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138 Cards in this Set

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1) Eukaryotes are ________ prokaryotes.
A) more ancient than B) dependent upon C) more widespread than D) more numerous than
B) dependent upon
2) Prokaryotes are classified into
A) domain Protista and domain Archaea. B) kingdom Bacteria and kingdom Archaea.
C) domain Bacteria and domain Archaea. D) kingdom Protista and kingdom Bacteria.
C) domain Bacteria and domain Archaea.
3) Rod-shaped bacteria are called
A) cocci. B) bacilli .C) spirochetes. D) vibrios.
B) bacilli
4)Which of the following options correctly pairs a structure with its function in prokaryote cells?
A) fimbriae = help prokaryotes stick to each other and to surfaces
B) capsule = rigid protective structure enclosing cell
C) flagella = feeding appendages
D) endospore = food digestion vacuole
A) fimbriae = help prokaryotes stick to each other and to surfaces
5)Chemoautotrophic bacteria obtain their carbon from ________ and their energy from ________.
A) CO2 . . . sunlight B) CO2 . . . reactions involving inorganic chemicals
C) methane . . . sunlight D) organic molecules . . . sunlight
B) CO2 . . . reactions involving inorganic
6) The largest group of prokaryotes is the ________, which obtain both energy and carbon from ________.
A) autotrophs . . . inorganic molecules B) chemoautotrophs . . . decaying organic material
C) chemoheterotrophs . . . organic molecules D) photoautotrophs . . . light
C) chemoheterotrophs . . . organic molecules
7) A bacterium living in an underground septic tank thrives by absorbing organic compounds from decomposing wastes. What is it?
A) a chemoautotroph B) a chemoheterotroph C) a photoautotroph D) a photoheterotroph
B) a chemoheterotroph
8) A slimy layer of bacteria coating a surface is also known as a ________.
A) bioaggregate B) tissue C) biofilm D) plague
C) biofilm
9) The use of prokaryotes and other organisms to clean up pollutants from soil, air, or water is called ________.
A) decomposition B) nitrogen fixation C) bioremediation D) biocomposting
C) bioremediation
10) The trickling filter at a sewage treatment plant works by
A) passing wastewater through fine sand, mechanically removing fine pollution particles.
B) passing wastewater through a thick bed of rocks that contain chemicals that sterilize the water and neutralize chemical pollutants or bind with them to produce a harmless precipitate.
C) passing wastewater through a thick bed of rocks. Biofilms of bacteria and fungi on the rocks remove much of the organic material dissolved in the wastewater.
D) adding fertilizer to wastewater and passing it through a culture medium rich in oil-eating prokaryotes.
C) passing wastewater through a thick bed of rocks. Biofilms of bacteria and fungi on the rocks remove much of the organic material dissolved in the wastewater.
11) Unlike archaean and eukaryote cell walls, bacterial cell walls contain a unique substance called
A) cellulose. B) peptidoglycan. C) phospholipid. D) glycogen.
B) peptidoglycan.
12) Intestinal gas is evidence of active ________ in one's digestive tract.
A) thermophiles B) methanogens C) yeast cultures D) halophiles
B) methanogens
13) Cyanobacteria
A) are photosynthetic archaea. B) are eukaryotes and are the earliest type of algae.
C) are chemoautotrophs. D) are the only prokaryotes with plantlike oxygen-generating photosynthesis.
D) are the only prokaryotes with plantlike oxygen-generating photosynthesis.
14) Which of the following organisms first introduced oxygen into Earth's atmosphere?
A) cyanobacteria B) early protozoans C) plants D) green algae
A) cyanobacteria
15) The term for a close association between organisms of two or more species is
A) symbiosis. B) interdependence .C) associative living. D) colonialism.
A) symbiosis.
16) ________ are toxic proteins secreted by pathogenic bacteria, whereas ________ are toxic components of the outer membrane of gram-negative pathogens.
A) Endotoxins . . . phosphotoxins B) Endotoxins . . . botulinum toxins
C) Exotoxins . . . enterotoxins D) Exotoxins . . . endotoxins
D) Exotoxins . . . endotoxins
17) Which of the following causes food poisoning and typhoid fever?
