if:
heir parents set clear limits and teach them how to cope with stress
When would an absence of separation anxiety suggest an insecure attachment?
Question 2 answers
at 12 months of age
Children with this diagnosis, which used to be called overanxious disorder of childhood, worry about minor everyday occurances and often complain about headaches, stomachaches, and other physical concerns.
Question 3 answers
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Unlike adults, children with specific phobias:
do not recognize that their fears are extreme and unreasonable
_________ is a group of physical symptoms of the fight/flight response that unexpectedly occur in the absence of any obvious threat or danger.
Agoraphobia can be best described as the fear of:
having a panic attack in situations in which escape would be difficult or help unavailable
The two-factor theory explains anxiety disorders as arising and persisting through a combination of:
classical and operant conditioning
What is the intention of compulsions?
to reduce anxiety
Depression is least likely to be diagnosed with:
specific phobia
The _______________ mobilizes the body for action in a fight/flight situation.
sympathetic nervous system
Children and adolescents with______________ have the lowest rate of remission and highest suicide rate for any of the anxiety disorders.
Question 11 answers
Selected Answer: Correct
panic disorder
This nucleus, located in the pons, mediates the effects of the sympathetic nervous system and has been implicated in the development of long-term anxiety in response to excessive levels of stress, such as might be seen in a child who experiences significant trauma in early childhood.
locus coeruleus
Which of the following is not a core feature of posttraumatic stress disorder?
persistent irritability and agitation
In some countries besides the United States this disorder, characterized by behaviors such as constant cleaning, counting, or other repeated and ritualized behaviors, is considered a depressive disorder because of its high comorbidity with depression.
The most effective treatment of a child's phobia of riding in a car would involve:
actually riding in a car
The neurotransmitter system most often implicated in anxiety disorders is the __________ system.
Which of the following is not a common occurrence among children with separation anxiety disorder?
Correct co-occurrence of conduct disorder
The fact that the most common specific phobia in children is a fear of animals is believed to be due to:
evolutionary processes
For a child whose obsession is cleanliness, the accompanying compulsion is likely to be:
washing hands
The fear of death is common among children ages:
__________ is one of the most common symptoms of depression in children, occurring in about 80% of clinic-referred youngsters with depression.
In comparison to nondepressed children, those with depression experience ______________ in the year preceding their depression.
more severe stressful events and more daily hassles
The most common suicide method used by females is:
overdose and wrist-cutting
Which of the following medications was approved by the FDA in March 2009 for the treatment of depression in adolescents and became only the second FDA approved drug for depression in persons under the age of 18?
escitalopram (Lexapro)
In general, ___________ is the first choice in the treatment of pediatric bipolar disorder.
valproic acid
Which is not a characteristic of families of children with depression?
Which of the following is true regarding gender differences in the prevalence of depression among males and females?
Depression is equally common among preadolescent boys and girls, but after about age 13 the rate is higher for females.
This disorder is such a common comorbid condition with pediatric bipolar disorder that some researchers do not consider it to be a separate diagnosis when bipolar disorder is diagnosed because they believe the symptoms are actually a part of the bipolar disorder rather than a separate set of diagnostic symptoms.
Which of the following statements best highlights the concept that depressed people tend to make internal, stable, and global attributions to negative events in their lives?
“Things always get messed up because I am stupid and never make the right decisions.”
The absence of joy and interest in activities that were previously enjoyable is called:
Other than dysphoric mood, _____________ is the symptom that most distinguishes youngsters with depression from those with other disorder
social withdrawal
Which occurs more frequently in depressed children than in depressed adults?
Depression in children is characterized by _______ rates of initial recovery and ________ rates of relapse.
high, high
The approach that has shown the most success in the treatment of major depressive disorder is:
cognitive-behavioral therapy
In pediatric bipolar disorder children often exhibit near constant cycling of daily episodes of depression and mania. This type of cycling with mania occuring every day is called:
ultradian cycling
The fact that depression occurs in many youngsters who do not experience loss or rejection, and does not occur in many children who do, is support against which theory of depression?
The most frequent co-occurring disorder(s) in clinic-referred youngsters with major depressive disorder is/are:
anxiety disorders
Children (and adults) who experience a clinical course of one or more major depressive episodes accompanied by at least one hypomanic episode are diagnosed with:
bipolar II disorder
The increase in depression in young people has been attributed, at least in part, to:
rapid social change leading to increased stress levels for young people
"Anaclitic depression" was the term used by Renee Spitz in the 1940's to describe the pattern of behavior he saw in:
institutionalized infants
Follow-up studies of patients with bulimia indicate that between _________ of patients show full recovery over several years.
