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23 Cards in this Set

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Origin of Species, in two sentences.

- All organisms have descended, with modification, from common ancestors

-The mechanism for modification is Natural Selection acting on variation that already exists in nature

Mayr's Synopsis of the Origin of Species (three inferences)

- Production of more individuals than the environment can support leads to a "struggle for existence"

-Survival is not random but depends on the hereditary makeup of surviving individuals

-Differential reproductive success leads to population changes; favorable traits accumulate over time

Five observations that lead to Mayr's inferences regarding the Origin of Species

- All species have high reproductive potential

- Populations tend to remain stable

- Environmental resources limited

- Individuals of a population vary in their characteristics

-Much variation is inherited


A fossil with both bird and reptile characteristics. Famous at the time of Darwin, many thought it was a fake.

Who proved extinction was real, and by studying which animal?

Cuvier; Irish Elk Fossils

Law of Succession (Clift, Darwin)

There will be greater similarities between fossil and extant taxa from the same geographical region, especially if the animal cannot swim or fly


No longer functional (as observed in most other organisms)

Trend between olfactory receptor genes and visual acuity

As visual acuity increases (in monkeys), the percent of fossilized olfactory receptor genes decreases

Homology versus Analogy

Homology = similarity from shared ancestry

Analogy = similarity that does not come from decent

Evidence for Evolution includes (5 categories)

-behavioral data (observing animals)

-morphological data (studying changes of animal morphology, such as butterfly wings)

-Morphology & Homology

-Embryological data

-molecular genetic data


Loss of Function alleles; usually lethal when homozygous, but not always!

Longest-running ecological plot

The Morrow Plots; Illinois Long Term Selection Experiment


Wolbachia, perhaps the most common and widespread intracellular bacterium on Earth, can manipulate the physiology and reproduction of its hosts (example: butterflies in the Samoan islands)

HIV co-receptor on t-cells


HIV co-receptor on macrophages


Cutoff point of when you have "AIDS"

200 t-cells per cubic mm


Mimic thiamine, gets incorporated by most versions of reverse transcriptase, and prevents train elongation

Best treatment for HIV

HAART (Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy) Regimes

HIV's pg120 protein binds to ? plus coreceptor on the host cell



32 bp deletion of the CCR5 gene that makes you immune to HIV (when homozygous)

When did HIV first jump to humans?



change within a species


Any change the occurs above species