A) E. coli B) Bacillus anthracis C) Clostridium botulinum D) Salmonella
D) Salmonella
18) The three diseases that represent high-priority threats as biological weapons today are
A) smallpox, influenza, and typhus. B) syphilis, Chlamydia, and HIV.
C) anthrax, plague, and botulinum toxin. D) anthrax, smallpox, and Thiobacillus
C) anthrax, plague, and botulinum toxin.
19) ________ are heterotrophic protists; ________ are photoautotrophic protists.
A) Mixotrophs . . . protozoans B) Protozoans . . . algae
C) Protozoans . . . plants D) Parasites . . . protozoans
B) Protozoans . . . algae
20) Protists include
A) a single clade of eukaryotes that are distantly related to animals.
B) two clades of eukaryotes: one that is related to animals and fungi, and another that is related to plants.
C) two clades of eukaryotes: algae and protozoans.
D) multiple clades of eukaryotes with some lineages more closely related to plants, animals, or fungi than they are to other protists.
D) multiple clades of eukaryotes with some lineages more closely related to plants, animals, or fungi than they are to other protists.
21) In secondary endosymbiosis, a(n) ________ became endosymbiotic in a(n) ________.
A) autotrophic prokaryote . . . heterotrophic eukaryotic protist
B) heterotrophic prokaryote . . . autotrophic eukaryotic protist
C) heterotrophic eukaryotic protist . . . autotrophic heterotrophic protist
D) autotrophic eukaryotic protist . . . heterotrophic eukaryotic protist
D) autotrophic eukaryotic protist . . . heterotrophic eukaryotic protist
22) Diatoms
A) are mixotrophs B) include the malaria parasite.
C) are autotrophs with a glassy cell wall that contains silica.
D) are heterotrophic protists that decompose dead plants and animals in freshwater habitats.
C) are autotrophs with a glassy cell wall that contains silica.
23)Which of the following groups includes the protists that reside within the cells of corals?
A) brown algae B) diatoms C) dinoflagellates D) ciliates
C) dinoflagellates
24) Dinoflagellates are best described as
A) protozoans that use cilia to move and feed.
B) marine and freshwater algae that can produce harmful red tides.
C) parasitic protozoans that must spend part of their life cycles in vertebrate hosts.
D) large, multicellular algae that resemble plants but do not have true leaves, stems, or roots.
B) marine and freshwater algae that can produce harmful red tides.
25) Plasmodium, the organism that causes malaria, is a(n)
A) amoeba. B) stramenopile. C) ciliate. D) chromalveolate.
D) chromalveolate.
26) Which of the following groups include organisms that are a key source of food in all aquatic environments and whose fossilized forms are used as a filter and as a grinding and polishing agent?
A) diatoms B) brown algae C) amoebas D) dinoflagellates
A) diatoms
27) Kelp, a seaweed that is anchored to the seafloor by rootlike structures and can grow to heights of 60 m, is a kind of
A) water mold. B) brown alga. C) green alga. D) diatoms.
B) brown alga.
28) The main ingredient of oil is
A) diatoms B) dinoflagellates C) bacteria D) algae
A) diatoms
29) Which of the following cellular structures is characteristic of amoebas?
A) pseudopodia B) microvilli C) cilia D) flagella
A) pseudopodia
30) Which two groups of protists produce hard mineralized skeletal structures or cell walls that contribute to marine sediments and form fossils?
A) green algae and brown algae B) foraminiferans and radiolarians
C) dinoflagellates and diatoms D) cellular slime molds and water molds
B) foraminiferans and radiolarians
31) Which of the following is a parasitic excavate that causes African sleeping sickness, a disease spread by the tsetse fly?
A) Plasmodium B) Trypanosoma C) Paramecium D) Amoeba
B) Trypanosoma
32) Plasmodial slime molds
A) are photoautotrophic. B) are marine decomposers.
C) contain many nuclei in one mass of cytoplasm. D) are primitive fungi.
C) contain many nuclei in one mass of cytoplasm.
33) In what way does the green alga Ulva resemble land plants?
A) It produces diploid gametes.
B) It has a complex life cycle with diploid body cells and haploid gametes.
C) It has a complex life cycle with alternation between multicellular diploid and haploid generations.
D) It has a multicellular haploid stage that alternates with a unicellular diploid stage.
