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39 Cards in this Set

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When is the onset of puberty for females?
8.5 - 13 years
Pediculosis pubis
Severe perineal itching.
Excoriations and erythematous areas.
May see little dark spots.
May see nits (eggs) attached to hair.
Usu. localized to pubic area.
Occasionally in eyebrows/lashes.
Episodes of local pain, dysuria, fever.
Clusters of small, shallow vesicles
Surrounding erythema.
Erupts on genital areas/inner thigh.
Inguinal adenopathy/ Edema.
Labial ulcers in 1 - 3 days.
Virus goes dormant but can recur.
Syphilitic Chancre
Begins as small, solitary silvery papule.
Erodes to a red, round superficial ulcer w/yellow serous dischage.
Nontender, indurated base.
Can be lifted like a button.
Nontender lymphadenopathy.
Contact dermatitis
Allergen contact.
Red, swollen vesicles.
Lesions may weep, crust, scale, thicken skin.
Excoriations from scratching.
Painless, warty growths
Pink/soft, pointed, moist papules.
Can be cauliflower-like
Occur around vulva, introitus, anus, vagina, cervix.
Bartholin's Gland Abscess
Local pain, can be severe
Overlying skin red, shiny, hot.
Posterior part of labia swollen.
Palpable fluctuant mass and tenderness.
Mucosa shows red spot @ site of duct opening.
Requires incision/drainage/anti-Bs.
Dysuria, burning sensation.
Palpation of anterior vaginal wall shows erythema, tenderness.
Induration along urethra.
Purulent discharge from meatus.
Caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae, chlamydia, or staph.
Urethral Caruncle
Tender, painful w/urination.
Urinary frequency, hematuria.
Dyspareunia or maybe asymptomatic.
Small, deep red mass protruding from meatus.
Usu. secondary to urethritis/skenitis.
May bleed on contact.
Feeling pressure in vagina.
Stress incontinence.
With straining, introitus widens and will see presence of a soft, round anterior bulge.
Bladder (covered by vaginal mucosa) prolapses into vagina.
Feeling of pressure in vagina, possibly constipation.
W/straining, introitus widens and will see presence of a soft, round posterior bulge.
Part of rectum, (covered by vaginal mucosa) prolapses into vagina.
Uterine prolaps
W/straining/standing, uterus protrudes into vagina.
Nontender, non-fluctuant, smooth hemisphere.
May cause a broad-based gait.
What are the grades of a prolapsed uterus?
1st: Cervix appears @ introitus w/straining
2nd: Cervix bulges outside introitus w/straining
3rd: Cervix whole uterus protrudes even w/out straining (inside out)
HPV (Condylomata)
Virus can appear as abnormal white epithelium on cervix.
Polyp (cervical)
May have mucoid discharge/bleeding
Bright red, soft, pedunculated growth emerges from os.
Benign lesion (det. by biopsy).
May be lined w/squamous/columnar epithelium.
DES Syndrome
Prenatal exposure, causes cervical/vaginal abnormalities not apparent til adolescence.
Red, granular patches of columnar epthelium extend beyond normal squamocolumnar junction onto cervix and fonices (vag. adenosis).
Cervical abnormalities: Circular groove, transverse ridge, protuberant anterior lip, cockscomb formation.
Causes infertility, ectopic pregnancy, spontaneous abortion, preterm labor.
Bleeding betw menstrual periods / after menopause.
Unusual vaginal discharge.
Chronic ulcer/induration -- early signs.
Dx by Pap smear/biopsy.
Bluish cervix -- Cyanosis
Occurs during pregnancy (normal).
Called "Chadwick's Sign"
Erosion of cervix
Lips inflamed/eroded.
Reddened granular surface is superficial inflammation.
No ulceration.
Usu. secondary to purulent/mucopurulent discharge.
Biopsy needed to disting. from carcinoma.
Atrophic vaginitis
Opportunistic infection r/t chronic estrogen deficiency.
Postmenopausal vaginal itching.
Dryness, burning sensation, dyspareunia, mucoid discharge flecked with blood.
Pale mucosa w/abraded areas that bleed easily.
Intense pruritus.
Thick whitish discharge.
Vauva/vagina erythematous/edematous.
Dx by microscopic exam.
What are predisposing causes of candidiasis?
