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182 Cards in this Set

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AMDR for Carbs
Blood leving the digestive system goes to what organ

The Liver
Animal polysaccharide composed of Glucose Units

Where is Glycogen stored

Muscle and Liver

What is the principle Carbohydrate of Milk


Atoms found in Glucose Molecule

carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen
Example of a monosacchardie


Disaccharide example

Result from regular ingestion of sugar

Tooth Decay

Primary organ that converts fructose to Glucose after absorption

Where are carbs absorbed

Small intestine

Insulin is created and released by what organ


What does Insulin do

Helps to lower blood glucose levels

Fiber rich meal will do what

slow the rise in blood glucose

Fatty acids differ in their degree of saturation or unsaturation due to what

Double Bonds

3 features of Bile acids

Stored in gallbladder

made from cholesterol

released into the intestine when fat is present


Made by the body, in the liver
HDL levels are increased with
unsaturated fats and increase in physical activity
Food group that contains a lot of saturated fat

Meat food group

Characteristics shared by Olive oil and Canola Oil

Both Contain high levels of Monosaturated Fatty Acids

Two essential fatty acids

Linoleic and Alpha Linolenic Acid

Partially hydrogenated oil changes from

Cis to Trans
AMDR for Protein

What differentiates one Amino from another

The Side group

What is meant by the Amino Acid Sequence of a protein

Order of appearance of Amino acids in the peptid chain

Feature of a Essential Amino Acid

Must be supplied by the diet

Complete Protein

Contains all 9 essential amino acids

Preferred functions of protein in the human body

Maintain fluid balance,

growth and maintence of new tissue

synthesis of many hormones

What is Denaturation

The process by which heat or acidity disrupts the normal shape of the protein Chain.

Which proteins are needed for the immune system


What is Protein Complementation

The process of combining 2 incomplete proteins to make a complete protein.

Protein absorption occurs where?

Small intestine


Results from a low protein diet


The biochemical reaction in the cells of the body
Preferred fuel for the body

Carbs and Fat


A genetic disease and an inability to metabolize phenylanine

Food Group that has the poorest source of Vitamin D

Poor sources of Vitamin B


Poor sources of Folate

Fat Soluble Vitamins

Vitamins A, D, E, and K

Vitamin C Deficiency

Reduced Collagen Synthesis
Protein, Bonds and Strength

Callagen is a Protein. Vitamin C is necessary to form Bonds that hold adjacent collagen strands together and give protein strength.

Why is Vitamin E needed in Red Blood Cells

Oxygen Concentrations in these cells are high


Vitamin D deficiency in children

Vitamin D is required for what

Maintain normal blood calcium and Phosphorus
Cells that are Vitamin A deficient

Cell differentiation

The process where immature cells change in structure to become specialized
Deficient in Vitamin K can cause what

Bleed to death, it causes abnormal blood coagulation
Which Vitamin is important for amino acid synthesis and protein metabolism


multivitamin recommended for

diet of less then 1200 calories a day
The best way to ensure you meet all your nutrient needs

Eat a variety of foods

Older adults need which supplements

Vitamin B12, D and Calcium

Dietary supplements are more or less strict compared to drugs

Less Strict

Vegetable oils are good sources of what vitamin

Vitamin E
Vitamin K is found where?

Meat, beans and Vegetables

Vitamin C Defcient causes what

What Vitamin prevents folate from being converted to its active form

Vitamin B12
Excessive Vitamin C can cause what
Diarrhea and can interfere with drugs prescribed to slow blood clotting

Who needs more Vitamin C


What can decrease the effectiveness of some medications


When is water drawn into capillaries?

What is this called

When intracellular concentrations of protein and sodium are high.


Water in the body is moved by what?

Blood Pressure

When blood pressure is __________the pressure created by osmosis, water is drawn back into the capillaries replacing fluids and electrolytes

Lower than

What is Osmosis

The diffusion of water in a direction that equalizes

WDoes Water regulate Blood Glucose


Core Temputure

Regulates body processes such as skin becoming red when it's hot


The amount of substance that is absorbed back into the blood after being filtered

High ADH levels

More water is excreted in the urine

Major Minerals

Needed in the diet in amounts greater then 100 milligrams a day
Absorption rate of Plant foods compared to animal foods
It is lower in Plant foods
What decreases the absorption of many minerals

Phytic Acid, Tannins and Oxalates

Which minerals help regulate fluid balance

Sodium, Potassium and choride

Not Magnesium

Which Minerals aid in transmission of nerve impulses and provide optimal muscle concentration

Calcium, sodium, potassium and chloride
hypertension caused by

High salt diet

Healthy Blood Pressure


How many years does a postmenapausal woman have bone loss

5 years

What happens to the parathyroid Hormone when blood calciums levels are low


What 2 minerals have a role in blood pressure regulation

Calcium and Magnesium

What mineral stabilizes ATP's Structure


Iron Deficiency Anemia sequence

Decrease in stored iron, low blood plasma iron

low hemoglobin concentration

Protein Molecule that transports Oxygen to the body cells

What causes a goiter

Iodine deficency

What happens when chromium is deficient

More insulin is required to produce the same effect on blood sugar

Where is the majority of water stored in the body


When does dehydration occur

When water loss exceeds Water intake
The Obesity Rate for Minorities Vs General population

Minorities have a greater Obesity rate
Having Excess body fat increases a persons risk of developing what 3 things

Heart disease, Gallbladder diease and Arthritus
A BMI of 26.5 is considered what?