C) It has a complex life cycle with alternation between multicellular diploid and haploid generations.
34) According to current scientific thinking, true multicellular organisms
A) are all descended from a single colonial protist ancestor.
B) descend from several different kinds of unicellular protists, which became multicellular through specialization and cooperation among cells within a colony.
C) cannot be traced to any existing or fossil intermediate stages; thus, there is no current scientific theory for the process that generated multicellular organisms from unicellular ancestors.
D) formed through the fusion of several separate species of unicellular protists, who carried out different complementary functions within the evolving organism.
B) descend from several different kinds of unicellular protists, which became multicellular through specialization and cooperation among cells within a colony.
35) The ancestors of land plants were probably ________ that lived in ________.
A) green algae similar to charophytes . . . the open ocean
B) green algae similar to charophytes . . . coastal marshes or lake fringes
C) cyanobacteria . . . coastal marshes or lake fringes
D) cyanobacteria . . . moist soil crust communities
B) green algae similar to charophytes . . . coastal marshes or lake fringes
36) Gas exchange in most land plants occurs through structures called
A) stomata. B) spiracles. C) gas pores. D) cuticles.
A) stomata.
37) A growth-producing region of cell division, known as a(n) ________, is found near the tips of stems and roots.
A) sporangium B) cuticle C) apical meristem D) lignin
C) apical meristem
38) In plants, the vascular tissue made of dead cells that transport water and minerals from the roots is called
A) xylem. B) phloem .C) transport tissue D) meristem.
A) xylem.
39) In plants, the vascular tissue that consists of living cells that distribute sugars throughout the plant is called
A) xylem. B) phloem. C) transport tissue. D) meristem.
B) phloem.
40) In all plants, the zygote and earliest stages of the developing embryo are
A) enclosed within a seed. B) enclosed within a pollen grain.
C) attached to and nourished by the parent plant. D) able to disperse in a tough-walled spore.
C) attached to and nourished by the parent plant.
41) Mosses belong to the group of plants known as the
A) angiosperms. B) gymnosperms. C) bryophytes. D) vascular plants.
C) bryophytes.
42) Which of the following statements regarding ferns is true?
A) Ferns do not have lignified cell walls. B) Ferns have well-developed vascular tissue, roots, and stems.
C) Ferns produce seeds. D) Ferns produce pollen.
B) Ferns have well-developed vascular tissue, roots, and stems.
43) The majority of plant species today are
A) angiosperms. B) bryophytes. C) gymnosperms. D) seedless vascular plants.
A) angiosperms.
44) Which of the following characteristics tends to limit bryophytes and seedless vascular plants to habitats that are relatively moist?
A) absence of cuticle B) presence of flagellated sperm
C) presence of free-living, independent zygotes and early embryos
D) presence of lignified vascular tissues
B) presence of flagellated sperm
45) Which of the following options correctly represents the most likely sequence of the evolution of plants, from earliest to most recent?
A) bryophytes, seedless vascular plants, gymnosperms, angiosperms
B) seedless vascular plants, bryophytes, angiosperms, gymnosperms
C) bryophytes, seedless vascular plants, angiosperms, gymnosperms
D) bryophytes, gymnosperms, seedless vascular plants, angiosperms
A) bryophytes, seedless vascular plants, gymnosperms, angiosperms
46) The type of life cycle seen in plants is called
A) haplodiploidy. B) gametophyte production.
C) alternation of generations. D) sporophytic regeneration.
C) alternation of generations
47) Which of the following statements correctly describes the alternation of generations in a plant life cycle?
A) Diploid sporophytes that produce spores by meiosis alternate with haploid gametophytes that produce gametes by mitosis.
B) Diploid sporophytes that produce gametes by meiosis alternate with haploid sporophytes that produce gametes by mitosis.
C) Diploid gametophytes that produce spores by mitosis alternate with haploid sporophytes that produce gametes by meiosis.
D) Diploid gametophytes that produce gametes by meiosis alternate with haploid sporophytes that produce spores by mitosis.
A) Diploid sporophytes that produce spores by meiosis alternate with haploid gametophytes that produce gametes by mitosis.
48) The dominant stage of the moss life cycle is the
A) sporophyte. B) gametangium. C) pollen. D) gametophyte.
D) gametophyte.