Oral contrcaptives
More alkaline vaginal pH (as w/menstruation, postpartum, meopause)
Pregnancy (incr. glycogen/diabetes).
Pruritus, water and stinky discharge.
Urinary frequency, terminal dysuria.
Worse during menstruation.
Vulva erythematous.
Vagina diffusely red, granular, occasionally w/red, raised papules.
Frothy, yellow-green, foul-smelling.
Microscopic exam.
Bacterial vaginosis
Profuse discharge, constant wetness, fishy odor.
Thin, creamy gray-white, malodorous discharge.
No inflammation on vag wall/cervix
Surface parasite
Vag pH > 4.5
Microscopic exam
Minimal/no symptoms
May have Urinary freq., Dysruria, vag discharge, postcoital bleeding.
May have yellow/gree mucopurulent discharge.
Friable cervix.
Cervical motion tenderness
Easily confused with Gonorrhea.
Wrong tx can cause chlam to ascend to cause PID.
Most common STD
Vagianal discharge, dysuria, abnormal uterine bleeding, abscess in Bartholin's or Skene's glands.
Often asymptomatic.
Dx by positive culture.
Myomas (Uterine fibroids)
Varies, depending on size/location.
Often asymptomatic.
Vague discomfort, bloating, heaviness, pelvic pressure, dyspareunia, urinary freq, backagche, hypermenorrhea.
Uterus irregularly enlarged, firm, mobile, nodular w/hard, painless nodules in uterine wall.
Heavy bleeding produces anemia.
Usu benign.
Highest incidence between age 30-45 years, in Blacks.
Estrogen dependent.
Usu regress post-menopause.
Surgery may be indicated.
Carcinoma of endometrium
Abnormal and intermenstrual bleeding before menopause.
Postmenopausal bleeding or mucosanguinous discharge.
Pain/weight loss occur -- late signs.
Uterus may be enlarged.
Dx w/endometrial tissue sample.
What are risk factors for endometrial carcinoma?
Early menarch, late menopause, history in infertility, failure to ovulate, tamoxifen, unopposed estrogen therapy, obesity
Cyclic/chronic pelvic pain.
Irregular uterine bleed or hypermenorrhea.
May be asymptomatic
Uterus fixed, tender to movement.
Small, firm nodular masses tender to palpation on posterior aspect of fundus, uterosacral ligaments, ovaries, sigmoid colon.
Often ovaries are enlarged.
What is the cause of endometriosis
Aberrant growths of endometrial tissue scattered throughout pelvis, probably as a result of transplantation of tissue by retrograde menstruation.Extopic tissue responds to hormone stimulation, builds up between periods, sloughs during menstruation.
May cause infertility from pelvic adhesions, tubal obstruction, decr ovarian function.
Acute Salpingitis (PID)
Fever >38C or 100.4F
Suprapubic pain/tenderness
Acute: Rigid, boardlike lower adb musculature. May have purulent discharge fr cervix. Intense pain in lateral fonices/adnexa.
Chronic: Bilateral, tender, fixed adnexal masses.
What are the complications of PID?
Ectopic pregnancy
Usu caused by Neisseria gonoohoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis
Ectopic pregnancy
Amenorrhea/irregular vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain.
Softened cervix/fundus.
Moveent of cervix/uterus causes pain.
Palpable tender pelvic mass.
Mass is solid, mobile, unilateral.
Potential for serious sequelae (rupture, peritonitis)
Ovarian cyst
Usu. asymptomatic
Smooth, round, fluctuant, mobile, nontender mass on ovary.
Some resolve spontaneously w/in 60 days.
Follow closely. Can rupture.
Ovarian cancer
May have abdominal pain, pelvic pain, increased abd size, bloating, nonspecific GI symptoms.
May be asymptomatic.
May palapte solid tumor on ovary.
Heavy, solid, fixed, poorly defined mass suggests malignancy.
Benign mass may feel mobile/solid.
Biopsy to distinguish.
Ambiguous genitalia.
Congenital, resulting from hyperplasia of adrenal glands (too much androgen).
Masculinized external genitalia.
What can bulging of the vaginal wall indicate?
Cystocele, rectocele, or uterine prolapse
The cervix may appear nulliparous/parous after childbirth.
Parous (slit, slightly open)