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32 Cards in this Set

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Used to separate closely related independent clauses, items in a series with a comma separation, and independent clauses joined by conjunctive adverbs.
Second noun or noun equivalents that give additional information about a preceding noun.
Non-essential clause
A clause unnecessary to the meaning of the sentence. Commas around it.
essential dependent clause
A clause that can not stand on its own in a sentence, contains essential information
Coordinate adjectives
A noun modifier that is presented before it, and modifies it individually.
Non-coordinate adjectives
Adjectives together modify the noun and cannot be separated. Do not use commas.
Used to indicate the omission of a letter or letters from a word. Can demonstrate Ownership, authorship, duration, or similar
Complex sentence
Made up of an independent and another dependent clause.
compound sentence
Contains two independent clauses.
coordinate adjectives
Precede a noun and modify it individually.
Non-essential information
The writers details within a peice of literature that does not effect the meaning of the sentence or clause.
Names of people, places, things , qualities or conditions.
Word that describes, identifies, modifies, or quantifies a noun or pronoun.
A word that modifies the meaning of a verb, most end in "ly", Although it does occur in other forms.
Noun that receives the verb's action.
The paraphrasing/rephrasing of a preceding noun or phrase.
A word that expresses action, a state of being or feeling, or a relation between two things. e.g: John peeled the orange.
Is substituted in pace of a noun
Personal Pronouns
The reference to people as animals things or places.
Interrogative Pronouns
Pronouns that introduce questions to the sentence structure.
Action Verb
A verb that conveys an action.
Linking Verb
Verb that links the subject to the predicate.
Verb Phrase
A phrase that consists of one central verb, and other helping verbs.
Auxiliary Verb (helping)
Combines with main verb to help express a condition, necessity, probability etc.
A "joiner" that functions in the joining of equal grammatical units, like nouns, verbs, and independent clauses to each other.
Complete Sentence
Group of words that contains a subject and a predicate and that needs nothing else to complete it.
Group of two or more words that lacks a subject and a predicate.
Group of words that contains a subject and a predicate.
Independent clause
Able to stand on its own as a complete sentence.
Complete Sentence
Group of words that includes a subject and a predicate. Group of words that expresses a single thought.
Run-On Sentences
Writer follows the firs independent clause with a second one, with no punctuation to separate them.
Comma Splice ***
Incorrect use of a comma alone to join two independent clauses.