49) Ferns and mosses are similar because both
A) produce drought-resistant seeds. B) have dominant sporophytes.
C) have flagellated sperm. D) have sporophytes that produce diploid spores.
C) have flagellated sperm.
50) Which of the following organisms has a dominant sporophyte generation and a free-living gametophyte generation?
A) moss B) fern C) mushroom D) conifer
B) fern
51) About 95% of all modern plant species
A) have a dominant sporophyte in their life cycle. B) have no gametophyte.
C) have a gametophyte adapted to house a sporophyte stage. D) have flagellated sperm.
A) have a dominant sporophyte in their life cycle.
52) During the Carboniferous period, photosynthesis in immense swamp forests removed ________ from the atmosphere, which produced a drier, cooler global climate and promoted the success of ________.
A) oxygen . . . ferns B) oxygen . . . seed plants
C) carbon dioxide . . . lycophytes D) carbon dioxide . . . seed plants
C) carbon dioxide . . . lycophytes
53) The incomplete decay of dead plants during the Carboniferous period led to
A) global warming. B) the thinning of the ozone layer.
C) the formation of coal. D) the formation of tropical swamps.
C) the formation of coal.
54) Which part of the life cycle does a pollen grain represent?
A) a spore B) a sperm cell C) a male gametophyte D) a male sporophyte
C) a male gametophyte
55) Which of the following represents the male gametophyte of a conifer?
A) pollen grain B) sperm C) pollen cone D) tree
A) pollen grain
56) Which of the following plants has a dominant sporophyte generation and a seed, but no fruit?
A) fern B) pine tree C) tulip D) moss
B) pine tree
57) Two characteristics shared by gymnosperms and angiosperms that are absent from earlier plant groups and represent key adaptations to life on dry land are
A) a vascular system and lignin. B) flagellated sperm and gametangia.
C) flowers and fruits. D) pollen and seeds.
D) pollen and seeds.
58) The ________ is the protective chamber that houses the ovule and later matures to become the fruit.
A) ovary B) carpel C) sepals D) stigma
A) ovary
59) In angiosperms, pollen grains develop in the ________ and are trapped by the ________.
A) anther . . . stigma B) stigma . . . anther C) anther . . . ovary D) carpel . . . stamen
A) anther . . . stigma
60) To cross-fertilize flowers A and B, one would first remove flower A's immature ________ and later transfer pollen from flower B to flower A's ________.
A) carpel . . . ovule B) anthers . . . stamen C) stamens . . . stigma D) stigma . . . style
C) stamens . . . stigma
61) Some of the unique adaptations of angiosperms include their beneficial relationships with ________ and their relatively ________.
A) animals . . . well-developed vascular system
B) animals . . . rapid fertilization and seed production
C) animals . . . large sporophyte
D) fungi . . . well-developed vascular system
B) animals . . . rapid fertilization and seed production
62) The ripened ovary of a flower, which is adapted to disperse seeds, is called a(n)
A) ovule. B) casing. C) fruit. D) sporangium.
C) fruit.
63) Which structure is found in angiosperms but not gymnosperms?
A) fruit B) spores C) seeds D) ovule
A) fruit
64) Corn, rice, wheat, fleshy fruits such as apples and berries, and many spices are all produced by
A) gymnosperms. B) ferns. C) angiosperms. D) seedless plants.
C) angiosperms.
65) Corn, peppers, tomatoes, and cucumbers all contain seeds and are derived from the ovary of a flowering plant. Therefore, in botanical terms, they are ________.
A) fruits. B) vegetables. C) sporophytes. D) seeds.
A) fruits.
66) Plants dependent on nocturnal pollinators typically have flowers that
A) absorb UV light. B) are small.
C) are large, light-colored, and highly scented. D) are located close to the ground and smell of rotting flesh.
C) are large, light-colored, and highly scented.
67) The main causes for the loss of plant biodiversity include
A) plant diseases and clearcutting of forests to create farmland. B) herbivory, logging, and air pollution.
C) clearcutting of forests to create farmland and logging. D) plant diseases and herbivory.
C) clearcutting of forests to create farmland and logging.
68) Heterotrophic eukaryotes that digest their food externally and absorb the small molecules are referred to as
A) bacteria. B) fungi. C) plants. D) multicellular algae.
