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45 Cards in this Set

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What is DNA to RNA?


Starts with a T

What is RNA to protein?


What is RNA?

The link between DNA and proteins

DNA is not used directly to what?

Generate proteins

How does an organisms genotype determine its phenotype?

Genotype= an organisms genetic makeup

Phenotype= an organisms physical traits

-a phenotype arises from one or a variety of different proteins

What is the connection between an organisms genotype and the proteins that are made?

DNA holds the "code" for making proteins, but the DNA doesn't build the protein directly

How does DNA pass it's instructions?

Along to ribosomes (protein makers) in the form of RNA.

What is transcription?

The transfer of genetic I formation from DNA to RNA

What is translation?

Using the genetic info in the form of RNA to make proteins

Where does a DNA strand seperate?

Where transcription needs to happen

An RNA molecule is transcribed from a DNA template by a process that resembles what?

DNA replication

What does 1 DNA strand do?

Serve as a template for the newly forming RNA molecule

Where will transcription occur?

Everywhere we have a gene in our DNA

What is difference of RNA and DNA?

1. Single strand

2. Sugar used is ribose

3. Uracil used in place of thymine

What is the main protein used to build rna?

RNA polymerase

What is a codon?

DNA information in blocks that are 3 bases long

-specifies an amino acid

-61 combinations for amino acid

-3 codons are stop signals

What does deletion of nucleotides do?

Result in a change in amino acids in the protein

What's a reading frame?

Codons read continously, one after another

What biologists cracked the genetic code in 1960's

Nirenberg and Khorana constructed artificial mRNA molecules with known base sequences

What is degenerate?

When some amino acids are coded by more than one codon

-there are more codons than amino acid

What is the gene expression for transcription?

Synthesis of RNA molecules complementary to the DNA

What is the gene expression for translation?

Rna becomes a coded template to direct protein synthesis


Messenger, template for making a protein


Transfer; brings amino acids to the ribosome for translation

What is enzyme for RNA polymerase?

Rna synthesis

What is enzyme for DNA polymerase

DNA replication

What are the 3 steps for transcription?

1. Initiation

2. Elongation

3. Teemination

What is initiation?

Rna polymerase cofactors required for RNA synthesis assemble on the DNA template

-occurs at the promoter

What is elongation?

RNA nucleotides are joined to make RNA molecules

What is termination

Transcription is complete and the synthesis complex displaces from the DNA template

What is the tataat promoter?

Tat box tell rna polymerase when to bind right before gene

What is elongation

Joining of RNA nucleotides

-DNA opens up and starts building RNA one nucleotide at a time

Teemination process

End of transcription, when RNA polymerase reaches terminator and stops building RNA and leave so RNA molecule starts coiling back up

How many modifications have to occur before eukaryotic transcripts can travel to the ribosome? Their names?

2. Cap an tail. And splicing

What is cap and tail?

It's added by the RNA polymerase before gene starts. It helps keep it from being destroyed by the nucleoulous

What is splicing?

Removing introns of RNA

Is the 2nd modification of transcription

Why do we splice?

Because eons are needed for genetic code

What does splicing result in?

Mature messenger RNA

Why is the spliceosome the splicing protein complex?

They're a bunch of proteins that work together to remove introns from RNA

mRNA translation:the players

Is essential for translation to occur

Translate mRNA into protein(ribosomes and tRNA) requires enzymes and chemical energy (like ATP)

tRNA translation for the players

The tRNA INTERPRETS THE mRNA message and tells the ribosome which amino acid or nucleotide to add to the building protein

What is the genetic code?

How to read RNA and build protein

What is the anticodon loop?

Can read RNA message

What is the acceptor end?

Will carry amino acid (building block for protein)

Every 3 nucleotides code for a different amino acid called what?
