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32 Cards in this Set

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advanced horticultural societies
societies with irrigation systems and other advanced farming practices
agarian societies
complex societies with farming, armies, merchants, and concentration of wealth in the hands of a few people
caste system
a system of stratification in which one's social position at birth, one's value is assessed in terms of religious or traditiona beliefs, and in which upward social mobility is impossible
class conciousness
awarnes among members of that the society is stratified
class system
a system of stratification found in industrial societies in which one's class is determined by one's wealth vertical social mobility is possible
closed system
a system of stratification in which there is no movement from one rank to another
division of labor
a situation in which some people do certain specialized occupations
downward mobiity
a move to a position of lower rank in the stratification system
estate system
a system of stratification in which one's social position is ascribed by law or through inheritence
false concioousness
lack of awarness of class differences and acceptance of upper-class rule
hunting -and-gathering societies
small, often nomadic societies that have no agriculture and live on food that is found
A set of ideas about what society is like, how it functions, whether i is good or bad, and how it should be changed
industrial societies
societies with great division of labor, high specialized work, and a great concentration of wealth
differences between groups in wealth, status, or power
intergenerational mobility
a change of social position or rank , up or down, from one generation to the next, such as when children have a higher status than their parents
intrageberational mobility
a change of social position or rank, up or down, within one's own lifetime
to make the power of the dominant group acceptable to the masses so the let the dominant group rulw without question
life chances
the opportunities a person has to improve his or her income and lifestyle
mechanical solidarity
the idea of Durkheim in which people do similar work but are not very dependent on one another (in contrast to organic solidarity, in which people are very dependent on others)
open system
a system of stratification in which it is possible to move to a higher or lower position
organic solidarity
Durkhein's term for the intergration of society that results from the division of labor
having fewer resources than are required to meet the basic necessities or llife. Rates are usually based in a governement index of income relative to size of family and farm/nonfarmresidence
the ability to control or influence the behavior of others, even without their consent
simple hoticultural societies
societies that grow food using very simple tools , such as digging sticks
slave system
a system of startification in which one's position was ascribed at borth and based on race
social class
a category of people who have approximatly ithe same amount of power and wealth and the same life chances to acquire wealth
social differntiation
the differnence or variation of people based on selected social characteristic such as class, gender, race, or age
social status
the amount of honor and prestige a perso receives from others in the community; also the position one occupies in the stratification system
social stratification
The ranking of people according to their wealth, prestigw, or party position
socioeconomic status
An assessment of status that takes into account a person's income, education, and occupation
split labor market
a labor market in whch some jobs afford upward mobility and others do not
upward mobility
movement in the stratification system to a position of greater wealth, status, and power