Pica in the first and second years of life among otherwise normally developing infants and toddlers is likely due to:
poor stimulation and supervision in the home
Early onset of feeding disorder is often associated with:
inadequate caregiving
Failure to thrive is characterized by weight below the ____ percentile and/or deceleration in weight gain from birth to the present of at least ____ standard deviation(s).
5th, 2
Binge Eating Disorder (BED) differs from bulimia in that individuals with BED:
do not have compensatory behaviors
Scientists have found biochemical similarities between people with eating disorders and those with:
obsessive-compulsive disorder
Charlie is 7 months old and is taken to his pediatrician because he has been losing weight. His mother reports that he eats but almost immediately throws it back up in his mouth and lets the partially digested food dribble out of his mouth. She doesn’t know what to do and now his weight has dropped so much (he’s below the 5th percentile now) she is very concerned. What DSM-IV diagnosis is Charlie likely to receive?
Rumination disorder
In comparison to the restricting type, individuals with the binge-eating/purging type of anorexia tend to:
have higher rates of impulsive disorders
Though similar in their concerns about eating and gaining weight, individuals with bulimia differ from individuals with anorexia in that they _____________, while those with anorexia do/are not.
are within 10% of their normal weight
Obesity __________ is strongly related to obesity in __________.
in childhood, adulthood
Treatment methods to help children who are obese to lose weight should emphasize:
active, less sedentary routines
Deficiencies of this protein, which bind to the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus to signal the brain that a person has eaten enough, plays a major role in some genetic cases of obesity.
The most common compensatory technique after an episode of binge eating among clinical samples is:
Unlike most of the disorders of childhood and adolescence, the causes of eating disorders are disproportionately related to ___________ influences.
Adolescents with _________ often show personality features which include having a high need for approval, preference for familiar settings and situations, and having a safe and predictable consistency to their lives.
______________ is the initial treatment of choice for children and adolescents with anorexia who are living at home.
Family therapy
If fat levels decrease below our body's normal range, the hypothalamus:
Question 17 answers
Selected Answer: Correct slows metabolism
slows metabolism
Young women who have dietary-depressive subtype of bulimia differ from women with only the dietary subtype, as those with the dietary-depressive subtype display:
more social impairment
By mid-adolescence, about _____ of girls report being on a diet during the previous year.
A child who eats insects and wood chips is likely to be diagnosed with:
In the "strange situation" attachment assessment technique, children with Down syndrome:
show few distress signals despite an apparent need for contact with their caregivers
Degeneracy theory attributed the intellectual and social problems of children with mental retardation to:
regression to an earlier period in the development of humankind
Education of children with mental retardation has been plagued by the fact that:
he children lack the metacognitive capabilities needed to apply skills to new situations
Which of the following psychiatric diagnoses is least common among children with mental retardation?
The most likely explanation for the discrepancy in IQ scores between blacks and whites in North America is:
economic and social inequalities
The more severe forms of mental retardation are more likely due to __________ causes than is mild mental retardation.
This is a leading known cause of preventable mental retardation and is seen at rates four times higher in African-American children and 16 times higher in Native American children as compared to majority populations.
Fetal alcohol syndrome
The AAMR categorizes persons with mental retardation according to:
the extent of support needed
In general, children with Down syndrome display:
significant gains in adaptive behaviors up to age 6, followed by a leveling off or decline
When mainstreamed into a regular classroom, children with mental retardation:
end up being socially isolated because other children do not play with them
The ___________ refers to the phenomenon that IQ scores have risen sharply since the beginning of IQ testing.
The Flynn Effect
This approach to treating mental retardation, popular in the 1950’s but subsequently shown to be unhelpful, was based on the concept that persons with mental retardation had missed important developmental milestones and by going back through developmental tasks, such as helping them practice crawling again, these persons would more properly develop.
The evidence points to a heritability of intelligence of approximately:
The single most common cause of severe mental retardation is:
chromosomal abnormalities
Charlie is 16 years old. He is short and quite overweight. When you perform a physical exam on him he has poor muscle tone and underdeveloped penis and testes. His mother explains that around age 3 he started eating excessively and gained a lot of weight. His IQ is 60. What is his most likely diagnosis given these characteristics?
Prader-Willi syndrome
This is a recessive disorder seen almost exclusively in males who are typically mentally retarded and exhibit significant self-mutilation, such as biting off their fingers and lips.