Energy Expenditure greater than energy intake


Majority of Energy Expenditure is from

Basal Metabolism

Majority of BMI variation is from


What cells produce leptin


How many minutes of exercise to loose or maintain weight

60 min a day

Most common eating disorder

Binge Eating

BMI of 38KG is what


What is Diet Induced Thermogentic

The energy used to digest food and absorb and metabolize nutrients

What are the two body systems strengthen by aerobic exercise

Cardiovascular and Respiratory (Heart and Lungs)
What is the process of Hypertrophy

Stressing the muscles, causing them to adapt by increasing in size and strength

Overload Principle

Increasing the intensity as you get better

How many minutes of exercise to reduce risk of Chronic disease

30 Min

Exercise recommendations to maintain healthy weight are greater than or less than reducing risk of chronic disease

Greater Than

What happens to Maximum Heart rate with age

It decreases

The amount of ATP produced by ana and aerobic metabolism depends on what?

The availability of oxygen
What does increasing the amount of red blood cells do

It allows oxygen to be transported to the tissues

What increases the cellular ability to burn fatty acids

Aerobic Training
Do athletes need a multivitamin or supplement to meet vitamin and mineral needs


Foot Strike Hemolysis

Does not cause Anemia in runners

What percentage should maximum heart rate be during exercise


What is a result of regular exercise

Reduced Blood Pressure

What fuel has been depleted when an athlete hits the wall


What is the female athlete triad

Low body fat

eating disorder

reduced bone density

Hyponatremia in marathon runners is from

Drinking too much water and diluting the sodium

How does a fetus get nurished

Transfer of nutrients from the placenta
Which Trimester is morning sickness in

1st trimester
Pre eclampsia poses a danger to who

Baby and mother
Teratogens do the most damage when?

In the embryonic Stage

Pregnant women should stay away from


Pregnant teens are not at risk of developing what

Gestational Diabetes

How many calories a day are required from the mother each day

500 calories

Hormones present in breast milk make the baby grow larger quicker then formula


Which vitamin was added in 1998


What is the first milk produced by the breast called


Which nutrient is needed for the majority of an infats diet

When are infants ready for solid food


Energy and protein needs of children increase or decrease with age

AMDR for children vs Adults

Carbs is the same, Fat and protein higher

What age do boys and girls nutrient needs change

Age 9

What are the complications of childhood obesity

Depression, bad cholesterol, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes

What is the percentage of Obese children


What causes dental Caries or tooth decay

A diet high in sugary foods, and prolonged contact between sugar and bacteria from sipping on juice

What causes hyperactivity
Caffeine, overstimulation, need for attention and lack of sleep and physical activity
What is a concern of low calcium intake in adolescents

Reduced level of Peak Bone Mass, developing osteaposis

Difference in Life expectancy and Healthy life expectancy

Last years of life restricted by disease and disability
Water intake as we age

It's the same but harder to obtain as we grow older
What cause Malnutrition in older people

Medicines, Physical changes, disease, economic and psychological and Social circumstances

How does food effect alcohol absorption

Food slows down the absorption of alcohol


Hazard analysis Critical control Point-A food safety system that focus on identifying and preventing hazards that cause food borne illness

Major cause of food borne illness

Caused by food contaminated with Pathogens such as bacteria, virus, molds
What is Food Irradition

Also known as Cold Pateurization, using radiation to kill contaminents

What is the purpose of Golden rice

To increase Vitamin A intake
Childhood Stunting

Produces smaller adults who have reduced work capacity.

Causes of Food insecurity


Nutrition transition
A series of changes in a diet, physical activity, health and nutrition that occurs as poor contries become more prosperous
What mineral is deficient in China, New Zealand and Russian federation


Age limit for WIC

5 years
What is an Ezyme

Protein Molecule that accelerates the rate of a chemical reaction
The transport of Nutrients across the cell membrane with a carrier Molecule is called what?

Active Transpot

The process of taking substances from the GI Tract into the interior of the body is called?

AMDR for Carbs


AMDR for Fat

What is the study of how Diet effects our genes

What is DRI Dietary Reference Intake

Recommendations for calories, nutrients and other food components consumed to stay healthy
Clumps of Sold material that accumulate in the gallbladder

Dietary Guidelines

Diet and lifestyle recommendations to promote health
Maximum Daily intake levels of a certain nutrient

Tolerable intakes
The process which food is broken down into smaller components to be absorbed


The order of Atoms to Organs

Atoms to Molecules to Cells to tissues to organs

What is the smallest for of life


How do starches and sugars enter the blood


Through the pancreatic Amylase Enzyme
What are Peyers Patches

Small masses of lymphatic tissue on the small intestine that prevents the growth of bacteria

AMDR for Protein


What is the Scientific Method

Observation, hypothesis, experiment, theory
The measure of Nutrients provided by food

Nutrient density

What is a peptic ulcer

An open sore on the upper small intestine, stomach linning or esophagus or
What is the percentage of blood directed to the skeletal muscles when exercising


Where does the majority of absorption happen

In the liver
How are ingredients listed on a food package
Ingredients presented in prominence of their weight, highest qty goes first
What cells produce Leptin

Protein present in a food, seen by the body as a foreign substance causes what

Food Allergies

BMI of 28KG


What is the nutrient intake above or below

optimal called


Using gender, age, weight, height and activity level to formulate the average energy intake values predicted to maintain body weight is called


Estimated Energy Requirements

What is used to translate nutrient intake

recommendations into food choices

Food Guides
What is a nutrient that must be consumed

Essential Nutrient
What is the unit of measure that calculates the amount of energy provided by food


What is fortification

The process of adding nutrients to food

What are the substances in plant based foods called


What are empty calories called

Discretionary Calories
The base that neutralizes the acid in the Chymen (small intestine)

Carbs, fats, protein, water and alcohol are what


Vitamins and minerals are


These functions are needed for Forming and maintain the body's structure,

Regulate Body Processes such as body temps, blood pressure and blood sugar

Nutrient Functions