B) fungi
69) The intimate, mutually beneficial association formed between a fungus and the root of a plant is called a(n)
A) ingrowth. B) mycorrhiza. C) hypha. D) mycelium.
B) mycorrhiza.
70) Threadlike fungal filaments are called
A) mycelia . B) hyphae. C) root hairs. D) mold.
B) hyphae.
71) A mushroom
A) is composed of many threadlike filaments called mycorrhizae.
B) is specialized to obtain most of the nutrients for the fungal mycelium.
C) is an independent stage in the alternation of generations of the fungal life cycle.
D) is an above-ground reproductive structure connected to a mycelium.
D) is an above-ground reproductive structure connected to a mycelium.
72) Which of the following structures is an essential part of most fungal reproductive systems?
A) gametangia B) cellulose C) seeds D) spores
D) spores
73) Fungi contact and absorb food through the ________, a branching network of ________.
A) mycelium . . . hyphae B) hyphae . . . mycelia
C) mycorrhiza . . . mushrooms D) mushroom . . . hyphae
A) mycelium . . . hyphae
74) About 90% of plants have mycorrhizae linking them to
A) chytrids. B) glomeromycetes. C) ascomycetes (sac fungi). D) basidiomycetes (club fungi)
B) glomeromycetes.
75) Fungal diseases common in ________ include ________ and ________.
A) plants . . . smuts . . . rusts B) animals . . . smuts . . . chytrids
C) plants . . . ringworm . . . coccidioidomycosis D) humans . . . rusts . . . vaginal yeast
A) plants . . . smuts . . . rusts
76) Gangrene, hallucinations, temporary insanity, and even death can result when humans consume grain infested with
A) corn smut .B) chytrids. C) coccidioidomycosis .D) ergots.
D) ergots.
77) What kind of entity is a lichen?
A) an association between a fungus and a brown alga
B) an association between a multicellular protist related to the brown algae and a bacterium
C) an association between a fungus and cyanobacteria or green algae
D) an association between a bryophyte and a fungus
C) an association between a fungus and cyanobacteria or green algae
78) You enjoy learning about history by traveling throughout North America studying gravestones. You notice that gravestones from 1900 and earlier usually host many types of lichens. But in one cemetery, lichens are entirely absent, even from old gravestones. Given what is known about lichens, the cemetery without lichens probably
A) has an unusually dry climate.
B) is subject to extremely cold winter temperatures.
C) gets a great deal of rain, which favors the growth of competing bacteria.
D) is close to a source of air pollution.
D) is close to a source of air pollution.
79) All animals
A) are prokaryotic. B) are heterotrophic.
C) have cell walls made of chitin. D) obtain food by absorption.
B) are heterotrophic.
80) Typical animal embryos have ________, or external cell layer, and ________, which lines the digestive tract.
A) an ectoderm . . . a blastula B) an ectoderm . . . an endoderm
C) an endoderm . . . an ectoderm D) a mesoderm . . . a gastrula
B) an ectoderm . . . an endoderm
81) Animals probably evolved from
A) plants. B) protists. C) fungi. D) bacteria.
B) protists.
82) Most of the animals alive today
A) are vertebrates. B) are invertebrates.
C) are choanoflagellates. D) are really colonies of protist cells.
B) are invertebrates.
83) Which of the following animals displays radial symmetry?
A) a worm B) a sea anemone C) a fish D) a lobster
B) a sea anemone
84) A true coelom is best described as
A) the space between the ectoderm and the endoderm.
B) a body cavity that is fully lined by tissue derived from the mesoderm.
C) a body cavity that is lined by tissues derived from the mesoderm on one side and the endoderm on the other.
D) any body cavity that functions to cushion the internal organs and give them space for growth and movement.
B) a body cavity that is fully lined by tissue derived from the mesoderm.
85) A dog's head is at its ________ end and its belly is its ________ surface.
A) posterior . . . dorsal B) anterior . . . dorsal
C) posterior . . . ventral D) anterior . . . ventral
D) anterior . . . ventral
86) In protostomes,
A) the opening formed during gastrulation becomes the mouth.
B) the opening formed during gastrulation becomes the anus.
C) there is no body cavity. D) there is no endoderm.
A) the opening formed during gastrulation becomes the mouth.