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome
During the eugenics movement, persons with mental retardation were considered________ and those categorized as ________ were the most feared because they looked “normal”:
a threat to society; morons
Phenylketoneuria (PKU) is a(n) ____________ that can cause mental retardation if untreated.
inborn error of metabolism
Which of the following is most likely to be of concern to the father of a child with mental retardation?
how to feel close to the child
In the DSM-IV, which of the following is/are required in order to make a diagnosis of mental retardation?
All of the above
In contrast to children with autism, children with Asperger Disorder:
display greater interest in social contact
Which of the following statements about the social skills of children with autism is true?
Children with autism experience profound difficulties relating to others, even when they have average or above-average intelligence.
Which of the following statements about Rett's disorder is false?
in comparison to children with autism, children with Rett's disorder do not display language impairments.
In the video on autism, Dr. Greenspan states that __________________ forms the cornerstone for all other problems seen in autism spectrum disorders.
lack of emotional and communication reciprocity
Joint social attention refers to the ability to:
coordinate one's focus of attention on another person and an object of mutual interest
Schizophrenia is extremely rare prior to:
A person lacking central coherence:
processes information in bits and pieces but fails to see the big picture
The most common presenting symptom for children with schizophrenia is:
auditory hallucinations
Which of the following statements about gender differences in autism is true?
Autism is more common in boys, except among those with profound mental retardation, where the numbers of boys and girls are similar.
Kanner believed that that autism resulted, in part, from parents who were ___________ and didn’t form loving relationships with their child.
cold and detached
Special cognitive skills that are above average for the general population, as well as well above the autistic child's own general level of intellect are referred to as:
splinter skills
A step-by-step approach to presenting a stimulus and requiring a specific response that is used in the treatment of autism is called:
discrete trial training
In order to diminish psychotic symptoms, such as delusions and hallucinations, children with schizophrenia are typically treated with _____________.
For a child who has deficits in the pragmatic use of language, such as is seen in children with autism spectrum disorders, which of the following is a likely response to a parent saying, “Can you pick up your toys.”
the child says, “Yes.”
The two strongest predictors of adult outcomes in children with autism are:
IQ and language development
In comparison to children with autism, children with schizophrenia:
Question 16 answers
show less intellectual impairment
Manny seemed to be a normal child until age 5. At that time he began losing language skills and became unable to take care of basic dressing and hygiene skills. For example, he used to dress himself and brush his own teeth. Now he can do neither by himself. He exhibits poor eye contact, has little or no social reciprocity, seldom looks at others, and often rocks or flaps his hands when excited or upset. Manny most likely suffers from:
Childhood Disintegrative Disorder
The use of protodeclarative gestures requires:
a theory of mind and shared social attention
By what age should a child be able to smile in direct response to a parent’s smile?
4 months
During the lecture there was a powerpoint slide of a drawing by a child with Asperger Disorder. Who was the child who drew it?
a client of Dr. Calvert
Which of the following would a child with mathematics disorder most likely have difficulty with?
visual-spatial ability
Elmer Fudd shakes his fist and yells, “Come back here you wascally wabbit!” Elmer suffers from what disorder?
Phonological disorder
___________ is one of the best predictors of school performance and overall intelligence.
The development of language
By age 2, which of the following words or phrases should a child of normal development be able to say (i.e., which one is the most advanced level to which a 24-month-old is typically able to speak)?
“More milk.”
Which is an appropriate treatment for children who stutter?
all of the above
To strengthen a child's neural circuits for verbal memory, a parent could:
put the child in piano class
What is the most common reason why some young elementary school children reverese letters (e.g., b/d and p/q) or inverse letters (e.g., m/w and u/n)?
They were not taught and helped to practice the correct way to write letters
Mary is reading out loud to her class. She reads "from", when in fact the word is "form". Mary has made a(n) ___________ error.
Eden et al. (1996) found that the brains of adults with reading disorders show no activation in area V5 that detects:
visual motion
Julia is an adorable 42-month-old (3½ years old) who loves to have her parents read to her. Julia's father asked her to go to her bedroom to select a book that they could read together. Julia went upstairs to her bedroom and chose her favorite book from her bookshelf. On her way back downstairs, Julia's mother asked her what she was doing. Julia's response was "Book read". Based on this description, Julia may meet the criteria for:
expressive language disorder
Which of the following would a child with a writing disorder least likely have difficulty with?
gross motor skills
______________ is based on the premise that the ability to decode and recognize words accurately and rapidly must be acquired before reading comprehension can occur.
