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68 Cards in this Set

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quest for colonial empires
Homestead Act
(1862) law to encourage settlement in the Est by giving government-owned land to small farmers
Rough Riders
U.S. cavalry unit in the Spanish-American war led by Theodore Roosevelt
Payments for damages and expenses in war
Federal Reserve Act
(1913) Act that created a national banking system to help the government control the economy
Laissez-faire Capitaism
Theory that opposes government regulation of economic matters
Gilded Age
name applied by Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner to late 1800s America to describe the corruption and greed that lurked below the surface of society
process by which 2 opposing sides allow a third party to settle a dispute
16th Amendment
Congress could levy taxes based on an individual's income
18th Amendment
barred manufacture, sale, and distribution of alcoholic beverages
Progressive Party
Bull Moose Party; reform party that ran Theodore Roosevelt for president in 1912
Open Door Policy
(1899) Declaration made by Security of State John Hay that stated that all nations should have equal access to trade and investment in China
Palmer Raids
(1919-20) raids ordered by U.S. attourney gerneral A. Mitchell Palmer on suspected radical organizations
young women in the 1920's who challenged social traditions with dress and behavior
collections of makshift shelters build by homeless people
National policy of avoiding involvement in the affairs of other nations
Model T
Low-cost automobile developed by Henry Ford in 1908
Volstead Act
(1919) Federal law that enforced the 18th amendment (prohibition)
Sacco and Vanzetti
accused of killing a man, controversy because they were Italian Separatists
Good Neighbor Policy
President Franklin D. Roosevelt's foreign policy of promoting better relations with Latin America mutual respect
Selective Training and Service Act
required that men between the ages 21 and 30 register with local draft boards
Rosie the Riveter
A promotion for women to work during World War II while men were at war
Deliberate annihilation of an entire people
Manhattan Project
Secret U.S. project begun in 1942 to develope an atomic bomb
Cold War
(1945-91) Long power struggle between the U.S. and S.U.; waged mostly on economic and political fronts, rather than on the battlefield
Brown v. Board of Education
(1954) Supreme Court case that declared "separate but equal" public schools unconstitutional
Marshall Plan
European Recovery Program; U.S. program of giving to European coutnries
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Law banning racial discrimination in the use of public facilities and in employment places
Americans who opposed the Vietnam War
Policy followed by the Nixon administration of gradually turning over all the fighting in the Vietnam War to the South Vietnamese Army
Domino Theory
Cold War belief that if one nation in Southeast Asia fell to Communism, the rest of Southeast Asia would also fall
Bay of Pigs
uprising led by Fidel Castro to overthrow the Cuban dictator
Opreation Rolling Thunder
U.S. bombing campaign during the Vietnam War
Agent Orange
A widely used chemical in the bombing and destruction of the Vietcong
Convoy System
use of armed vessels to escort unarmed merchant vessels transporting troops, supplies, or volunteers through the North Atlantic during WWI
Cluster bombs
bombs used during the Vietnam War that had shards of glass and sharp objects that were released when the bomb exploded
Black Nationalism
movement to create a new political state for Americans in Africa
chemicals that strip land of vegetation
Trench Warfare
WWI military strategy of defending a position by fighting from the protection of deep ditches
political theory that proposes individual ownership should not be allowed, but rather all people should collectively own property and the means of production
Populist Party
People's Party; national political party formed in 1892 that supported a graduated income tax, bank regulation, gov. ownership of some companies, restrictions on immigration, shorter work days, and voting reform
Gifford Pinchot's term describing the need to protect the counytry's natural environment
17th Amenment
gave voters power to elect their Senators directly
19th Amendment
granted women full voting rights
Sphere of Influence
region where a particular coutry has exclusive rights over mines, railroads, and trade
British passenger liner torpedoed by German U-boat
Red Scare
Period of anticommunist hysteria; swept the United Statesafter WWI
Instalment Plans
ways of purchasing goods in which the consumer pays for goods in small increments over time
Black Tuesday
October 29,1929; the day stock market crashed' contributed to the Great Depression
New Deal
President FDR's programs for helping the U.S. economy during the Great Depression
Margin Buying
purchasing stock with borrowedmoney
Bonus Army
Group of WWI veterans who marched on Washington D.C. in 1932 to demand the immediate payment of their pension bonuses
WWII Axis Powers
Military alliance formed by Italy and Germany in 1936; later joined by Japan
Giving in to an agressor to avoid conflict
Battle of Iwo Jima
(1945) 6-week struggle fo control of a key Pacific island resulted in an allied victory
Zoot-Suit Riot
(1943) series of attacks by U.S. sailors against Mexican Americans in Los Angeles
Japanese suicide planes during WII
Yalta Conference
(1945) Meeting of FDR, Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin to plan for the postwar world
Berlin Airlift
(1948-49) Operation in which Britain and U.S. planes carried food and supplies to West Berlin, which was cut off by a Soviet Blockade
Truman Doctrine
(1947) President Harry S. Truman's policy stating that the U.S. would help any country fighting against communism
Civil Rights Act of 1957
Law that made it a federal crime to prevent qualified persons from voting
Americans who supported the Vietnam War
Tonkin Gulf Resolution
(1964) Congressional measure that gave President Lyndon B. Johnson the authority to wage war in Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh Trail
Network of jungle paths from Noth Vietnam through Laos and Cambodia and into South Vietnam; was the major supply route of the Vietcong
War Powers Act
(1973) Legislation tht reaffirmed Congress's constitutional power to declare war; set a 60-day limit on the presidential commitment of U.S. troops to foreign conflicts
Cuban Missile Crisis
(1962) Standoff between the U.S. and S.U. in which the Soviets agreed to remove missles from Cuba if the U.S. promised not to invade the island; followed by and easing of Cold War tensions
Ted Offensive
(1968) Attack by North Vietnamese and Vietcong troops against South Vietnam during Vietnam war; demonstrated that North Vietnamese were still strong
flammable gel used in bombs during the vietnam war