87) Which of the following statements about deuterostomes is true?
A) Deuterostomes lack true tissues.
B) Deuterostomes have only two tissue layers.
C) The opening that forms during deuterostome gastrulation becomes the anus.
D) The opening that forms during deuterostome gastrulation becomes the mouth.
C) The opening that forms during deuterostome gastrulation becomes the anus.
88) Which of the following are not included among the Eumetazoans, which have true tissues?
A) sea stars (Echinodermata) B) earthworms (Annelida)
C) sea anemones (Cnidaria) D) sponges (Porifera)
D) sponges (Porifera)
89) Which of the following are not included among the Bilateria, a clade of animals with bilateral symmetry at some stage of development?
A) sea stars (Echinodermata) B) earthworms (Annelida)
C) sea anemones (Cnidaria) D) octopus (Mollusca)
C) sea anemones (Cnidaria)
90) The ________ is a flagellated cell that sweeps water through a sponge's body.
A) choanocyte B) amoebocyte C) spicule D) spongin
A) choanocyte
91) A typical sponge is best described as
A) a slow-moving suspension feeder with a true coelom. B) a sessile suspension feeder with bilateral symmetry.
C) a slow-moving carnivore with no true tissues or symmetry.
D) a sessile suspension feeder with no true tissues or body symmetry.
D) a sessile suspension feeder with no true tissues or body symmetry.
92) Which of the following statements regarding cnidarians is true?
A) Cnidarians have three true tissue layers.
B) The digestive and circulatory compartment of cnidarians is called the gastrovascular cavity.
C) The more stationary cnidarian body form, which is cylindrical with a ring of tentacles, is the medusa.
D) Cnidarians are herbivores and can be destructive grazers on seaweeds.
B) The digestive and circulatory compartment of cnidarians is called the gastrovascular cavity.
93) Coral reefs are
A) shells of Mollusca that have been converted to rock by geological processes.
B) hard external skeletons secreted by coral animals (Cnidaria).
C) marine rocks that often are used as attachment places by Cnidaria.
D) hardened sugars that are secreted by algae.
B) hard external skeletons secreted by coral animals (Cnidaria).
94) While wading in the ocean, you look down into the water and notice an umbrella-shaped, translucent animal. It swims by pulsing its body, and long tentacles trail behind it. One of them brushes your leg. Ouch! You feel a burning sensation where it touched you. To what phylum does this creature probably belong?
A) Porifera B) Cnidaria C) Platyhelminthes D) Mollusca
B) Cnidaria
95) Flatworms (Platyhelminthes) are ________ and typically have ________.
A) radially symmetrical . . . no digestive system
B) bilaterally symmetrical . . . a gastrovascular cavity with one opening
C) bilaterally symmetrical . . . a complete digestive tract with a mouth and anus
D) all parasites . . . no digestive system
B) bilaterally symmetrical . . . a gastrovascular cavity with one opening
96) Tapeworms are similar to fungi in that
A) they have cell walls made of chitin. B) they are sessile autotrophs.
C) they feed by absorption. D) they inhabit marine, damp terrestrial, and freshwater habitats.
C) they feed by absorption.
97) A bilaterally symmetrical, wormlike animal that has a pseudocoelom, a complete digestive tract, and a cuticle could be a member of which one of the following phyla?
A) Cnidaria B) Annelida C) Nematoda D) Chordata
C) Nematoda
98) Which of the following is a typical characteristic of molluscs?
A) a gastrovascular cavity with only one opening B) a sessile lifestyle
C) an internal skeleton and segmented body plan D) a rasping organ called the radula
D) a rasping organ called the radula
99) Which mollusc group includes primarily sedentary animals that use mucus-coated gills to trap fine food particles?
A) cephalopods B) gastropods C) chitons D) bivalves
D) bivalves
100) Which adaptation is a key characteristic of annelids that greatly increases their flexibility and mobility?
A) complete digestive tract B) hydrostatic skeleton
C) segmentation D) three true tissue layers
C) segmentation
101) ________ are soil-dwellers; ________ are mostly marine; and ________ are mostly freshwater.
A) Earthworms . . . leeches . . . annelids B) Earthworms . . . leeches . . . polychaetes
C) Earthworms . . . polychaetes . . . leeches D) Polychaetes . . . earthworms . .