Direct Instruction
__________ of children who are diagnosed with reading disorder in elementary school still have major reading problems in high school.
Question 13 answers
About 75%
By the age of _______, a child's perceptual map for phonetic discrimination is complete.
1 year
There is great debate about whether children should be taught to read through “phonics” or “whole word” approaches. The research suggests that both camps are right, just at different times in a child’s development. It is best to use a phonics-based approach in grades _____ and with learning disabled students, and it is best to use a whole word approach in grades ______.
K through second; third and above
Language functions are housed primarily in the:
left temporal lobe
In the F.A.T. City Workshop video, Richard Lavoie discusses how many teachers won’t give certain types of extra help to learning disabled students (e.g., give these students a copy of the notes rather than have the student copy notes from the board). He indicates that one of the most common reasons teachers give is that it isn’t fair to give the extra help (e.g., the teacher’s notes) to just one student and not the others. What is Mr. Lavoie’s thought about these teachers’ view of fairness and what is his definition of fairness?
He believes that these teachers are incorrect and that fairness means that each person should get what he or she needs to succeed.
To see if a child has phonological awareness, a teacher might:
ask the child to rhyme words
Girls who have learning disabilities tend to have more adjustment problems as adults than do boys/men with similar disabilities. Which of the following explains why they have more long-term adjustment problems?
All of these explain reasons why girls with learning disabilities have more adjustment problems into adulthood
Correct Answer: Correct
Which of the following is not a category of learning disorders?
motor skills
Which of the following approaches would be most appropriate for parents who physically abuse their children?
all of the above
The Ontario Health Supplement, a survey in which persons 15 years and over were asked about physical and sexual abuse in childhood, indicated that a history of physical abuse was reported more often by _________, and a history of sexual abuse was reported more often by __________.
males, females
Which of the following statements about sexual abuse offenders is false?
Sexual abuse offenders often have good social skills.
Even though the evidence does not support it as either effective or emotionally helpful, corporal punishment (spanking) continues to be one of the most popular forms of punishment. Why?
Correct Even though it does not improve behavior in the long run, it does increase immediate compliance from the child, especially with the person delivering the corporal punishment
Which of the following types of sexual abusers best fits the following profile - an angry, 30-year-old, married male who sexually abuses a prepubescent girl, although his sexual history indicates that he is typically sexually aroused by same-age females?
The attachment pattern typically shown by children who are abused is:
Exploitation includes which of the following:
all of these are exploitation
Given what we know about the development of dissociative identity disorder (aka multiple personalities) as compared to PTSD, which of the following children would be more likely to develop dissociative identity disorder as opposed to PTSD?
Julie, age 10, has been forced to have intercourse and perform oral sex on her step-father a few times a week for the past two years
Compared to physically abusive parents, neglectful parents:
have more chronic patterns of social isolation
Paul is a 50-year-old, married male. He volunteers as a youth minister at the local church and wins rave reviews from parents about how kind and caring he is with their children. He especially likes taking the kindergarten and first grade boys camping. The town is stunned when Paul is arrested for sexually abusing a couple of these boys while on a camping trip. Upon investigation, police find that he has child pornography on his computer and belongs to the North American Man-Boy Love Association. His wife says she had no idea, although she did admit that they hadn’t had sex together more than two or three times in their 20 year marriage. Paul would be classified as what type of sex abuser?
A maltreated child, upon seeing another child crying, is likely to:
respond in fear or anger
____________ exists to some degree in all forms of maltreatment, making it difficult to define.
Emotional abuse
Which of the following child characteristics has been associated with the risk of maltreatment, once environmental and adult factors are controlled?
none of these
How many children and adolescents with histories of maltreatment involving sexual abuse or combined sexual and physical abuse meet criteria for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)?
A babysitter who notices bruises on a child who subsequently tells the sitter that her mother hits her is obligated (by law) to:
alert the police or child welfare agency
Barbara is a 9-year-old girl who has been sexually abused. Based on what we know about persons who sexually abuse girls, which of the following people is the most likely perpetrator?
Frank, Barbara’s 35-year-old father
Children as young as __________ have been found to react with changes in their heart rate to their parents arguing.
3 months
Which of the following is unrelated to the occurrence of maltreatment?
all of these are unrelated
In the United States there were laws protecting animals from cruelty before there were laws to protect children from cruelty. In 1874, which state formed the first society for the prevention of cruelty to children? Unfortunately, it took many years for the United States to pass the “Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act.” What year was this act passed?
New York; 1974
Children from __________ families are at significantly greater risk for both physical abuse and neglect.
all of these