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33 Cards in this Set

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inability to smell
fluid discharge from ear
difficulty swallowing
painful swallowing
sensation of a lump in the throat
ear pain (often referred from throat)
difficulty opening mouth
olfactory, optic, oculomotor, trochlear, trigeminal, abducens, facial, vestibulocochlear glossopharyngeal, vagus, accessory, hypoglossal
motor/sensory actions of CN I-VI
I- smell; II- sight (sensory pupil rxn); III- eyeball mvmt, pupil sphincter, ciliary muscle (motor pupil rxn); IV- superior oblique muscle mvmt; V- motor: chewing (masseter), sensory: face, teeth, sinuses, cornia; VI- lateral rectus muscle (lateral gaze)
motor/sensory actions of CN VII-XII
VII- motor: facial muscles, lacrimal/sublingual/submandibular glands, sensory: anterior tongue/soft palate, taste; VIII- hearing, positioning; IX- motor: stylopharyngeus, parotid, pharynx, sensory: post tongue, pharynx, middle ear; X- motor: vocal cords, heart, bronchus, GI tract, sensory: bronchus, heart, GI tract, larynx, ear; XI- trapezius, SCM; XII- tongue mvmt, strap muscles (ansa cervicalis branch)
what are the 3 divisions of the trigeminal nerve?
1. ophthalmic, 2. maxillary, 3. mandibular
what happens when the hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) is cut?
when the patient sticks out the tongue, it deviates to the same side as the injury (wheelbarrow effect)
name the duct of the submandibular gland
wharton's duct
name the duct of the parotid gland
stensen's duct
what is the source of blood supply to the nose?
1. internal carotid artery: anterior and posterior ethmoidal arteries via ophthalmic artery; 2. external cartoid artery: superior labial artery (via facial artery) and sphenopalatine artery (via internal maxillary artery)
name the 3 bones that make up the posterior nasal septum
1. ethmoid (perpendicular plate) 2. vomer (latin for plow) 3. palatine (some also include maxillary crest)
name the 7 bones of the boy eyeball orbit
frontal, zygoma, maxillary, lacrimal, ethmoid, palatine, sphenoid
name the 4 strap muscles
TOSS: thyrohyoid, omohyoid, sternothyroid, sternohyoid
which muscle crosses the external and internal carotid arteries?
digastric muscle
in a neck incision, what is the 1st muscle incised?
which nerve supplies the strap muscles?
ansa cervicalis (XII)
what are the anterior and posterior neck triangles?
2 regions of the neck, divided by the sternocleidomastoid muscle
name the 3 auditory ossicle bones
1. malleus (hammer) 2. incus (anvil) 3. stapes (stirrup)
which nerve runs with the carotid in the carotid sheath?
which nerve crosses the internal carotid artery at ~1-2cm above the bifurcation
hypoglossal nerve
what comprises the middle ear?
eustachian tube, ossicle bones, tympanic membrane (ear drum), mastoid air cell
what comprises the inner ear?
cochlea, semicircular canals, internal auditory canal
most common cause of croup
parainfluenza virus
most common cause of otitis externa
most common cause of epiglottitis
h. influenzae
most common cause of malignant otitis externa
most common cause of parotitis
most common cause of acute suppurative otitis media
s. pneumoniae (33%)