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36 Cards in this Set

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Visceral Motor System
another name for the Autonomic nervous system
automatic and involuntary functions
What does the ANS control
Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Divisions
what two divisions is the ANS comprised of
maintains homeostasis
what does the parasympathetic division do
prepares for stressful situations (fight or flight)
what does the sympathetic division do
Cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and Glands both endocrine and exocrine
motor neurons in the ANS innervate what type of structures
organized in a two neuron chain between the CNS and the effector (target) organ
how are motor neurons organized in this system
preganglionic neuron and it is found in the CNS
What is the name of the first motor neuron and where is it found
Postganglionic neuron and it is found in a ganglion in the PNS
What is the name of the second motor neuron and where is it found
in the spinal cord levels T1-L2
where does the sympathetic division (thoracolumbar outflow) originate
intermediolateral cell column (IML)
where are the preganglionic nerve cell bodies located
vental spinal nerve roots to enter spinal nerves T1-L2
where do the preganglionic nerve fibers exit the CNS and to do what
white communicating rami (14 pairs) associated with spinal verves T1-L2
what structue do the preganglionic nerve fibers pass through and what is this structure associated with
synapse with post ganglionic neurons at eh same level
preganglionic nerve fibers enter the sympathetic chain ganglia to
ascend to a higher level or descend to a lower level to synapse
preganglionic nerve fibers enter the sympathetic chain ganglia to
continue on to a collateral ganglion in the abdominal or pelvic cavity before synapsing
preganglionic nerve fibers enter the sympathetic chain ganglia to
bilateral structures located adjacent to (parallel) the vertebral column
what makes up the sympathetic chain ganglia
extends vertically from the base of the skull to the coccyx
what does the sym. chain ganglia extend to
white communicating rami
how does the symp. chain ganglia (preganglionic) connect to spinal nerves T1-L2 (14)
gray communicating rami
how does the symp. chain ganglia (postganglionic) connect to all spinal nerves (31)
Sensory neuron GVA
Connecting neuron (in spinal cord)
2 motor neurons GVE incuding pre and postganglionic neurons
what are the components of a Visceral Reflex Arc
brain stem motor nuclei associated with CN III, VII, XI, X
where do the preganglionic neurons in the PARAsympathetic division originate from
4 paprasymp. ganglia that is in conjuction with preganglionic nerve fibers that are distributed to the cranial region
CN III, VII (two ganglia) IX are associated with what in the parasymp.
the thoracic and abdominal viscera via the CN X. These fibers synapse in the walls of target organs
where are the preganglionic nerve fibers also distributed
contained entirely within the walls of the target organs
where are short postganglionic nerve fibers contained
what spinal cord levels are associated with the sacral portion
to enter the pelvic splanchic nerves (nervi erigentes)
why do the preganglionic nerve fibers exit the CNS via ventral spinal nerve roots of S2-S4
the pelvic viscera and external genitalia
where are the pelvic splanchic nerves distributed
short postganglionic neurons
what do preganglionic fibers synapse with in the wall of the target organs
walls of target organs
where are the postganglionic neurons contained entirely
what are the chemicals released at synapses between pre and postganglionic neurons and between postganglionic neurons and effector organs
POST- Acetylcholine
in the parasymp. division what neurotransmitters are assoc. with pre and postganglionic neurons
PRE- Acetylcholine
Post- Norepinephrine (epinephrine)- chemical used in the drug ADRENALINE
in the symp. division what neurotransmitters are assoc with pre and postganglionic neurons
PRE AND POST- acetylcholine
in the symp. division in the sweat glands what neurotransmitter are assoc with pre and post
in the symp. division in the adrenal gland what neurotransmitter is released directly into the blood stream
releases epinephrine straight into the blood stream. It is an endocrine gland and it is only supplied by 1 neuron which is an exception to the rule
what is unique about the adrenal gland