C) Earthworms . . . polychaetes . . . leeches
102) Animals that are segmented and have jointed appendages and an exoskeleton are members of the phylum
A) Platyhelminthes. B) Annelida. C) Cnidaria .D) Arthropoda.
D) Arthropoda.
103) The most numerous, diverse, and widespread animals are the
A) Arthropoda. B) Mollusca. C) Annelida. D) Chordata
A) Arthropoda.
104) Most adult insects have three major body parts or sections. They are the
A) head, body, and legs. B) head, thorax, and abdomen.
C) antennae, head, and abdomen. D) legs, wings, and body.
B) head, thorax, and abdomen.
105) Complete metamorphosis is considered to occur in a species
A) if the larva and adult have different diets.
B) if the larva and adult live in different habitats.
C) if a pupation stage separates the larval and adult stages.
D) if the adult has wings, but the larva does not.
C) if a pupation stage separates the larval and adult stages.
106) The symmetry of echinoderms generally includes
A) radially symmetrical larvae and adults. B) bilaterally symmetrical larvae and adults.
C) bilaterally symmetrical larvae and radially symmetrical adults. D) spherically symmetrical larvae and adults.
C) bilaterally symmetrical larvae and radially
107) Which of the following is a unique feature of echinoderms?
A) bilateral symmetry B) a water vascular system
C) radial symmetry D) a deuterostome pattern of development
B) a water vascular system
108) Which of the following phyla is most closely related to echinoderms?
A) Annelida B) Mollusca C) Arthropoda D) Chordata
D) Chordata
109) The flexible, longitudinal rod that is located between the digestive tract and the nerve cord in chordates is called the
A) spinal cord. B) notochord. C) dorsal, hollow nerve cord. D) spine.
B) notochord.
110) Which of the following features is unique to chordates?
A) bilateral symmetry B) a coelom C) a notochord
D) a complete digestive tract including an anus
C) a notochord
111) Which of the following is an invertebrate chordate?
A) lancelets B) snakes C) sharks D) sea urchins
A) lancelets
112) To be characterized as a chordate, an organism must
A) display all four key characteristics of Chordata in both the larval and adult stages.
B) possess a backbone in at least one life stage.
C) possess a backbone in both the larval and adult stages.
D) display each of the four key characteristics of the chordates at some point in the life cycle.
D) display each of the four key characteristics of the chordates at some point in the life cycle.
113) The duck-billed platypus and other monotremes differ from other mammals in that they
A) are aquatic. B) lay eggs. C) have mammary glands. D) have hair.
B) lay eggs.
114) Which of the following is characteristic of all vertebrates?
A) a skull and a backbone consisting of vertebrae B) a calcified (hard) skeleton and four legs
C) a hinged jaw D) lungs or lung derivatives
A) a skull and a backbone consisting of vertebrae
115) The vertebrate group that describes all jawed vertebrates with two pairs of limbs is the
A) craniates. B) amniotes. C) tetrapods. D) mammals.
C) tetrapods.
116) Craniates are chordates that all possess
A) a head. B) jaws. C) a vertebral column. D) amniotic eggs
A) a head.
117) Lampreys differ from fishes in that lampreys
A) lack a backbone. B) lack an endoskeleton.
C) lack jaws. D) possess a backbone and skull.
C) lack jaws.
118) A key derived character of sharks and rays that distinguishes them from ray-finned fishes is
A) jaws and a swim bladder. B) vertebrae.
C) calcified (hard) bones. D) a skeleton made of cartilage
D) a skeleton made of cartilage
119) Jaws appear to have evolved from
A) the fusion of many bony elements found in the skin of the neck region of jawless ancestors.
B) a large, bony shield that protruded from between the base of the pectoral fins.
C) modification of a disk of bones surrounding the mouth in lampreys.
D) skeletal rods that supported gill slits near the mouth.
D) skeletal rods that supported gill slits near the mouth
120) Unlike sharks and rays, ray-finned fishes have
A) an operculum. B) a lateral line system.
C) a flexible skeleton made of cartilage. D) hinged jaws.
A) an operculum.
121) Amphibians were diverse and abundant in the lush swamp forests of the ________, which is sometimes referred to as the age of the amphibians.
