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40 Cards in this Set

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What are the four foundations of the Middle Ages?

Roman, Greek, Barbarian, Catholic

This person united the Franks, then converted to cathloicism


Who was the founder of the Carolingian Empire


Who were Saint Patrick, Benedict, and Boniface

Missionaries who spread Catholicism

What were the three jobs of the middle ages?

Prayers, fighters, and workers

What is Manorialism?

peasants of medieval Europe were rendered dependent on their land and on their lord

What is Feudalism?

nobility held lands from the Crown in exchange for military service, and vassals were in turn tenants of the nobles

In Feudalism, what did the Nobles owe the vassals and vise versa?

The Nobles owed the vassals land, labor, and produce in return of protection

What were the Crusades?

Wars directed by the Church to take back Jerusalem

What is Excommunication?


What's the Black Death?

A bubonic plague of the 1300s killing 75-200 million

What is the Holy inquisition?

The killing of all citizens suspected of heresy towards the Catholic church

What is the Oath of Fealty commit?

vassals would swear allegiance to their lord, this prevented revolts

What is the Reconquista?

World's longest war, a series of battles between the Christians the the Muslims for the control of Spain

Who were Saladin and Pope Urban II?

Saladin was a Muslim leader who conquered Syria and Egypt while Pope Urban II called for the First Crusade

Two types of Guilds

Merchant Guilds, Craft Guilds

What was the Hundred Years War?

War between France and Britain over the French throne

Why did the renaissance start in Italy?

Italy was the center of trade, and was wealthy

What are Humanism and Secularism

Redirection of focus from God to man

What were Michelangelo's best-known works?

Sistine Chapel, Pieta, Sculpture of David

What were da Vinci's best-known works?

Mona Lisa, Virtuvian Man, The Last Supper

What is Christendom?

The unification of Europe under the Christian church.

What was the Babylonian captivity?

forced detention of Jews in Babylonia

What is the Great Schism

The Separation of Church into Eastern Orthodox and Western Roman Catholic

30 years war?

Deadly battles between Protestant and Catholic states within the HRE

Edict of Nantes?

Doctrine signed by Henry IV of France granting Huguenots(French Calvinists) rights

What is annulment?

Pushed back as if it never happened

What is the Council Of Trent?

A council in Northern Italy made to counter the Protestant Reformation

What is The Society of Jesus?

Members called Jesuits promoted the church in retreats

Who is the founder of The Society of Jesus?

Ignatius of Loyaola

What was the Royal Family and Religion of Austria?

Hapsburg, Catholic

What was the Royal Family and Religion of Prussia?

Hohenzollern, Protestant

What was the Royal Family and Religion of France?

Bourbon, Catholic

What was the Royal Family and Religion of Spain?

Hapsburg, Catholic

What was the Royal Family and Religion of England?

Tudor, Catholic/Anglican


Belief in the benefits of trading

What is a Balance of Power?

The thought that no country or group of countries is dominant of the others

Who is Jean Domat?

Explained the theory behind Royal Absolutism

What were Raphael's best-known works?

School of Athens

What were Shakespeare's best-known works?

Romeo and Juliet