A) Cambrian period B) Pleistocene C) Mesozoic D) Carboniferous
D) Carboniferous
122) Which of the following adaptations allowed reptiles to complete their life cycles on land?
A) lungs B) ectothermic metabolism C) an amniotic egg D) four legs
C) an amniotic egg
123) Which animals are ectothermic?
A) frogs and mammals B) lizards and birds
C) turtles and lizards D) birds and mammals
C) turtles and lizards
124) Which of the following statements best summarizes the difference between ectothermic and endothermic organisms?
A) Ectotherms are warm-blooded, but endotherms are cold-blooded.
B) Endotherms are warm-blooded, but ectotherms are cold-blooded.
C) Endotherms control their temperature, but ectotherms have no control over their temperature.
D) Ectotherms absorb external heat, but endotherms use metabolic heat to maintain a warm, steady body temperature.
D) Ectotherms absorb external heat, but endotherms use metabolic heat to maintain a warm, steady body temperature.
125) Which of the following statements best describes the current scientific view of birds?
A) A group of feathered, endothermic dinosaurs that survived the Cretaceous mass extinction.
B) A group of feathered, ectothermic lizards that lack teeth.
C) A group of flying, endothermic reptiles that have lost teeth, the amniotic egg, and other heavy body features as an adaptation for flight.
D) A group of flying mammals that is derived from monotremes, which also lay amniotic eggs.
A) A group of feathered, endothermic dinosaurs that survived the Cretaceous mass extinction.
126) Which bird adaptation is probably less well-developed in flightless birds such as penguins and ostriches?
A) honeycombed bone structure B) amniotic egg C) vertebrae D) presence of feathers
A) honeycombed bone structure
127) Which of the following statements best describes how flight and feathers are related in the evolution of birds?
A) The first flying birds did not have feathers, which evolved later.
B) Feathers and flight evolved at the same time.
C) The first feathered ancestors to birds did not fly, but may have used their feathers for insulation and display.
D) Feathers are soft and do not leave fossils or fossil traces, so it is unknown which organisms first had feathers.
C) The first feathered ancestors to birds did not fly, but may have used their feathers for insulation and display.
128) Mammals
A) evolved from birds. B) all give birth to live young. C) all lay eggs.
D) have hair and mammary glands.
D) have hair and mammary glands.
129) Which part of the body is likely to be much more diverse in mammal fossils compared to those of other groups?
A) the teeth B) the structure of the vertebrae C) the structure of the limbs D) the jawbone
A) the teeth
130) Which of the following organisms is a marsupial?
A) echidna B) kangaroo C) whale D) zebra
B) kangaroo
131) Which of the following organisms is a monotreme?
A) echidna B) kangaroo C) whale D) zebra
A) echidna
132) The forward-facing eyes shared by all primates help them in
A) manipulating small objects. B) depth perception as they navigate through forests.
C) swinging from tree branches. D) seeing in the dark.
B) depth perception as they navigate through forests.
133) Which of the following animals is an ape?
A) New World monkey B) Old World monkey C) orangutan D) tarsier
C) orangutan
134) ________ are known to make and use simple tools.
A) Gibbons B) Gorillas C) Chimpanzees D) Old World monkeys
C) Chimpanzees
135) Our closest relatives, the ________, exhibit several behaviors that closely resemble those of humans.
A) orangutans B) gorillas C) chimpanzees D) baboons
C) chimpanzees
136) Human DNA and chimpanzee DNA
A) differ by about 1%. B) differ by about 3%. C) differ by more than 10%.
D) differ by the same amount that human DNA differs from orangutan DNA.
A) differ by about 1%.
137) According to the fossil record, the genus Homo first arose in
A) North America. B) Europe. C) Asia. D) Africa.
D) Africa.
138) Fossil and genetic evidence strongly support the idea that modern humans
A) independently arose from three different ancestral Homo species in Africa and Eurasia.
B) all derive from a single African lineage that spread from there into other parts of the world starting about 50,000 years ago.
C) derive from an African lineage but also have genes derived from mixing with several Eurasian descendants of Homo erectus.
D) derive from Neanderthals that independently evolved the features of modern humans in Europe and Africa.
B) all derive from a single African lineage that spread from there into other parts of the world starting about 50,000 years ago.